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Question about Dante...


Well-known Member
Hi there,

I'm new here and I'm having some problem playing Dante. I've finished DMD mode. I almost S ranked all my Nero Mission but with Dante ended up rank D usually due to continues (just to explain how bad my Dante is :(). and now trying to finish Bloody Palace. Btw DMC 4 is my first DMC that I played.

Well, actually I've finished it with Nero. I felt like spaming EX3 Streak, Charged Shot and Buster all over to the end and got an S with around 3500000 score(i know it's low). This seems quite cheap and boring -.-

So I decided to try with Dante, but I usually end up dying around 40-80, not even got a chance to fight Credo yet. Been looking some guides/FAQ/youtube videos around but still facing alot problem. Can anyone gives some tips on how to use him actually?

Ok, here's most of the problems I encountered:
1) Blitz - I don't have much problem removing their shield (lucifer or shotgun or gilgamesh+RG ) but I actually having problem after breaking the shield. I can't hit him properly with Real Impact (or Distorted ones), he keep dodging around and hitting me everytime I try to do so.

2) Frosts - I having problem to fight them when there's alot (2+). I always get interupted by other frosts when dealing with one, and I always fail to knock them down / launch them to air .

3) Angelos - Again when there's alot I can't deal with them. Usually when there's few I just launch them and DRI but they won't give me the chance when there's lots of them. So far the only way I used is SM + spamming Aerial Rave when they on the air but it doesn't work as always, and most of the time i die is because of them. (I forgot which stage, i think around 60-80)

Btw, which moves can reflect their big orb that they charge sometimes? The only way I know is to use Drive.

4) Cutlass - I simply have no idea how to fight them...

5) Credo - I never reach here yet, but with my experience using Nero(which I simply buster all the way) I was wondering how to fight him with Dante?

6) I seems to have problem on switching style also. Usually I end up using only SM and sometimes DS (and a little RG for blitz). I can't find a chance / time to switch style in battle.

Another question is I saw one video in youtube when he fighting frost, he can stay in air and hitting like a few times aerial raves with Yamato and Rebellion mixed together, how he did this (this is called Jump Cancel right)? I can do it with Rebellion and aerial rave like twice but the usually the the third time the monster will be too low for me to hit. And whenever I changed to Yamato the monster just get knocked away from me to the ground. I forgot the address of the video tough.

Sorry for the long post :)


Well-known Member
I'm so dissapointed to this forum. For a week there's not even a single person bother to reply not to mention anybody helping here. I finished the bp with Dante anyway thanks to the other places that actualy provide help instead of here.

This forum sucks.


Well I'm sorry you feel that way man. Would have loved to help you out, but I haven't been inside this part of the forum for a while.

Congrats on beating Bloody Palace with Dante ^__^.


New Member
poz;125719 said:
I'm so dissapointed to this forum. For a week there's not even a single person bother to reply not to mention anybody helping here. I finished the bp with Dante anyway thanks to the other places that actualy provide help instead of here.

This forum sucks.

If none replied, none felt so. No reason to say this forums sucks.


sorry for not seeing your post earlier, coz I do have something else that need more attention. Still, before you say this forum sucks, did you search for the previous post? I am here only for half a summer, but I have definitely seen similar posts few times.

still, congrats on your success in BP ;)


Is not rat, is hamster
We rank higher than most other DMC sites - we don't suck ;)

But you have to appreciate that not everyone is available - or able - to help out with every single question. That's why we have the search function so you can check whether your question has already been covered by another poster in the past.

If there is someone here you think may have the answer, feel free to send them a PM or a profile message and if they can't help, perhaps they can point you in the direction of who could. Most people here (with very few exceptions, myself being one of them) are DMC veterans who are more than happy to help out - but you can't expect everyone to rush to your thread when they have many other commitments on and off the boards.


Well-known Member
Yes I agree that don't expect to get reply in minutes or hour. But this post have been here for a week. Consider that Angel says there's a lot DMC veteran here they should know the answer? For me at least "sorry I cant help" reply is better than getting ignored for entire week.

I did try search, that's the first thing I always tried before posting. And I do mentioned in my first post that been looking guides around. If you don't believe, try to do a search on the Blitz problem I faced (see first post) and I'm pretty sure most (if not all) of them only teaches you how to "break the sheild" and "RI/DRI it" (Heck, I'll go as far as calling this misguiding). No single post mention about how to deal with them when they jumping around. The same goes to most of my problem anyway.

And I've said I'm new here (as well as the DMC game), I don't even know who should I pm to (according to your suggest). If I could I've already done so without having to start a new topic.

Dante Aseroth;125759 said:
If none replied, none felt so. No reason to say this forums sucks.
If none felt so, that means they can help but don't felt so to help? This equals this forum isn't helpful at all, which basically consider as sucks right?


New Member
^ As Angel said, If you wanted the help on a hurry and none was bothering to reply your post, you could have simply PM-ed one of the members here.


Well-known Member
As I said I wasn't in hurry here. Just pointing that none reply for a week. What I meant is reply (no matter it's helpful or not). Unless you consider waiting for a week is in hurry, then I've nothing to say.


Well-known Member
I think you still didn't get the point here... Being new here how am I going to know who should I pm to? Are you suggesting me to choose randomly? Or your suggesting I should just spam everyone's PM with my question?


New Member
Exactly. Being a new members, you should surf the forum's threads and check for members with high post counts or check similar help threads in the Devil May Cry 4 section.


Is not rat, is hamster
poz;125816 said:
I think you still didn't get the point here... Being new here how am I going to know who should I pm to? Are you suggesting me to choose randomly? Or your suggesting I should just spam everyone's PM with my question?
That's a fair enough question - I think we all get a bit guilty of a certain degree of forum laziness; we get in the habit of thinking "oh, someone else will answer it" and then move onto other posts.

Best bet is to fire a PM to a member known as Keaton or Tony_Redgrave as they are our super mods who also have extensive DMC knowledge. If nothing else, they can recommend a fellow member for you. A random choosing would usually yield a fairly good result though - if you pick someone who is in the "online" area and check their profile quickly, you should be able to garner whether they are a likely candidate as opposed to someone who may also be new to the game.

My apologies if you felt ignored - it is never intentional here and I think people only reply to questions like that if they have the answer because otherwise they may feel as though all they're doing is posting something completely pointless which adds nothing to the thread, even though you'd have been happy with a simple acknowledgement. Not all new posters welcome "sorry I can't help" and it can make people wary of saying it in case they get flamed.
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