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Not a war just a discussion


The mind is stronger than any muscle in your body.
Well after selling my Xbox 360 and it's version of Devil May Cry 4 I've suddenly noticed that the PS3 version is horrible when it comes to performing certain moves, and it's control scheme is plain simply abysmal. Seriously the moves you try to transition from sword master - trickster and then from gunslinger to the various other combat moves just isn't as fluid as the way it felt on the Xbox 360 controller! Actually the way the moves you use in contrast to compliment the other in the Xbox 360 controller is just simplistic, and you're not playing finger yoga when you play the game on the PS3.

OK maybe I'm being a bit biased and everyone has their own way of expressing their own skills in whatever platforms they're playing Devil May Cry 4 on, but out of the consoles and how they play, and how their controllers compliment their own version, so I can't speak for every but....! I have to be honest, and as a traitorous man as I possibly am to go against my fellow Sony brothers and sisters, I have to say that the PS3 version of the game is rubbish in comparison to the Xbox 360.

Yes I get that I probably have to practice a bit to get used to it, and though I use Bloody palace for Jump Cancel training, as well as utilizing it full potential by mastering the Sword Mater, Royal Guard , Trickster, DarkSlayer and Gunslinger, it just seems pointless.

I've watched so many people on Youtube doing the craziest and mentally distorted combos/moves on enemies/foes, and though I try to practice-practice-practice-practice and even more...it just seems pointless because the PS3 controller just wasn't made for harnessing the true power of what DMC 4 can do.

Hell even the new DmC is horrible in contrast to the PS3 and let's leave the graphics to one side, but as screen tearing go and how everything plays, such as the music cuts and lags when the game is on it's loading screen, and even more so how the music cuts off from the Lilith/Mundus spawn boss fight, and the textures not syncing properly, really puts a big dent on the PS3, so let's leave that alone for a moment.

Yes I should stop blabbing around and get myself an Xbox 360 just to shut myself up and stop whining about it, but I just want to ask all of you if any of you have had any problems, with the control scheme and button layout of the game, and what is your opinion on what I've just said.

I really want to hear your thoughts and if you could spare me some pointers that would be great.

Please I just want an honest discussion so no fanboy/girl's fighting here.

Thank you for taking the time to read this.


Well-known Member
My old roommate had a Batman themed PS3 controller that was designed as a Xbox 360 controller, but with the triable, circle, square, and x buttons. Perhaps it's worth looking in to?

It's really no competition that the Xbox controller is a lot better than PlayStation. I only used a 360 controller once in my life and (after getting used to it) thought it was way better than a PS3 one. It just feels better to hold and use overall.

The Final Offer

Well-known Member
I think the PS3 controller trumps the Xbox 360 controller...since the PS3 controller is just the ps2 controller that is just the Ps1 controller with more buttons.

Mind you Xbox 360 feels like it was made for shooters...whilst Dualshock feels like it was made for everything.

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
Xbox controllers are less flimsy. I like the layout, I like that I'm actually gripping something solid and sturdy, and I like all ze diffrent colorz they come in.
Like you, I'm slightly biased. Xbox controllers are familiar and like extensions of my hands. Ps3....flimsy. I haven't played on the ps3 controller much, aside from going online and whatnot. It feels fragile and uncomfortable in my hands, like if I press too hard or too many buttons in sequence, it would peg out on me.

Chimera Khaos

Hades Leading General Commander
I don't think it really has anything to do with the game, more so what you've played with longer. I should know because I've played the Play Station practically my whole life. Only a couple times have I played with an Xbox and its controller, to me it personally didn't fit. I think it's more what you're personally accustomed and used to.
Though I haven't played DMC on anything other besides the Play Station, think it just goes to say whatever you play on is more than likely what you'll play with in the long run. It's like changing from one thing to another. Either it doesn't seem right and won't work, or it does. Eh. Maybe I'm just rambling, there's my two cents.


Well-known Member
I think the PS3 controller trumps the Xbox 360 controller...since the PS3 controller is just the ps2 controller that is just the Ps1 controller with more buttons.

Mind you Xbox 360 feels like it was made for shooters...whilst Dualshock feels like it was made for everything.
You know the one game I played on the 360 was a shooter. o_O Perhaps that has something to do with it.

The Final Offer

Well-known Member
You know the one game I played on the 360 was a shooter. o_O Perhaps that has something to do with it.

I actually found myself enjoying shooters a bit more on the Xbox controller because they were like triggers. Not a bad thing. Also, I just mastered using my left hand like my right.

Does that impress you my queen?


i like turtles
Supporter 2014
i believe that its what you're used to in terms of controller thats the issue. i had a similar issue with the DMC hd collection and DmC when i tried to play them on 360.


I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
I like the 360 controllers (mainly because I don't pinch myself on the triggers lol).
I prefer the 360 version of DMC4 anyway but that's mainly because of the achievements. It's been ages since I've played DmC on the PS3 or 360 but (from what I remember), I preferred playing it with the 360 controller.

Lord Nero

Ultraviolet Sentinel
Well, the PS3 controller is pretty terrible, imo. After playing on the original Xbox and the Xbox 360, the PS controllers just feel bad because they don't fit the form of your hands very well, and the grips are really short too. I have large hands (duh, because I'm six foot four), so they don't even come close to fitting completely in my palm.
Aside from that, the sticks are too close together, and the triggers seem a bit loose or something. The triggers on the 360 are really responsive and tight. Oh, and switching styles might indeed not work that well, because the directional buttons hardly allow your thumb to glide over it.

And though I got the PS4, I'm not very happy with its controller either. But, at least the sticks and the directional buttons are improved.

If possible, maybe you should try a different controller, like Meg said.
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