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Prototype 2 Review (PS3)

Chaos Raiden

Avid Gamer & Reviewer

James Heller is the new protagonist in this game, and seek vengeance against Alex Mercer for the death of his wife and daughter.
This game takes place after the events of Prototype, where the Blacklight virus has infected New York in a very critical condition. Sergeant James Heller, a soldier who has found out that his wife and daughter were dead, seek revenge against the Infected as well as the origins of the virus, Alex Mercer. He managed to found Mercer, and chased him until he got overpowered. Alex Mercer saw the potential within Heller, and decided to infect him with the virus as well. Like Mercer, Heller has destructive superhuman powers, and decided to seek vengeance against Alex Mercer as well as other two big corporations, Blackwatch and Gentek.​
Personally, I find this game has a good story, but has a few negative impacts. The most negative impact on the storyline is the less focus on character developments. I personally think good emphasis on character developments can make the story much better. Another problem I find that the game's cutscenes are a bit too short. If the game's cutscenes are slightly lengthened, perhaps the developers can make better explanations on certain events happening on this game. Other than that, the storyline is quite good with quite a few of good plot twists, and it is fairly easy to catch up even though you have not played the first game.​

i) Exploration and Progression section

Run on walls, do super high jumps, and even glide through the air to your destination.
The game's exploration play like the previous Prototype game. You can run on walls, jump, or even glide through the air to your destinations and other places. You can check where you are supposed to go to next to progress in the game by going to the marker in your Map. The marker will have an alphabet, and you need to complete it in order to progress further in the game.​
Many main Missions and side missions have Bonus objectives, such as destroying a Goliath without taking any damage. By doing so, you will obtain extra EP to level up Heller. It is highly recommended to do so because it provides Heller advantage in both combat and exploration.​
There are three areas in this game, which are Yellow Zone, Green Zone, and Red Zone. At first, you will start at Yellow Zone with it's own set of Missions. As you progress in the game, you will travel to other two zones and complete their own sets of Missions as well.​
ii) Upgrading and Leveling section

Spend some points to upgrade Heller's abilities by gaining enough E.P. or getting Mutations by completing side quests and collectibles.
This game features a leveling system using Evolution Points. Evolution Points (E.P.) can be obtained by defeating certain enemies, completing main Missions, getting Collectibles, or completing Blacknet side missions. As you gained enough E.P., you will gain a level, and you will also obtain a point to upgrade Heller's abilities, such as his Health stat, Regeneration stat, etc. Depending on your playstyle, you may choose to level Heller's stats evenly, or focus on one stat and move on to another stat after maximising a stat.​
Mutations are another Heller's set of abilities, with several categories such as Predator, Defensive, etc. Each set of Mutations will grant Heller bonus abilities, such as the ability to Air Dash further, etc. To obtain these Mutations, you need to complete side missions such as Blacknet side mission, collecting collectibles such as Blackboxes. Like Heller's leveling system, you can only choose one ability for one category of Mutation at a time, and you can get more by completing more side missions.​
iii) Combat Section

Destroy your foes with a myriad of destructive weapons and abilities.
The gameplay plays like the first game, albeit with some alterations. Heller has access to several powerful weapons to defeat his enemies, such as a bladed weapon, a chained weapon, etc. In the game, you will fight multiple enemies, such as armed soldiers, tanks, helicopters, Infected creatures, or enemies that have similar abilities such as Mercer and Heller. Depending on what type of enemies that you fight, experimentation on each weapon is necessary to see which weapon works best against a certain type of foes. For example, Heller's Blade weapon is not so effective against tanks, whereas his Tendril and Hammerfist weapons work well against tanks.​
You can set Heller's weapons on two buttons, and it can be changed by going to a weapons wheel. This allows you to change weapons easily if you are stuck in a battle. Each weapons have normal attacks, which can be pressed repeatedly for a combo attack, or a charged attack that deals massive damage on enemies. You can also dodge enemy attacks, or even block them using an ability, as well as grab objects to throw at other enemies.​
Other than his weapons, Heller also has other useful abilities, such as Devastator and Pack Leader abilities. Devastator allows Heller to destroy multiple enemies in an area of effect by draining his Mass gauge. As for Pack Leader, this ability allows Heller to summon Brawlers (Infected creatures) to help him in combat. You may also use enemy soldiers' firearms to fight your enemies, such as rocket launchers, rifles, etc.​
You can also Consume your enemies or civilians to restore your health, or to fill up your Mass gauge. Consume ability is an important ability to progress in the game, obtaining extra EP, as well as upgrades on your weapons and abilities.​
In most missions, you are required to infiltrate many Blackwatch and Gentek facilities to progress in the game. The most useful ability in this game is the Shapeshift ability, which allows Heller to change to another person by using the Consume ability on a person. This ability is important in many Missions in the game, and it is required to complete Blacknet side missions. You also need to use the Sonar ability to detect the wanted person for you to kill and impersonate.​
There is a detection system in this game, one is for Heller and one is for Heller's Shapeshift persona. If you do suspicious actions at the presence of enemy soldiers, your current detection meter will slowly fills up, and cane be reduced by retreating somewhere or do nothing for a short period of time. If you do suspicious actions repeatedly such as killing an enemy, you will enter into an Alert state. Alert state can be stopped by using Shapeshift at a safe distance. You will know that you can Shapeshift to lose the Alert status when you see the 'Switch' word on the screen. In most Missions in this game, stealthily approach these facilities by impersonating an enemy soldier is the best way to avoid Alert and unnecessary battles.​

iv) Gameplay Conclusion

Great improvement in the gameplay from the first game, with some minor shortcomings.
Overall, this game's gameplay is an incredible improvement to the gameplay compared to the first game, with improved game controls and user friendly interface. Sadly, the game feels too easy with it's friendly controls, not-so-much challenge even in Hard mode, minor camera issues while in combat, as well as the recycled use of Evolved enemies. The game is not really hard to complete, even in Hard mode in this game. The camera system takes some time to get used to in combat, as well as most of the Evolved enemies that you encounter in this game are fairly the same other than appearance differences. After I have finished in this game, I conclude that this game is fairly fun to play and accessible to many types of players.

Fairly improved graphics from the first game, but might not be able to compete other great looking games such as Mass Effect 3 in 2012.

Considering that this game uses a brand new game engine, this game has fairly improved graphics from the first game. However, some in-game character models are not quite detailed to make it a great looking game for current generation standards of graphics. At the plus side however, at the expense of slightly less detailed looking characters, this game has little to no technical or graphical issues, even when fighting many enemies on screen. While I playing this game, I do not encounter any graphical and technical issues, and I am fairly impressed because a number of open world games I have played have many technical or graphical problems.

Most of the cinematics in this game used three coloured visuals, which are black, red and white. The cinematics are fairly nice to look at, which emphasises on the game's dark atmospheric and nature.


Fairly good voice acting, and good music.

The voice acting in this game is fairly good, with not much noticeable weak acting. From what I have known, Alex Mercer's voice actor is replaced with a new one, and I felt that the new voice actor did a better job in voicing Alex. Heller's voice actor is pretty good as well, although I much more prefer that he says less profanities in this game since he sounds much better without excessive profanities. Others did a good job as well, and again, I prefer if the game has less profanities in the dialogue.

The music is fairly good as well, with good and fitting themes played while playing the game. However, the game's music lacks a main theme, and I personally think that a game will have a much better soundtrack with a main theme as well as many variations of the main theme to be used in the soundtrack.

Replay Value

Play a variety of Side Missions, such as Blacknet side missions, collect stuffs such as Blackboxes, complete Lairs, and many more.
This game has good replay value. You can play a lot of Side Missions such as Blacknet side missions, collect Collectibles such as Blackboxes, etc. You can also play the game in New Game Plus with all of your upgrades and abilities unlocked early. You can also choose to play harder difficulty modes such as Insane mode.​
If you have purchased the Radnet Edition, you can play other optional Challenges and Events for extra stuff. Completing the Radnet challenges will reward you stuffs such as PS3 dynamic theme, behind the scenes video, as well as Alex Mercer skin.​


A fairly improved game from the first game, with some mild shortcomings.
This game is pretty fun and good to play. If you look past of some it's shortcomings, most players will find that this game is incredibly fun to play as well as addicting. Great gameplay missions, improved combat, and other good factors make this game worth a purchase. A definite worth playing game, but doesn't appeal much to players who don't like violence and stuff.​
Story: 8/10​
Gameplay: 9/10​
Graphics: 8/10​
Sound: 8/10​
Final Score: 8.3/10 or 33/40​
Pros and Cons
- A great open world game.​
- Fairly intriguing storyline.​
- Improved gameplay, particularly the combat system.​
- A good variety of mission objectives.​
- High replay value.​
- No graphical or technical issues encountered.​
- Friendly user controls.​
- Easy to learn gameplay system.​
- Many of Heller's abilities are awesome to use.​
- Accessible to many types of players.​
- Very creative visual style used in the game's cinematic cutscenes.​
- A variety of combat strategies to be used in the game.
- Lack of character developments in the story.​
- Lack of interesting boss fights like the final boss fight.​
- The game's graphics a bit dated compared to recent games in this year.​
- Camera system takes a bit of time to get used with.​
- Cutscenes are not lengthy enough to provide good explanations as to what happen in the game.​
- Might be too easy for veteran action players.​
- Too much profanities in this game that might ruin the character's personality, especially Heller.


Well-known Member
Nice review. While I really like the game, I think you were maybe a little too generous with it. But maybe that's due to the fact that you had so much fun with it. That's all that really matters in the end. I agree with the cursing aspect of the game. They should have toned it down. In this game, it seems frame cancels are available so that you can block attacks mid-combo while in the last game you had to wait for the combo to finish, which is a great improvement. I liked the game, and I liked the fact that you were willing to give it a favorable, yet still impartial, review.
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