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Of Love, LIghtning, and Wolves.

HQQR - Solid

Blitzschnelles stood silently waiting for the woman he had been watching, for sometime, to appear. From the heavens he saw her frequently, though of course when he had a chance to speak with her she was no where to be found.


*DJ Blow My Speakers Up*
Resa moved towards the Wolf Haven, knowing Soild would be there. Go home Resa... He doesnt want to be with you... Just go. But she had to see him, one last time. Although he casted her aside, her heart ached for her to see him one last time.

HQQR - Solid

Blitzschnelles caught a glimpse of Resa and began to approach her. Then with a deep breath he called to her, with a hearty tone. "Excuse me, I wish to speak with you!" he shouted, running a hand through his light blonde hair as he came up to her. "My name is Blitzschnelles, and I have been watching you for sometime from the heavens. Though you are a human woman, you are even more beautiful than any I have seen in my own world." he added before pulling her closer to him and gently placing his lips onto hers.

Solid heard voices outside of the Wolf Haven, and his ears twitched slightly. He gently scratched his head and began to sniff the air. "Strange... do I smell..." he quickly jolted out of bed and out the Wolf Haven entrance door. Inside he smiled, because he knew he smelled her, but once he opened the door his eyes widened at the sight he beheld.


*DJ Blow My Speakers Up*
Resa's eyes went wide at unexpected kiss. She quickly pushed the man off her, but at the same time, she caught Solid's eyes. A fearful pain went through her as she looked at him, then back to the man. Before she could say anything, Resa took off.

HQQR - Solid

Solid quickly ran after her but stopped as he crossed paths with the man who had kissed Resa.

'So this is what she wants...?' Solid asked himself, sounding rather insecure. Though before he could get close, the man grabbed his shoulder.

"I've been watching you, Solid. I've seen what you've done, how you've treated her... how cruel you are." Blitz said to him sternly.

Solid's patients grew thin and he kicked the man the furthest he could. "I'll kill you for that..." he growled as his eyes began to turn red.


*DJ Blow My Speakers Up*
Resa stopped out of breath. "That did not just happen." she replied, befor she began to weep. This wasn't happening. This just couldn't be... "Ooh, god, what do I do?" she asked herself through tears.

HQQR - Solid

Solid finally caught up to, but as he did, along came the strange man who had caused all of this.

"There is nothing that can be done." Solid said coldly. He stared hard at her, so hard in fact that if his eyes were blades they would pierce her flesh. Though his facial expression was blank, inside his emotions were fluttering about.

Blitzshcnelles appeared at her side, and smiled at her. "Don't you see that even now, he scolds you? How could anyone be so cold to a crying woman?" he asked her, then glaring at Solid. "I've told you once demon... leave her alone as you have done for so long. To you she is merely a possession!" Blitz cried with such anger in his voice that it brought on thunder and lightning.

Solid bit his lip, then summoned his crystaline sword. "Speak another word to her, or I.... and you will meet your end." he said placing the blade onto his shoulder.


*DJ Blow My Speakers Up*
Resa covered her eyes, and squeezed her eyes shut. "Just both of you stop... Please... Stop..." She repeated quietly. "I just want it all to stop... All the pain."

It was all true, she had mixed emotions about Solid. But, everytime they were together, it was... Like, she even alive. ._.

HQQR - Solid

"It rather strange..." Blitz called to Solid.

"...and what is so strange?!" Solid called back.

Blitz sighed and ran his hand down Resa's back, his hand was soothing, comforting even.

"You care about her... more than even yourself, more than any power you have attained, but you have so much demonic pride that you refuse to show her you care. Instead you scold her, speak to her coldly, and make her wonder if you truly wish to be with her you are-" Solid cut him off.

"None of that is true! I show as much affection as I can!" Solid yelled back to him angrily

"Well I guess your "all" isn't enough. She blindly cares for you, intoxicated by your false intentions and seemingly kind words of love, affection, and caring for her. You are nothing but a liar!" Blitz said back.

"I am not! None of my words are false, nothing i've said to her have been lies... I am honest with her at all times." Solid remarked to him trying not to get too upset.


*DJ Blow My Speakers Up*
Resa listened. But she wanted it all to stop... It was all so confusing to her. She slowly opened her eyes, and looked at Solid through tears. She stood up, then walked up to him, stopping two feet in front of him. "Do you love me Solid?" Her voice shakey, scared of the answer. "Do you truly love me?"

HQQR - Solid

Solid looked into her eyes, and Blitz stood up and approached her from behind. Solid was so hurt by her state that a tear of his own fell, though when it did he looked away.

"He is incapable of confessing his feeling for you, Resa." Blitz whispered in her ear. "He is too proud, too worried of appearing weak to even tell the woman he cares for he loves her."

Solid turned back to her his face expressionless, with multiple tears. Then as he looked down, he softly spoke: "Yes."


*DJ Blow My Speakers Up*
"Then... Please, stop casting me aside like a useless rag doll..." She choked. Resa's knees felt weak, she quickly fell to the ground. "Please, dont hurt me Solid.."

HQQR - Solid

Solid simply knelt down and hugged her. Blitz sighed and backed away.

"It seems that you'll never learn Resa, he does not care for you. When you finally realize that he has tricked you once more, seek me out." Blitz called just before shooting off into the distance as a bolt of lightning.


*DJ Blow My Speakers Up*
Resa didnt know if she should hug Solid back. Tears stung her eyes. You'll never learn, Resa. She gently laid her head against his shoulder.

HQQR - Solid

"I take it my credibility is lost..." Solid said softly as he ran his fingers through Resa's hair. "Though this may be, you have to trust me... and not listen to the lies that fool has been speaking..."


*DJ Blow My Speakers Up*
Resa simply nodded. Her mind felt tired and dazed. "He's been watching me..." she whispered.

HQQR - Solid

"There is no need to worry about him any longer..." Solid said as he carried her back to the Wolf Haven. "I will protect you from him, and any other doubts of my intentions."
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