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Own company or with others

What do you prefer

  • Own company

    Votes: 6 26.1%
  • With others

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • A bit of both

    Votes: 8 34.8%
  • Depends on my mood

    Votes: 9 39.1%

  • Total voters


Devil hunter in training
I thought I liked being social, going out and hanging around with others, but recently I prefer to spend time in my own company. It's like I'm almost irritated when friends want to go out with me, which isn't like me....well not till recently. It's like I find the whole experience of social interaction suddenly tiring and boring....I'd much prefer to be in my room away from the others and just do what I want. Maybe it's because I've been doing too many things with others so I need space?

Anyone else feel like that? :/


I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
I've gotta say that where I live I have no friends. Past experiences have told me that I can't trust some people. When I was in college (coming up for 9 years ago) I preferred my own company, plus although I wanted to get to know my classmates, my stupid 'social phobia' wouldn't let me.

So yeah, I still prefer my own company...

Chimera Khaos

Hades Leading General Commander
I know how you feel, but my mood has a lot to do with it...
I can be happy one moment while I'm with my friends, and then just wish I was on my own, and vice versa...
I can't really explain why I feel that way, maybe it's just when I'm thinking of something and all of a sudden a powerful emotion comes over me and I immediately change how I feel at the time...


For Sanguinius!
I like a bit a both. It's fun to hung out with friends, but sometime I just need to spend some to to myself and relax.

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
I chose a bit of both because I'm realistic that way.
I'm NEVER on my own. There's always somebody with me. And when I go out 'by myself', there's still somebody with me.
The only time I'm in my own company is....never. Not even staying up until midnight, or past midnight, because my best friend is an insomniac.
I should go on a one day/weekend break to some cheap as resort and lock myself in my room.

Angel General

Cristal, Advisor to Emperor Glaser & sky goddess
I find that if I ever have an opportunity to ask my friends over, I'll say no. I'll wait for them to invite me. I'm happy on my own and although I have really great friends, I would choose being alone over inviting them most of the time. This might be because if they come to my house I'll feel pressured to keep them entertained and maybe wouldn't have much fun.
When they invite me places, I'm the opposite, I look forward to it, and if I'm not then I'll usually enjoy it when I get there.

I've been going to a Friday night youth club for 2 or 3 years, and I've always enjoyed it, and been sad if I didn't get to go. My best friends don't participate as much there as I do, maybe we find different social activities fun.


Philosopher and fangirl. Worst. Combination. Ever.
Heh, it depends.
I personally prefer the company of some selected ones, with which I can freely share my thoughts and opinions, beacuse I have the feeling of being understood, of "speaking the same language". But normally I am so socially awkward that I'd rather close myself in my bedroom and just never come out again. Social phobia ftw.
Apart from this, I need my spaces too. There are times in which I need to be left to my own devices, because when I'm alone I can truly be myself without caring of what others think of me and of what I do.
The only person whose presence I never mind is that of my boyfriend, because he has in time come to know everything about me, and I never feel judged by him.


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
It's definitely based off mood for me. Sometimes, I want to hang out. Sometimes I don't. It just so happens that the times I want to have become fewer because every time I want to, I'm turned down.


Well-known Member
Lately, I've been the most anti-social ass I've ever seen.
Been shutting myself in my room for a really long time, I only go out to school and sometimes go up to the abandoned building near city hall with friends, but that's pretty much it.

Mostly because I'd rather deal with more serious issues with a certain someone, but I've also just been feeling like I've been away from home way too much.
So yeah, I sorta feel like I need my space.
Also been ignoring most if not all text messages I've been receiving. But again, referring to
Lately, I've been the most anti-social ass I've ever seen.


Single life for life
I don't mind company, and I don't mind being alone, so for me it's either as I don't mind which one. I do have those moods where I sway closer to one or the other but not by much, so in the end I don't really care which one I end up with. I could quite happily be alone, and I could quite happily be with others.

I rarely ever approach others and ask to hang out since I'm always thinking "Do they really want me around them?", but if someone asks me I'm pretty much always ok with it assuming I like the person that's asking me. That's pretty much what dictates if I'm alone or not.


Supporter 2014
Well... it depends.

If I meet or am hanging out with someone who's worthy of my respect, then yes, I can spend some time with them.

If not...



Supporter 2014
Maybe it's because I've been doing too many things with others so I need sphttp://devilmaycry.org/community/threads/own-company-or-with-others.15502/#post-473277ace?

You'd feel differently if you were raising your social links in either P3 (in Persona 3 Portable, you can play as a female protagonist) or P4.

This guy here looks like Vergell...

Um... apparently, this guy also kind of does...

That's what I don't like about Persona (and anime in general) you see a lot of characters that look similar to one another.

But I digress...

My favorite girl... of all time.


So, what's the lesson here?

Get virtual friends like I did. You'll be all the better for it. :lol:

Laurence Barnes

Still not dead. Just not really here any more.
i like hanging out with friends but in my village i only have 1 friend and he hardly does anything so i'm used to being on my own but mainly it just depends on my mood
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