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Platinum Games: Bayonetta on PS3 was “our biggest failure”

Chaos Raiden

Avid Gamer & Reviewer
Platinum Games director Atsushi Inaba has called the PS3 conversion of Bayonetta, “our biggest failure”.

Speaking to us as part of a ten-page feature in our new issue, E246, he discusses how Platinum declined handling the port itself, delegating the task to an in-house team at Sega, the game’s publisher. The resulting release suffered framerate and control issues which blighted the experience for many players, despite receiving largely positive review scores.

“The biggest failure for Platinum so far, the one that really sticks in my mind, is that port,” Inaba tells us. “At the time we didn’t really know how to develop on PS3 all that well, and whether we could have done it… is irrelevant: we made the decision that we couldn’t. But looking back on the result, and especially what ended up being released to users, I regard that as our biggest failure.”

Inaba was speaking on the verge of the Bayonetta 2 announcement, which has caused controversy thanks to Platinum’s exclusivity deal with Nintendo. There was anger when the title wasn’t retained as a multi-platform release by Sega. In Edge’s feature however, the team stipulates that it had a very specific five-game deal with the publisher, and that it was already talking to other parties at the close of its fifth Sega project, Anarchy Reigns.

In a wide-ranging interview, which also covers the state of Japanese game development and the problems with growing team sizes, Inaba told the magazine that the Bayonetta experience provided an important lesson. “One thing I will say is that it wasn’t a failure for nothing,” he explains. “We learned that we needed to take responsibility for everything. So on Vanquish we developed both versions in-house.

“We learned, so it wasn’t a pointless failure, but it was a failure nonetheless”.

You can read the rest of the interview in E246, which should be with subscribers in the coming days and will be on newsagent shelves from 27 September.

Source: http://www.edge-online.com/news/platinum-games-bayonetta-ps3-failure/

Stylish Nero

We Dem Boys!!
So what's the point...you guys sucked at making games on the PS3 now you don't......how is that relevant to Bayonetta 2's exclusivity.....now there just making excuses. They could've said this when Bayonetta came out and had all those problems on the PS3......too late Platinum....too late.


"Plough the lilies"
I couldn't bare playing bayonetta on PS3 honestly. I literally need to go to a another gaming cafe just to play the Xbox 360 version.

Stylish Nero

We Dem Boys!!
Bayonetta 2 wasn't there biggest failure......Vanquish & MadWorld's extremely low sales were there biggest failure and maybe even Max Anarchy.

Actually I think Vanquish was their biggest failure.


I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
I haven't had trouble with it either.
I have it for 360 and PS3 and both work excellently.

Vampire Wicked has pretty much summed it up.

Plus, it's Tilly's fave game (yes, my cat likes Bayonetta... must be a witch thing :p)

Stylish Nero

We Dem Boys!!
Heh...I'm not surprised but not to sound racist most Japanese game developers will commonly say something stupid in an attempt to back up some stupid sh*t they did. Capcom (MegaMan Legends 3, UMvC3, SFxT DLC), Square Enix (Final Fantasy VII remake, Final Fantasy Versus XIII, KH3), Sega (Max Anarchy, Bayonetta), & many others have done sh*t like this or similar.

I don't care I'm still buying Max Anarchy when it comes to the states.....I'll give my left nut for that game.


I Saw the Devil
If I hadn't just played it on the 360 after years on the PS3 I would've said the same but the game is significantly inferior on the PS3


I think im sort of dimensional traveller lol
I had once this game for PS3 but I had problems with it so I traded mine copy with friend for his X360 of game so I had no problem with game. Well It sucks that devs maded inferior port for PS3 and I never forgave them that trick as I wasted money for game.


Enma Katana no Kami
What they are trying to say seems to be that they consider it to be their worst failure because something that should have been really good ended up not working properly due to their carelessness in not doing the port themselves. They aren't saying that the series doesn't have a future on Sony's consoles, they aren't saying that this has anything to do with Bayonetta 2 being on the Wii U. They are just saying that they should have done better.
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