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Question for vampire luvers

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
I'm revising a novel of mine which seems to be creeping toward the supernatural vampire side of horror. It's a young adult supernatural romance (might change to horror romance, depending on how much terrifying-horror, and all-out-gross horror I throw into the mix, but that's irrelevant to my question) with a bit of a RomeoxJuliet feel to it. Just a bit, though. The female protag and the male protag have a history together and they kinda sorta like each other a lot and kinda sorta hook up, but there's always the wedge between them that they're not of the same species, so they don't get THAT into the romance thing. If they had facebook (which I think I'll work into the novel just for lulz) they'd put their relationship status as 'complicated'. XD You get the idea.
There isn't a happily ever after for either them, anyway.

My question is, what title would you give a story like this?
I have a title for it but it's a working title. I'm not satisfied with it. So I was hoping someone here might have a couple of really good ideas for a title. Help if you can please?


Oldschool DMC fan
We'd probably need to know more about the characters and story to be able to give a title... yeah? Most book's titles refer directly to something in the story, either an event, place, object or person.


The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
What is your working title? Perhaps it's in the right direction but it isn't strong enough. And as Lexy said, I know nothing more than a few details you posted. I'd like to know a bit more so I could think on something.

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
Thanks for offering to help out guys :)

I'm REALLY bad with :mad:synopsis:mad:, so I'm just going to explain the storyline my way.

My MFC has been 'haunted' by evil mythical creatures since she was a child, so when she hits her teens, she has this 'bad streak' in her, which gives her a negative rep at school for being difficult and rebellious and dangerous (to an extent).

So one day, she gets tricked/lured into this 'other' world by the creatures of the dark. Which is basically anything mythical such as witches (well... they're not so mythical since I'm basing them off the zulu's back home - scary stuff, seriously), ghouls, shapeshifters/werewolves, the Naga, demons, the inevitable vampires (inspired by John Ajvide Lindqvist's vampire, so not for the faint-hearted), a few zombies, etc etc etc. There's big hoo-haa when it becomes common knowledge that a human is in their midst, but she ends up surviving/running/hiding, whatever to save her skin, by creating alliances with certain members of their society (and then of course her guardian also has a role to play in keeping her alive).

Eventually she manages to find her way back to her world, but on her return she realises that in the couple of years that she'd been gone, her family had packed up and relocated to another area. She tracks down her family but she's still tormented by these creatures manifesting in every way they can, whenever and wherever they can. Because obviously she now knows a bit too much about their world, oh, and she locked them out of her world with a key, so they're out for her blood (or out to drive her crazy and ruin the rest of her life until they CAN kill her).

That's the general subplot throughout the book. The main plot revolves around my MFC becoming suspicious of the mysterious and weird groupie her sister hangs out with, until she finally gets her head out of the gutter and tries to get her life back on track by doing normal things, like making friends and going to school and such. Oh, and sleeping at night.

But when she meets the groupie her sister is involved with and realises that her sister is obsessing over this vampire guy, the main conflict of the book revolves around my MFC's hatred for their kind, and my MMC's (the vampire) very weird attraction/admiration for her, and of course the little sister's conflict/competition with my MFC. Sorta like a love triangle of sorts.

So eventually little sister is manipulated by these creatures to steal the key from MFC and so she's abducted by these creatures. This is the turning point in the novel where MFC and MMC end up having to work together to get little sister back, and keep themselves from being turned into demon-sushi, and afterward when things pan out, MFC becomes fond of MMC.

That's the general idea. The novel ends where MMC heroically sacrifices himself to save MFC, but it doesn't really work and MFC ends up dying anyway. There is a light at the end of the tunnel, but I'm not giving that little detail away.

That's it. The working title is Shadow Legacy, but it doesn't seem to fit due to the plot changes I've made.


Oldschool DMC fan
Something about the duality the character experiences being in/wandering about in both worlds, maybe? Or the key, (does it have its own name?) which is seemingly an important object in the story?

"Shadow Exile" maybe, or something incorporating the word Exile, since she's an exile from her own world in a way and is obviously not welcome in the other world? Words like Walker, Exile, Shadow, Door, World, Dark, Darkness, Veil, Obscura (which means 'darkened' in Latin) etc. spring to mind?

It's hard to guess without knowing everything about a story, names and titles usually come easily to me when I'm the writer though.


Nein, not ze puppies!
Couple questions for ya, is this a parellel universe? (The 'evil' mythical creatures exist only to those who know about them?) And when she's gone, do you mean she was in the 'other' world for a matter of months when a couple years went by?

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
Yep. Their world exists alongside ours, but its kind of like a one way mirror filled with holes. You catch glimpses of the creatures.
And... No, they exist whether people know of them or not. I don't know if I'm explaining it very good :(
And yes, she gets stuck in their world and in total two years have gone by on earth. But apparently time doesn't exist in the other world. I just rediscovered this little fact after scanning through the whole manuscript.
I don't know how I'm going to properly explain that one in the story.
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