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Non-human companions


Oldschool DMC fan
I really miss having a non-human around the house. I used to have chinchillas (two of whom were twins, you can guess what I called them), but when I had to move (the landlord sold up on me) I couldn't find a place big enough in time and I had to give them to somebody else to look after. Hopefully at some point I can get another place big enough to cope with a pet.

Here's what my former charges looked like:

These are the twins and their father

Their mother is the pale one, they also had a younger sister:




Feeling nostalgic for my little furballs.

Anyone else have pics of their non human buddies? Can I see?


This partys getting crazy
They're lovely Lexy ^_^ I'm sorry to hear you had to get rid of them. I have a cat called Jasper, who I love with all my heart :D she's the world to me, this is the only pic I have already on the net, it's not the best (it's actually quite scary!) but she's gorgeous in every pic she has ^_^


I also have some stag beetle larvae at the moment that I'm taking care of, they're protected in the UK so I'm just making sure they grow up nice and healthy. I don't have any pics of them but this is what they look like


disgusting, ain't they!


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
I've seen those larvae around in my backyard. They grow into some nasty little buggers! One bit my finger and my mom had to get tweezers to remove it.


Oldschool DMC fan
What do Stag Beetle larvae eat? I agree, larve aren't especially lovable, but they do grow into handsome beasts when they've metamorphosed. I remember being divebombed by a few in France.

Your cat has a copious Cheshire-grin there.


This partys getting crazy
the larvae eat rotting wood (I need to acquire some soon) my friend thinks they look like Satan's genitals, but I think they can look beautiful when they are adult, however I have an irrational fear of flying things, so am very cautious when I check on them, I can't imagine a much more terrifying experience than being attacked by them. Your right she does look very smiley :D maybe that's why I love the Chesire cat so much, I liked the purple, chubby Disney version best though, man I wish cat's had purple fur!


Oldschool DMC fan
I don't think the adults can do much harm, unless you put your finger into their mandibles, lol. By divebombed I mean they were flying low and aren't all that manoeuvrable because of their size. I don't think they cared about me being there at all.


Dante enthusiast!
Awwww nice chinchillas Lexy. It's always sad when you have to say bye to furry friends :(
Nice Kitty Spawn - I like ginger kitties.

I thought I'd bring back the cuteness in this thread, 'cuz I notice the subject quickly got onto 'larvae eating rotting wood.' lol


This is Milo - he's my handsome man - look at his little belly belly!


This is Miso. her official title is 'Miso Soup'


This is Noodles.


This is Oolong


And this is Sushi.

Yeah, we name our pets after Japanese cuisine. Oolong is sadly no longer with us :( I've always had pets growing up and I'm a bit obsessed with Guinea Pigs.


Oldschool DMC fan
Do your cats mind the guinea pigs and vice versa?

Some years ago now when I lived with my parents we had a bird and a green iguana too and the pair of them would bully my cat when they were loose. My poor cat never got a break - at one point a feral cat used his flap and had kittens in his bed, which meant he was bullied by her too, so I ended up letting him sleep on my bed (my room being the only place he could get some peace, poor guy).


I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
I suppose first I better tell you about the King... Tom.


This is Tom Kitten. We had him for 13 and 1/2 years. Ginger and White Tom Cat, big and cuddly.
The vet wanted to put him to sleep as a kitten, but my mum wouldn't let her. He had problems with his pancreas and use to be sick often. As he got older, he got crystal in his bladder and have to have an operation. His belly was shaved and looked sore for weeks.
He died back in 2009 when it was decided that he should be put to sleep... *excuse me*... Its still hard to talk about. His last month was a very raw time for me. Mixing his food, shovelling it into syringes and feeding them to him... *starts to cry* sorry, I can't type anymore about it.

I'm sorry about that. I really thought i could type about that, I really thought i was over it. Sorry for bringing down the thread.

Well, as for now...

Princess Squiffy... I mean Tilly. And she is a Princess... really spoiled.
She is two years old, and a real hellraiser. She doesn't cuddle... well she does, just not in my arms. She likes to sit on my shoulder (or face) and rub up against my head... although i'm pretty sure she is trying to suffocate me. She is very nosey, will growl at people coming up the path (especially if they're pushing their religion).
Tilly thinks all post and envelopes are for her, and that every birthday is her birthday. She loves to interrupt my gaming and attacks discs that come out of the PS3.
Also, she is learning how to get her treats out of my mum's handbag (where they are kept). Gotta give her credit, she isn't stupid. Tilly is also a highly trained spider and fly killer.
'Modom' also likes sitting on my tummy, but since the stomach aches have gotten worse, we've had to stop.


Oldschool DMC fan
Does she do that thing where if she wants food she sticks her claws in your bed and attacks your feet? My cat used to do that.


I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
No, weirdly enough, there is always someone around to feed her. She cocks her nose up to most of it though.

But when we had Tom, he used to attack arms and legs (if you moved them) whilst you were in bed. One minute, sleeping like a baby, the next *pounces* YEEEEEOW!!! He never
like mum's alarm clock either. When it went off at 7am, he would go for her. She has quite a few battle scars.

My fave thing has to be, when mum was bed ridden and Tom peed on her to make her get out of bed. I've never seen someone move so fast. :p


Oldschool DMC fan
I do miss my cat. He was more like a dog than a cat, possibly because my mother made him get the chop after he started trying to hump her jumpers.

Darth Angelo

Tuck-yet-chi-say-denie trieve trick-dis-nie
I used to have a Boxer bitch called Ellie but I don't have any pics on the computer.

This is the basic gist of what she looked like only with a darker coat and feint black stripes all over.

She died a few years ago when she was 10 years old and I still miss her very much.:( It was like losing my best friend as it felt like I had grown up with her.


Welcome to my world....
This is Roxy, she died a few years back now but she was the cutest ginger cat!

And, in keeping with the season:


This is my Chihuahua, Pudding when she was a pup:


Playing with her mother, Hunny:


Oh noes! You caught me stealing your presents!


Last but not least, Pudding's Devil Trigger form!


Right, I'm done gushing over my pets now :D


I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
Aww. Autumn Roxy's cute. When i see a ginger cat, it reminds me of the special little boy we used to have.
AND we tried dressing Tom up one christmas... didn't go too well.

Pudding and Hunny are cute. I love the pic of Pudding as a puppy... look at those little ears :3
Okay...I'm scared of Pudding's DT form.


Well-known Member
I have yet to live a place for myself where pets are allowed, but I have always considered the pets my parents have as my own. Whenever I am home at my parents' place, I take care of the dog, feeding him and walk him, I feed the fish when I'm there...

This is Bonzi.
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