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question for nero haters and nero fans alike

V's patron

be loyal to what matters
i was thinking that since most of the reasons people hate Nero is that they thought that he was suppose to replace Dante and was made into a Dante clone so i was wondering if he wasn't a Dante clone and wasn't brought in to replace Dante but be another playable character in the vein of robin to Dante's batman would you guys like him more?


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
I'd probably like him less, considering after DMC1 Dante didn't have much appeal to me. But I'd still like him. He's something fresh, which I like.


Dante Never Dies
I'm sure Nero would be loved...
IF he wasn't resembling and acting like Dante.
Of course they have their differences, but you don't replace the big D.
Along with Vergil wanting power, and Nero using the Yamato...
You don't **** around with the Bigger V.
If Nero were made more unique, he could have been lovable, to me at least.
White hair is overrated now, but clearly they did it to show a Sparda connection.
Take what we can get, right?

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
I'd probably be more open about liking him if that were the case. He showed some real promise and the potential is there, but his creator just didn't take him that one extra mile - like Hideki did with Dante.
I can't help but bash a character like that. He's like an Uno car - put together by scraps of other cars and shaped into a hunk-of-metal thing that has four wheels and can drive. The only thing that's original to him is his name and the irritating trick with the clutch and the gears. Nero's too patchworky to my liking.
He's still good though and I still love him. But not as much as Dante.


Dante enthusiast!
I don't think he was meant to replace the big 'D' - he was just an experiment to take the games story in another direction and not so much about Dante, which is fair enough. :(

They could have designed him a bit better so he didn't look like a younger version of Dante and I'm not gonna even start about him being in the family somehow.

I don't mind him considering he took screen time away from Dante. >_< I guess the devil bringer is fun to use, but not as fun as starting mission 11 and thinking yay! :wub:

I like Dante = Batman and Nero = Robin, lol


Oldschool DMC fan
Hmm... I never disliked Nero, I just wondered why I should 'care' about him and his predicament, given CAPCOM refuses to 'explain' him; and in 4 he's just kind of thrust into your face to get on with, whether you like it or not. Although I don't have a problem with his character - his personality, rather - I just have a problem with him being left with barely any reasons given for his existence, or the arm, or the ridiculous brute strength, and so on.

Admittedly, I am feeling much warmer toward our little Nero since NT showed me their Dante.

Darth Angelo

Tuck-yet-chi-say-denie trieve trick-dis-nie
Lexy;280162 said:
Admittedly, I am feeling much warmer toward our little Nero since NT showed me their Dante.

I have noticed that quite a lot recently, it's funny how opinion can change like that lol.


Enma Katana no Kami
i don't really care about Capcoms motivation for making nero. he is a cool charicter with alot of potential that capcom didn't use. and probably will never use. he has become another Lucia.


Dante enthusiast!
Lexy;280162 said:
Hmm... I never disliked

Admittedly, I am feeling much warmer toward our little Nero since NT showed me their Dante.

I know! Who'd have thought things could get worse! lol

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
Ebony;280091 said:
I guess the devil bringer is fun to use, but not as fun as starting mission 11 and thinking yay! :wub:

Ha ha ha! That's the reason why I hate mission 10 so much - I want to fly through it but Sanctus makes it difficult! It's like...just die and gimme Dante already! :D

LOL...and I like the new Dante. He's like Nero, just with the upper-hand of being a younger Dante, and thus more likeable in my eyes. >_<

V's patron

be loyal to what matters
thanks for answering
my main thing is that nero character felt rushed and half-assed just like the rest of the game so if it were under better circumstances i think he would be better recieved so if they need to do a anime spinoff they should use nero.
i dont want every playable character to look like dante cause after a while that gets boring creatively so just make a storyline reason for it like how sparda was apart of a race of demons that look like him and one of them became human and fathered nero.
try to keep the reboot talk to a minimum and only reference it when necessary please since their is already a place for it.


Nein, not ze puppies!
I heard Capcom said Nero is not related to Sparda in any way what-so-ever but really...that's not what the game said lol. Sanctus needed Sparda's blood to make his saviour come to life, or else it wouldn't work. But that's not the point of this thread so *clears throat* Ahem...Nero had a lot of potential that was wasted, and I doubt they will pick him up again.

Nero was a blast to use, his combo's were pretty sick with his exceed gauge:p I truly want to know more about his past, lots of questions to be answered but unfortunately were ignored:(


Not listening.
Faustinasa;281619 said:
I heard Capcom said Nero is not related to Sparda in any way what-so-ever but really...that's not what the game said lol. Sanctus needed Sparda's blood to make his saviour come to life, or else it wouldn't work. But that's not the point of this thread so *clears throat* Ahem...Nero had a lot of potential that was wasted, and I doubt they will pick him up again.

I figured this meant Nero literally picked up Vergil's devil arm. So maybe he had some of Sparda's blood, but wasn't born into the family. He basically said he wasn't always like that after he nearly became Agnus' latest test subject, though I really wish the game went into how it all happened.

But yes, back on topic... I agree with the rest of your quote, Nero was a lot of fun to play. But I also agree with Z218, that Nero seemed really half-assed as a character. I didn't have a reason to care about him. My overall reaction to him was "Meh," and this, for me, really weakened DMC4 on the whole.


Devils Never Cry ™
Nero wasn't a bad character, imo.

Not to be picky or anything, Nero lacked originality. I think Capcom should have come up with something better for him. He's too similar to Dante. Appearance wise, and gameplay wise (disregarding Devil Bringer and the modes that Dante has). To us hardcore fans, we'll automatically assume he's just a Dante-wannabe. I didn't like his voice much. (Seriously, Ichigo?) Capcom got writers block and thought.. Young Dante... Blue template... Glowy arm... OMG PROFIT.

Nero was more of a... "HEY HERE'S OUR NEW CHARACTER, HE BARELY HAS A STORY BUT YEAH" type. Loved the Devil Bringer, and overall Nero as a character, I'd rate him a 6.5 out of 10. Mostly because as many mentioned here, he was half assed. And Kyrie wasn't too great either. She looked exactly like Orihime, another Bleach character, AND her voice actress happened to be the same.

V's patron

be loyal to what matters
i got a another question:
if nero looked like DINO and was introduced in a game storyline where he was a criminal who committed a high-profile murder and rather than serving a life sentence in jail, the order pulled some strings and had him released into their custody as a knight as a part of a new program to rehabilitate criminals. you know, they have criminals kill demons as a chance of redemption under controlled circumstances such as supervised by a high ranking order member and being outfitted with a device that allows the order member to kill them. in one such case our boy nero served under credo as well as becoming "friendly" with kyrie and achieving a redemption of sorts by being groomed into the order's finest. till one day were he was gravely injured in a demon attack and to save him the order transplanted sparda's genes and that caused him to come back better than ever with the devil bringer. And dante come to this place to investigate the spike in demonic energy that he sensed and the game starts from there.

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
^You just gave a scenario, not an actual question. Did you mean would Nero be more likeable and acceptable if he looked like DmC Dante?

V's patron

be loyal to what matters
my bad
well the question is suppose to mean if nero looked like DmC Dante or dino as they call him will he be more likable or accepted because he isnt a dante clone in a manner of speaking?
the scenario above explains in full.
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