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Pure love of a mother( from Trinity of Fates)


When the going gets tough, the tough get going
Yeah, there's more.In other threads I said Dante subconciously projected his mother on to Trish and that Trish is no more, no less than a living copy than his mother. "Graphic Edition" book Berto put here in the forum already explain this deep and indeniable connection, but here's more:

D E V I L -M A Y - C R Y - 1 - : - C O L U M N

Existing in the heart forever, the pure love of a mother
- Trish was made by Mundus as a living copy of Dante's mother, as bait to lure Dante out. When the two of them met, there was a gruesome battle, covered with the spray of blood. Mundus' plan worked wonderfully; when Dante saw that Trish had his mother's face he started to trust her. However we should not immediately label Dante with a mother-complex* here. He certainly doesn't depend on Trish as his mother. He definitely projects his longing for his mother onto Trish, as for Dante, his mother is something that must be protected. But Dante doesn't have anything like the feeling of living under his mother's protection as with what's normally called a mother-complex. Once, he was unable to protect his mother and let her die. Even while knowing that Trish is not his mother, he is determined to protect her. Here, from this regret that he was unable to protect his mother, there was definitely a certain kind of "feeling" for Trish. Because of this, her betrayal of Dante was particularly painful. After being trapped by Trish, Dante says:

You looked like my mother.
Now, disappear.
The next time won't be like this.

- As would be expected of Dante, heir of a demon line who coolly cuts down his enemies, he doesn't show a single tear - but he was wounded to the bottom of his heart. After turning his back to Trish, he was crying... - On the one hand, Trish was born as a puppet for Mundus, and like other low-grade demons such as Marionettes she exists only to be manipulated by him. However, the seeds of Dante's love gradually bud in her heart. This phenomenon can only be called a miracle. Trish is nothing but an empty "container". But from this doll who wears enough meat to pose as Dante's mother, a partnership arises. And so she gives her final breath protecting Dante from Mundus' fatal blow. From her self-sacrificing actions, Dante sees her as a human for the first time. Dante leaves his mother's keepsake amulet beside Trish's corpse. The tears he cries fall onto Trish's face. At this point, she becomes a true "human" with a heart of her own. And as Dante faces Mundus in their final decisive battle, the revived Trish appears before Dante to give him courage like his mother. This is also a miracle. A mother's thoughts of watching over her child. A child's heart yearning to protect its mother. Even the Demon Emperor is powerless in the face of such strong love. Let's consider something here. What if Dante's mother had been the demon, and his father a human - would a human's fatherly love have been able to save his child, Dante? We can't help but feel that it wouldn't. There's no clear reason for this. We can only say one thing: that is, that mothers are powerful. Of course after this, Trish having obtained proof of her humanity through her own tears, it goes without saying that Dante loves Trish as an individual woman.

*In the Oedipal sense.


Don't mess with a Mage, bitch.
Damn it Japan! First, confirming Dante and Lady's Fated Fatal love, now this? Stop teasing the Shippers!


When the going gets tough, the tough get going
Damn it Japan! First, confirming Dante and Lady's Fated Fatal love, now this? Stop teasing the Shippers!
Do you get the part Dante projected his mother onto Trish? The word "love" here came from "ai" that means agape , universal love, to like, to apreciate.Well , universal affection, just that..Ii's no shipping, I guess.


Don't mess with a Mage, bitch.
Do you get the part Dante projected his mother onto Trish? The word "love" here came from "ai" that means agape , universal love, to like, to apreciate.Well , universal affection, just that..Ii's no shipping, I guess.
Oh thank God. I find the idea of dating someone who looks exactly like your mother- ****ed up. Not gonna sugar coat it.


When the going gets tough, the tough get going
Well, they say he doesn't have oedipus complex, but if he loves her romantically even if she is not technically is mother, it continues to be Oedipus Complex unresolved, which is per se a very serious mental illness.
See This:

1. A 'Maternal Oedipal Complex' (MOC) where we are attracted to someone who subconsciously reminds us of our mother -- in this regard, our 'mother' is our 'early childhood love object-transference figure and makes up our 'internal love template' which we then 'project' and/or 'transfer' (or 'projectively transfer') onto someone in our present day adult environment who reminds us of our mom;

3. A 'Reverse-Maternal Oedipal Complex' (RMOC) where we are attracted to someone who we subconsciously perceive as having the 'opposite' characteristic(s) of our mother -- and 'project' this childhood role model into a present-day love-object-transference figure';

5. A 'Female-Non-Mother Oedipal Complex' (FNMOC) where we are attracted subconsciously to some other early childhood female role model (a sibling, a neighbour, a teacher, a stranger, a friend...) -- and 'project' this childhood role model into a 'present-day version of this 'lost' childhood love-object-transference-figure';

7. A 'Mixed Female and/or Male Oedipal Complex' (MFMOC) where we are attracted subconscously to a mixture of different childhood role models -- and 'project' this mixed childhood role model template (or mixture of different, more particular templates) into a 'present-day love-object-transference-figure' who seems to reflect a 'composite' of these mixed childhood love object transference characteristics

So, the strange part is : if he is a oedipal person , how can he feel attracted to other women who have nothing to do with his mother?
Is this the one of the reasons old Dante is not cool anymore?Is this the reason Vergil is particulary repulsed in Umvsc3 towards Trish?Well, if you talk about DMC to anyone, the first thing they remember is the fact the main character has a thing for his "mother" or better his replica.
Rumours say too people had sent NT letters asking to end this Oedipal mess on the franchise, but I can't confirm this.


I Saw the Devil
What I got from this is that Dante saw Trish as his mother at first and he wanted to protect her as such, but as she grew and became more 'human' he began to see her, and love her, as a distinctive entity from is mother, as a different woman. Whether that love is platonic, romantic, or nether seems a bit unclear.


When the going gets tough, the tough get going
Since we talked about Moses in the other threat.Let me show what he explained to me about this part of the Trinity of Fates:

"Yes, it is correct that the relationship between Trish and Dante is non-romantic as Kamiya implied. In DMC1 there are few, if any, indications of Dante's romantic interest in Trish, or vice versa. Trish does get saved by Dante but she doesn't turn to putty in his hands or indicate any romantic feelings towards him (although I do consider her having feelings for Dante to be a valid interpretation within pseudo-canonical interpretation such as fanfics). In DMC4, even though I hesitate to use it as an example, Dante and Trish have even less romantic undertones than in DMC1, if there were any at all. They operate just as partners. If the travesty of laziness and shallow characterization that DMC4 is didn't resort to the Dante x Trish trap, then it is pretty safe to say that it is not canonical.

Since Kamiya never elaborated on his point, and I had my suspicions before, my personal interpretation, keeping in line with the kind of exegesis found in official Capcom material such as the Trinity of Fates DMC3 book, is that their relationship is more subtle or symbolic than a mundane romantic relationship. As I see it, Dante is not romantically interested in Trish, but she subconsciously represents a surrogate of his mother, i.e. something keeping him grounded to his human side and someone he sees as his noble duty to save/protect; put another way, he projects the feelings and attitudes related to his mother onto Trish in a subconscious way. From Trish's perspective, things are more open to interpretation as we know so little about her characterization. It is possible she sees within Dante the archetype of his father which represents a possible escape from the demonic nature she was born into (most likely), just as it is possible that she has some kind of crush on him because he saved her (there is no evidence for that), or that she is pretty indifferent since she is a demon after all. In any case, one can say that they both mean more to each other than what romantic partners typically mean to each other, in that they both act as salvific symbols for the other. I think this is something along the lines of what Kamiya meant when he said their relationship is "something more."

So, no there is no evidence I am aware of that indicates that they are meant to be a couple. Considering that Trish looks exactly like Eva, it seems very unlikely that he is romantically or sexually attracted to Trish, as he has given no indication of having an Oedipus complex (he hits on Lady, and Nevan, and the Rusalkas, but he doesn't seem to flirt with Trish or anything). As far as I can tell, the tendency to make Trish and Dante a couple is just a result of the unthinking fan reflex of "shipping" that kicks into action basically whenever two characters are on screen together, especially if they are male and female; it is some subconscious perpetuation of the "chick flick" mentality that all girls and all guys can't help but form romantic bonds whenever they meet a member of the opposite sex. I doubt you will find any counter-argument for their romantic involvement that goes beyond "He's a guy and he's hawt, and she's a girl, and he saved her (and they lived happily ever after)."



I Saw the Devil
"Yes, it is correct that the relationship between Trish and Dante is non-romantic as Kamiya implied.
When did he do that? Last time I checked when asked if Dante and Trish were just partners or lovers he responded that only Dante an Trish knew.


I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
I bought a couple of Marvel v Capcom 3 figures and on the back of the box which contained Trish it says that she 'fell for Dante's charms'. But it says nothing about them being a couple, just a partner in the business.


When the going gets tough, the tough get going
Yeah, but in in the japanese version says nothing about it.Makes the common resume of her story.
Could Marvel misinterpreted the story?


I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
That depends. I don't know how closely affiliated with Marvel are with this company that produced the 'toys'.
Perhaps even Capcom don't know what the relationship is between them. :troll:
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When the going gets tough, the tough get going
Apparently Capcom made the gameplay and Marvel made the dialogues and ending scenes.In Mvsc3 they say Trish was a woman to was made to seduce and destroy Dante.We know the story is not exactly that. When the quote " now we know who wear the pants in relationship" backlash duo the implications, they put her to say in one end:" No, I just look like Dante's mother.Yes, I know how weird that is.Don't remind me!" Go figure it!
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