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Post the win!


涼宮ハルヒの憂鬱 SOS団
I'm sure your on other forums?

Well post you most up to date post that can be considered win.

In this particular GFX forum they were discussing the issue of people swearing, and I thought, "Hey, stop acting like a mother ****ing goody two shoes by saying cursing is bad when you know damn well you do it."

And they ****ed me over big-time... So I decided to return the favor true to my attiude.

The post people-

I got a grand idea for the rules, guys.

Please note that I love to curse, and I do condone it, please note that.

So, in turn, here is what I think the "Rules" thread should go:

"Ok guys, were all responsible adults, or adults to be. Am I right? We have a basic idea of right and wrong, correct?
So you should know that the penalty for doing wrong will be allot worse because on the internet you have no friends, smokey the bears, or any other ****ty mascots who plan to protect you.
I'm speaking not as your friend, but as the person that may have to deal with your bull****, so here are the rules in a brief straight-out summary: If you **** up, you will be ****ed up by one or more of our lovely and potentially stuck-up staff members.

Enjoy your stay now!"

^ In that message I was speaking from the view point of a staff member. I don't intend to, although I would be marvelous at said job... Even though tt's not gonna happen because my radio only tunes to tough love.
And I'm believed to be bipolar.

Good day gentlemen.

Darth Angelo

Tuck-yet-chi-say-denie trieve trick-dis-nie
This isnt that recent and I am not a member of this forum but this is the funniest post I have ever seen in my whole life.

(it is a but wrong though so prepare yourself)

When was your first time to have sex with a person in a wheelchair?

My first time happened a couple years ago at the innocent age of 16. She was 15 and she had gotten into a recent car wreck which forced her into a wheel chair. When I saw the magnificent vehicle she was sitting in, I knew I had to have her. So I took her out to dinner, got to to park in the handicap spot so that was sweet, then afterwards we went back to my place. We started messing around and I started going down south. Then she tried to stop me.......Her mouth said no, but her lifeless legs said yes.....I finally talked her into doing it with me and then I asked myself, how the hell do I have sex with a girl in a wheelchair? I thought long and hard, and finally remembered a movie we watched in Health Class by the title of "What to do When Someone in a Wheelchair Wants to Have Sexual Intercourse".....It had two ways you can get the job done....The first was if they were paralyzed from the waist down, you simply waitted til they fell asleep.....Unfortuntley for me, she was not paralyzed......So I had to go with the second option which consisted of me taking her place on the wheelchair and having her sit on my lap. We started at it, and to make things more hot and heavy, I started rolling the wheelchair all through her house, out her frontdoor and onto the streets. We kept going at it til we were finally done at the 711 a couple blocks from her house. After we were done I just had to own her wonderful wheelchair so I put her in a shopping cart and gave her a push towards the direction of her house. And that was my first time with a girl in a wheelchair.
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