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Pros and cons of DMC4


Wesker's #1 fan!
What do you think the pros and cons of DMC4 are? I have alot to point out, but I'll only say one or two for now.

Cons: 1. Not enough team Dante. Dante himself wasn't in it that much (To me) and I expected to see alittle more of his comrades. I understand that this is mainly Nero's game and they want to introduce a new character, but does it really take 20 missions to introduce a guy? Especially with the tiny bit of info the gave us on him...This is Nero, he's a demon with a crazy arm. That's pretty much all they said about him.

2. The lack of explanation. They just said Nero was a demon and that's it. Is he half? Is he full demon? Why does this demon take a humaniod form with a "human heart" as they said. Screw the fact that Nero isn't Vergil, I don't fully care about that right now, I just wanna know what the hell Nero's origin is.

Pros: 1. The Characters are beautiful. The art is nicely done and the designs of the characters suit their personality. (But I guess that's expected from a PS3 game)

2. More blood. No more of that sand bulls**t.

3. Nero's got the moves, he's impressive. (I still hate em XD) His arm kicks bootay. I also like the way they distinguished Nero from the twins. Although he has natural silver hair to show his demon genes, he has a smaller figure. I would even go so far as to say he's scrawny, but the figure suits him and he looks good.

4. And of course, the bits and peices of Dante we do get, he's pure awsome. I love the fact that he's wise yet he still has the personality of a older teen. (16-19 year old)

I'll probably name more later, but for now, i'll let ya'll name some.


Well-known Member
- less weapons (and only 1 new weapon for Dante)
- less guns (and only 1 new gun for Dante)
- less styles
- Yamato is missing many moves from DMC3
- Gilgamesh is missing many moves (it has lost moves from beowulf)
- the attacks in DMC4 aren't as big and explosive as in DMC3 in general (there are no big elemental attacks like cerberus, agni & rudra or nevan, they're much more contained this time, and less interesting) Even blasts from guns (handguns and shotgun) aren't as big as they should be. Charged shots in DMC3 were massive, now they barely look different to normal shots, which sucks.
- nero only has 1 gun and 1 sword and no style switching
- bosses re-used way too much
- boss battles not creative or interesting enough
- level design is tedious, too much walking around through empty corridors
- levels are re-used way too much
- not enough attacks with the DB, it is very limited to just being a hookshot, and a generic finisher, it could have had multiple finishers per enemy, and other attacks, like having some punches, clothesline etc which could have been used all the time, rather than just having scenario-based attacks
- too much stuff like puzzles, jumping sections, hookshot sections, and board games, none of them were fun or necessary
- story was short, uninteresting and a dead-end
- characters were bland and 1 dimensional
- dante's repeated missions were made even more irritating by silly time limits and draining of health limitations
- bloody palace lacks the choice of going up 1, 10 or 100 levels, so there is less variety in how to approach it
- bloody palace has a time limit, which not everyone will like (I don't like it personally, I realise some people will. But there could have been at least an option for it, or like a different difficulty setting, one with a time limit, one without)
- No costumes to unlock
- You can't get SS ranking (as far as I can see?)
- The game is easier in general, doesn't really feel like much of a challenge. I find it a bit tough in places, but generally not the same level as DMC3.
- Transition between Nero to Dante felt very awkward
- Nero can't do much with his gun, he could have had many other commands to do different stuff
- not enough big chunky enemies like the spiders from DMC3
- no vergil, not even really mentioned
- nero's addition doesn't add anything to the story, he doesn't even seem to be a big part of the DMC legacy, he's just some guy. His story isn't even explained, we aren't even told how he got the DB
- All the coincidences between Nelo Angelo / Vergil and Nero are not explained, so it just seems like really stupid design, unless they are waiting to explain more details in future games, which bad story-telling in my opinion (given that we know pretty much nothing about Nero so far)
- DT isn't as solid or quick this time around. Especially with Nero, you get knocked down just as easily as if you're not in DT, and you don't move any quicker. Dante's is a bit better, but I think DT should be stronger.
- Individual weapons don't get their own DT and abilities like they did in DMC3

+ Style switching with Dante
+ DB snatch makes for long air combos
+ Nero has a lot of moves with his individual sword
+ Pandora is a fun addition
+ It's still DMC in many aspects
+ Bloody Palace is a good challenge
+ Being able to assign and re-assign spending of proud souls means it is less frustrating if you make a mistake in purchases
+ Continue system
+ You can get orbs and proud souls even if you die on a mission (in DMC3, you lose everything you earnt from that mission if you die, which is frustrating for new players who will die repeatedly)
+ exceed system works well and is satisfying
+ updated moves for Dante in DT are fun (but there should be more!!)
+ special DT moves for Nero in DT are good, but again, there should be more moves
+ graphics are good
+ most enemies are designed really well and are fun to play against, since they can mostly be juggled at some points, and they have interesting attacks, plus they are varied
+ more difficulty levels means it can appeal to more levels of gamers
+ some battles are huge, with more enemies to fight at a time, which makes it more intense and enjoyable


Wesker's #1 fan!
Hoo man, that's alot. It might be the fault of the PS3, but I don't like how the orb system works. Once I use an item or some orbs, I can't get them back even if I restart the mission. For example, I used holy water on old fart as a test to see how bad it affected him. I ended up dying and the holy water wasn't there. Now that's normal, it was that way in DMC3, so I restarted the mission and I still didn't have it! ><

Buuuuuuut as I said before, it might be the PS3 saving system at fault and not the game.


Well-known Member
Pros: The character of Nero (even though i like Dante a lot better) had a pretty well refined combat system. The Exceed gauge is a really nice addition to the "twitch-based" combat of DMC. The ability to switch Dante's Styles on the fly is really nice. Some of the new enemies are very challenging and fun to fight. There are a lot more but i cant think right now.

Cons: Nero only has One sword and One gun. Dante only gets to play for eight levels. (Ten for Nero and Ten for Dante would have been much better imo) all except for the last two of Dante's missions are just backtracking through the missions you have already accomplished as Nero. You dont get to use all 666 of Pandora's forms:D

Devil Razer

Nero's combat system is good for longtime fans nd new comers alike
Nero Has the cockcy dmc attitude which evryone loves
Dante's style change on te fly
The intorduction of thedevil bringer and the combos you can rack up with it
The graphics are stunning (but he shadows in the forest still niggle me:p)
M18 level design i thought was fun as hell
Dante still has the kick *** attitude

You can tend to over abuse the db
Nero himself did not use yamato
The could of done so much more when dante has yamato instead of copping out and just having it as a new style
Too many boss repeates
The final boss wasnt really that great. DMC3 virgil is better
More dante. There were not enough missions for him


the game was fine but nowhere near 1 and 3 and what the heck is up with Dante? sure he's funny but he acts totally different in DMC1.
Nero's past is explained well imo, i mean you really only need to know that he got the devil bringer.


Wesker's #1 fan!
Devil Razer;67514 said:
You can tend to over abuse the db

Isn't that they player's fault?

The final boss wasnt really that great. DMC3 virgil is better

I agree, the last boss sucked.

Nero's past is explained well imo, i mean you really only need to know that he got the devil bringer.

Nero's past IS explained well? You think so? Or was that a typo?

As for Dante's personality, I think more fans prefer the DMC3 attitude over the other two.
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