I'm right there with ya brother. Not because of the rage that comes with broken street dates, but with the immense spoilers that are being thrown around nonchalantly throughout threads. I even saw one guys signature was an animated gif of the final boss fight!! What gives people? Granted this has definitely been my favorite forum for video games, the people here are definitely some of the most polite and understanding I've been around. And the original threads themselves are great about posting "spoilers" in the topic headline, and I've managed to stay away from those threads.
But when people start throwing information about certain bosses and enemies freely in other topics that do not warrant spoiler discussions (especially without warning), that's when I have issues. I've already had the final boss spoiled for me and now I've even seen footage from it because someone posted it in their signature. Just for future reference, if you're going to post a reply in a topic that may contain spoilers, please give fair warning.
Farewell, friends! Until this time next week or so, at least hahaha.