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Old members.

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The dark knight

Well-known Member
I think us old members deserve something. :lol: Like me. I was here before most of the staff. Phanbtarch was here for a while. Trish was also here for awhile. I think we deserve something. :lol:


The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
I have two badges, give me something too :p Just kidding, I have enough already :)

No, but on a serious note; what exactly do you wish to acquire? There are tons and tons of old members, and if some old ones were to come back only to see that you guys got something and they did not; they'd probably be jealous or feel unappreciated I would imagine. Having said that, I expect it would take a while to give/apply whatever it is you are hoping to get, to all of the old members here.

We also have to take what you mean by "Old" into consideration. Are you talking about members here when you first joined? Or do you mean members here before you joined as well? Or possibly a few members here after you settled in?

^ Or all of the above?

But when it comes down to it, I suppose it depends on what you are asking for all in all.


TimeLord Detective
Seriously ask Santa:p

I hate to be sarcastic but I don't see how this would help you or the forum in some way. It seems a bit "weird" and could only serve to set up envy between the users "look I have that because I'm here for moar time than you:p" Thread locked.
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