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Potential of a Possible Vergil's Campaign

Stylish Nero

We Dem Boys!!
Okay I know this isn't the first thread about this so I'll keep this short and assess only what is possible and could happen and not what I want to happen.

Ok lets start off.


This campaign is looking to be set before DMC4 most likely before DMC3 unless you really believe....ok just forget it moving on.

So this will factor into a lot of things like environment and even enemies. For example, Mitis Forest and the Fortuna Castle won't be how they were during DMC4 main story meaning no snow or over abundance of floral life. Fortuna City also won't be wrecked and overrun by demons. So Vergil will most likely traverse altered environments of the main campaign or the devs will reuse assets (like textures and ****) to create new levels using the same style or new areas for Vergil all together. Although I do see Vergil going through familiar areas I do see the potential to tons of new areas even if uses similiar assets or is located in the same area like Vergil goes to Fortuna Castle or Order HQ or the city but he goes through parts that Dante and Nero didn't go through. Its not hard to believe they'll add new areas I mean DmC VD did it and that was an $8 DLC expansion and even DMC3 SE through in a new arena for you to fight Jester and BP environments and those used new textures assets.

Someone stated that when Nero fought Berial he said Nero "Was just like how he once was" and claimed the "he" Berial was referring to could be Vergil and not Sparda. Makes sense I guess Nero's more upfront and crass personality reminded him of Vergil who is more upfront and crass sort of. However, a problem with this I doubt the Order was using artificial Hell Gates at this time (this also tied into weather and environmental changes in Fortuna too) so how would he meet Berial who wasn't out of hell until the start of DMC4 and claimed the last time he was there was 2000 years ago. So this must mean that Vergil must've been in hell and met and fought Berial there. But how and why?

I understand how he would....Yamato. It can cut dimensions and even open and close dimensions/gateways connecting the Human world and Demon world. So its possible that Vergil went to hell using Yamato but from where. He could've used the true Hell Gate in Fortuna City or he found another way to get to hell but why go to hell?

Perhaps to reach Fortuna. He probably knew of Fortuna and went to hell by one method using Yamato so he can reach there. I mean he can always stow away on a plane or boat but I guess getting there through hell seems cooler and more fitting.

I guess on his journey though hell he went through the fire hell and fought its ruler Berial. He probably went through the forest hell and ice hell too and fought one of Bael's brothers or a lot of them and not per say She-Viper but the male version of it (as shown in the concept art of the art book) so I guess He-Viper. He most likely killed the forest hell former king who is ultimately replaced by She-Viper and one of or many of the Dagon's/Bael's (it might be a newly recolored one). He probably fights Berial last and spared him because out of all of demons he found him to be the most noble or relate able and gave him the offer of being one of his servants or right hand man in the future.

So that adds hell as a potential place he could go to through his campaign. Next up is...


I already mentioned the possibility of Vergil fighting Berial, Bael/Dagon, and She-Viper but what about other types of enemies and demons/bosses?

I can say at this time period the Angelos wouldn't exist since Nelo Angelo didn't blow up yet allowing Agnus to collect pieces to create them. At best I can see Vergil taking on a prototype version created by a younger Agnus as a boss or mini-boss fight (this could play out more like the Credo boss fight but not exactly since its not Credo). So potentially no Bianco or Alto Angelos in his campaign but I do see every other enemy existing. Actually no wait when Nero fight saw the Nelo Angelo armor he recognized it and thought a person was inside (it was powered by demons) so those types of enemies could exist in this game but they'll be using humans inside not demons so I guess that'll be pretty bloody when they're killed in combat instead of rays of light.

I can see new enemy types as well like Order soldiers like the one Dante layed the smackdown on in the intro to DMC4. However, at this point I'm not sure whether they were experimenting to become angels/demons but according to the novel Kyrie at a young age lost her parents to a failed human/demon experiment escaped the lab so probably not if we take that novel into case but it can still work out I guess if we can overlook the novel.

I can see Vergil taking on or at the very least meeting the previous general before Credo (not Credo's dad). I can see other new enemies too. I can also see Vergil taking on the original demon forms of Gilgamesh, Pandora, and Lucifer. I guess while he is in hell he attracts some demons attention (Lucifer) and according to the novel Berial knew and respected Lucifer so he probably had ties to Berial. He may have been original ruler of the fire hell before Berial and Gilgamesh and Pandora may have had ties to the ice and forest hell and perhaps there was a special reason why those exact Devil Arms were used by the Order like perhaps the Devil Arms connects to a certain region of hell that the demon of said Devil Arm were originally from.

Now I can see Vergil using Gilgamesh and Pandora....hmmm not so much Lucifer I see Lucifer being the final boss of his campaign. I can see him with his old Beowulf moveset with some new or altered tricks and techniques and has Gilgamesh charging feature. I can see him using Pandora but none of the same forms Dante uses since those are guns and military artillery based weapons. Pandora has 666 forms and I can see Vergil use its non military/gun modes like a cross bow, the boomerang(s), cannon, medieval-esque weaponry, probably use Omen or something like it. He'll probably be like "hmmm not fully to my taste but I'll take it." or he'll go through its modes using some of the modes Dante uses and going "nope" "nah" "not a big fan" and finally stumbling across some modes he does like.

So to wrap this up


I don't know the exact order of Vergil doing things like does he go to hell first then Fortuna or does he go to Fortuna and through its Hell Gate go to hell or is it in hell then to Fortuna then back to hell. However, guessing by the last teaser he starts off in Fortuna that cinematic looks like an opening cinematic.

Whether he does go to hell and face those 3 demon bosses from DMC4 vanilla I still see him facing Pandora, Gilgamesh, and Lucifer with Lucifer being the final boss and big bad of the 3. He has to be with a name like Lucifer. I guess his goal would be to claim the Yamato so he can open the Hell Gate and raise or he wants to kill Vergil, the son of Sparda so he can promote in Mundus ranks or both.

Then there is the Order. The biggest aspect to his campaign. I doubt Credo's dad will be a general since the novel and other media states/hints to both of Kyrie parents being killed by a demon and I doubt Credo's pops can fight if he gets killed quite easily by one demon let alone lead a group of demon hunters but hey who knows. At this time period Sanctus (according to the novel again) was retiring from being a general to being promoted to the next vicar. This story would be set 16-17 years in the past so I guess Agnus would still be around by then and probably a rookie/new scientist.

According to the novel through Dante and Sanctus, Vergil did came to Fortuna in search of info concerning Sparda and did snoop around in the Order's business for a while so its possible that he did try to see what the Order's deal was and how they can help him with his goals and I guess the Order didn't like him snooping in their business so they probably tried to stop or captured which could lead to him meeting and potentially facing the previous general and other Order soldiers and even facing Agnus and his inventions.

Another thing about the Order is the fact we don't know how long they've been planning their schemes or parts of their schemes. I can say for certain there wouldn't be any Angelos running around or demon piloted ones. I also don't when they started working on the Savior, making fake hell gates, and trying to take over the world. Its implied that Agnus created the Ascension ceremony process of turning the human soldiers into demons/angels but when? It would seem a lot of the Order's actions were recent so I doubt they had this stuff planned when Vergil was there and I think its when Agnus rose to the ranks as their main researcher and scientist that a lot of the stuff that they did started to happen. I also think it was after Vergil's visit and probably even due to his actions there that probably sparked interest in their plans. For all we know Vergil might have did something to make Agnus super salty (like father like son or like brothers I guess) and Sanctus intrigued. Perhaps its through Vergil's actions that the Order realized they can make use of the Hell Gate by using Yamato.

I can see potentially the devs or Capcom adding one more story element that could lead to building up for a sequel.

That is all boy that was longer than I thought.


Well-known Member
I'll keep this short

So this will factor into a lot of things like environment and even enemies. For example, Mitis Forest and the Fortuna Castle won't be how they were during DMC4 main story meaning no snow or over abundance of floral life. Fortuna City also won't be wrecked and overrun by demons. So Vergil will most likely traverse altered environments of the main campaign or the devs will reuse assets (like textures and ****) to create new levels using the same style or new areas for Vergil all together. Although I do see Vergil going through familiar areas I do see the potential to tons of new areas even if uses similiar assets or is located in the same area like Vergil goes to Fortuna Castle or Order HQ or the city but he goes through parts that Dante and Nero didn't go through.
It seems likely that the Fortuna Castle was always pretty icy. It IS situated high up in the mountains, after all, which is why Nero was so surprised at a lush, vibrant forest being tucked away there.

In addition to some remixed areas, I could also easily see Vergil going through some kind of catacombs beneath the city, perhaps in search of knowledge of his father. Next to "hell", it's the first thing that popped into mind for me.

Someone stated that when Nero fought Berial he said Nero "Was just like how he once was" and claimed the "he" Berial was referring to could be Vergil and not Sparda. Makes sense I guess Nero's more upfront and crass personality reminded him of Vergil who is more upfront and crass sort of. However, a problem with this I doubt the Order was using artificial Hell Gates at this time (this also tied into weather and environmental changes in Fortuna too) so how would he meet Berial who wasn't out of hell until the start of DMC4 and claimed the last time he was there was 2000 years ago. So this must mean that Vergil must've been in hell and met and fought Berial there.
I could see this. Though perhaps the Order was already in the beginning stages of their Hell Gate experiments, leading to an excuse as to why so many Demons were running around at the time.

I guess on his journey though hell he went through the fire hell and fought its ruler Berial. He probably went through the forest hell and ice hell too and fought one of Bael's brothers or a lot of them and not per say She-Viper but the male version of it (as shown in the concept art of the art book) so I guess He-Viper. He most likely killed the forest hell former king who is ultimately replaced by She-Viper and one of or many of the Dagon's/Bael's (it might be a newly recolored one). He probably fights Berial last and spared him because out of all of demons he found him to be the most noble or relate able and gave him the offer of being one of his servants or right hand man in the future.
That sounds really cool, to be honest. I like it.

I can say at this time period the Angelos wouldn't exist since Nelo Angelo didn't blow up yet allowing Agnus to collect pieces to create them. At best I can see Vergil taking on a prototype version created by a younger Agnus as a boss or mini-boss fight (this could play out more like the Credo boss fight but not exactly since its not Credo). So potentially no Bianco or Alto Angelos in his campaign but I do see every other enemy existing. Actually no wait when Nero fight saw the Nelo Angelo armor he recognized it and thought a person was inside (it was powered by demons) so those types of enemies could exist in this game but they'll be using humans inside not demons so I guess that'll be pretty bloody when they're killed in combat instead of rays of light.
The Angelo enemies could be easily reused with the excuse that there are actually people inside the armor, yeah. If they go for a darker tone, some blood effects wouldn't be all that out of place.

I can see Vergil taking on or at the very least meeting the previous general before Credo (not Credo's dad). I can see other new enemies too. I can also see Vergil taking on the original demon forms of Gilgamesh, Pandora, and Lucifer. I guess while he is in hell he attracts some demons attention (Lucifer) and according to the novel Berial knew and respected Lucifer so he probably had ties to Berial. He may have been original ruler of the fire hell before Berial and Gilgamesh and Pandora may have had ties to the ice and forest hell and perhaps there was a special reason why those exact Devil Arms were used by the Order like perhaps the Devil Arms connects to a certain region of hell that the demon of said Devil Arm were originally from.
All sounds good. Vergil defeating those Demons, only for their Devil Arms to end up with Dante one day would be more than a little ironic.

Now I can see Vergil using Gilgamesh and Pandora....hmmm not so much Lucifer I see Lucifer being the final boss of his campaign.
I absolutely think he should make use of Lucifer. That, in addition to his normal Summoned Swords (Maybe Lucifer was even where he got the idea from?) is just way too sick.

I doubt Credo's pops can fight if he gets killed quite easily by one demon let alone lead a group of demon hunters but hey who knows.
Maybe he was crippled? By Vergil?

This story would be set 16-17 years in the past so I guess Agnus would still be around by then and probably a rookie/new scientist.
Awkward teen Agnus would be amazing.

According to the novel through Dante and Sanctus, Vergil did came to Fortuna in search of info concerning Sparda and did snoop around in the Order's business for a while so its possible that he did try to see what the Order's deal was and how they can help him with his goals and I guess the Order didn't like him snooping in their business so they probably tried to stop or captured which could lead to him meeting and potentially facing the previous general and other Order soldiers and even facing Agnus and his inventions.
Sounds about right.

For all we know Vergil might have did something to make Agnus super salty (like father like son or like brothers I guess) and Sanctus intrigued. Perhaps its through Vergil's actions that the Order realized they can make use of the Hell Gate by using Yamato.
It's possible the Order was already beginning to carry out their schemes, but Vergil sent things into overdrive by unwittingly delivering them three extraordinarily powerful Devil Arms.


Well-known Member
I like everything being said here, there is just one little pebble in the system - why would Vergil need Temen-ni-gru if he can already quite easily enter demon world from Fortuna or from wherever he hypothetically went to go to hell?
You can say it is to get the power of Sparda on the way, which could have probably been accessed only from that certain point, but why even risk venturing into hell before getting the sword if he doesn't seem to think he can handle it without father's power?

Unless something happened in Fortuna to convince him he needs it.

V's patron

be loyal to what matters
@Stylish Nero Well on the whole Credo's dad thing, he is still human which does not make him infallible and all it would take is one demon having a good day, same with lady.

@Viper maybe mundus's domain is closerr to temen-ni-gru?


Well-known Member
It seems Mundus can be reached from more than one place, since Dante gets to him on Mallet island. And Vergil always talked more like get daddy's power, go on a killing spree through hell. He also wouldn't really know where exactly to get him, doubt there are tourist shops that sell map of hell, his best bet would be stirring trouble to get attention.
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