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OP/ED piece- DC's "bleak future"


Fake Geek Girl.
Ok, I enjoyed Man of Steel and thought that it was a pretty cool movie but, is it the ideal Superman movie? On one hand the action is spectacular and exciting. What I would like to see for Superman but, on the other hand, it's too dreary at times. SUPERMAN ISN'T BATMAN.

I'm not the biggest Superman fan in the world but I do like him and appreciate what he stands for in the comic book world. Superman is a regular guy but, idealized. Yes he is insanely powerful but, the thing with Superman is how this absolute power doesn't corrupt him but absolve him. He stands to be the good person we should strive to be. He didn't need to go through a tragedy (Batman) to decide to do the right thing.

Superman is like that chaperone walking on the playground. Now this is where Man of Steel comes in and how Superman shouldn't be.
The final confrontation with General Zod was awesome and exciting. I loved it and if you seen Man of Steel you know Superman kills Zod. Now I know Superman doesn't usually kill but, he has made the decisions for the greater good so I can be fine with him resorting to that tactic to save millions of lives. However Superman wouldn't get in to a battle with Zod that would level Metropolis and look like the end of a Transformers movie. He goes out of his way to stop a building from toppling over. He feels responsible for the people, not Zod. He would also try to save villains from themselves if he could. THIS IS SUPPOSE TO BE SUPERMAN!

Hollywood is forgetting to put the HERO in SUPERHERO. The blue boy scout Superman is cool. We don't have to make him dark like Batman to get that point across and sadly kids today won't appreciate that. F#ck that. This is why I also don't hate Superman Returns as everyone else.


Fake Geek Girl.
Overall, Man of Steel should stay contained. I don't want these gritty superhero stories that try to be "realistic" anymore. That's kinda like missing the point of superheroes. They're suppose to be unrealistic and living in imaginative worlds.


Fake Geek Girl.
OMG I wish i could give you 10thousand likes for that.
I so razza-fraggin agree.
Now to be clear i have NOT seen Man Of Steel, however trailers many trailers have really bugged me about it.
"What was I supposed to do," Clark asks, "let them DIE?"
"...Maybe," Pa kent says.
Now i'm not a big Superman fan but hearing that was like Whoa what the smurf!?
I understand directors want to add a bit of realism to it but they're screwing with the Superman mythos & that turn bad.
Jonathan & Martha Kent were the ones that instills his sense justice & overall good nature.
There is more to that scene though than what you see in the trailer. I won't spoil but, there's a reason he says that. Context is everything. I didn't have too much a problem with that scene considering what was being discussed however I did have a personal issue with the resolution to that particular point in the story. This is all spoiler talk though so out of respect for everyone who didn't see Man of Steel but want to I won't go into it here.


Fake Geek Girl.
That's why i'm not going expecting it to be true to Superman or expecting it to be a true failure just from the trailers.
I do wanna see this but unfortunately the trailers really puts me off.
From the look of them Superman should be so depressed & should leave earth lol.
I look at it as a really strong Elseworlds story. Man of Steel isn't a bad movie at all. It's actually pretty damn cool and it is enjoyable. Is it what I would want to see often or the universe the rest of the cinematic universe revolves around in? No. Unless they fix it.

At least it's still way better than The Dark Knight Rises. I'm not thinking about Man of Steel and hating it the more I think about it. I'm cautiously optimistic at least.

V's patron

be loyal to what matters
The thing is there are no ideal version of any character from Marvel or dC because they subject to change on the whims of the writer or editorial staff.

I think the film did good job actually capturing the wonder of Superman as just seeing him fly for the first time was amazing and we needed more Krypton scenes. Even for a scientist Jor-el is a badass :cool: and good god was krypton amazing to look at.

To talk about the death scene, it was unnecessary as you could have had Clark push Zod into the black hole with the others but the moment where i felt they did make the choice worked because Zod was irredeemable and no other options outside of Clark lobotomizing him.


Fake Geek Girl.
The thing is there are no ideal version of any character from Marvel or dC because they subject to change on the whims of the writer or editorial staff.

I think the film did good job actually capturing the wonder of Superman as just seeing him fly for the first time was amazing and we needed more Krypton scenes. Even for a scientist Jor-el is a badass :cool: and good god was krypton amazing to look at.

To talk about the death scene, it was unnecessary as you could have had Clark push Zod into the black hole with the others but the moment where i felt they did make the choice worked because Zod was irredeemable and no other options outside of Clark lobotomizing him.
It's not like I have a particular problem with Superman making that decision because he has before. He makes it for the greater good and understands that. However, Superman wouldn't allow that kind of battle that took place to happen in Metropolis.

He's like an adult walking amongst a playground looking out for the kids there. He feels responsible for the people he's protecting. They were throwing each other around basically destroying the city. Superman wouldn't have allowed that to happen. It was exciting but, weird.

Man of Steel is like the best DBZ adaption ever though lol.


Fake Geek Girl.
DC Comics It is much more clearly defined of what side heroes & villains stand on. The DC world is more black & white then grey. The heroes are excepted with no question no doubts by humanity & the heroes have no doubts about saving humanity & fighting for justice.
You're selling DC comics way too short. Their heroes are just as conflicted as Marvel's characters. It's far from black and white. You're not giving them enough credit at all. DC is effing fantastic. Just like Marvel.
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