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Ninja Gaiden 3 Review (PS3)

Chaos Raiden

Avid Gamer & Reviewer

Explore the dark side and human side of Ryu Hayabusa.

A group of terrorists led by the Regent of the Mask wanted Ryu Hayabusa to come and meet him, and later both of them fought at the Prime Minister's place. After the battle, Ryu is cursed with the Grip of Murder, a dangerous curse that causes the victim to suffer all the pain and suffering of all the people that Ryu killed. After that match, Ryu worked together with the JSDF members such as Mizuki McCloud, Cliff Higgins, etc and travel all over the world to find the mysterious terrorist's plan for the world.

This game's story is more darker than previous games' storylines, with more emphasis on Ryu's human side as well as his karma of killing other enemies. I personally think this game's storyline is by far the best storyline of all Ninja Gaiden games I have ever played, with fair amount of good character development compared to previous games. I find myself to like many characters in the game, such as Regent of the Mask, Ryu, Canna, Mizuki, etc.


i) Singleplayer Mode Section

Flashy and brutal moves by Ryu.
The gameplay is similar with previous Ninja Gaiden games, but with many differences. First of all, you only have two main weapons in this game, which are a sword and a bow. You have both Quick Attack and Strong Attack for your sword, and you can make combos by pressing the attack buttons at different ways, such as pressing the Strong Attack button and forward directional button for a powerful leaping attack. As you progress in the game, you will obtain different swords that will give you more and more movesets.

Ryu has several special moves in the game, which are Steel on Bone technique, Ninpo, and Ultimate Technique attack. Steel on Bone attacks are attacks that is executed when attacking enemies. When a Steel on Bone is executed, a QTE will pop out and requires you to press the button to heavily damage an enemy. You may execute this attack several times on different enemies. Ninpo is heavily different than previous games, which is that Ryu has only one Ninpo, and that Ninpo can only be cast when the Ninpo gauge is filled up. You can fill the Ninpo gauge by attacking enemies. Using the Ninpo will obliterate all enemies in the area, and it will refills your health depending on how many enemies you killed using Ninpo. Ultimate Technique is bit different than previous games, which can only be used when you attack enemies many times. Ultimate Technique is more or less the multi-hit version of Steel on Bone attacks, although the hits are one-hit kill.

Ryuhas access to a sliding technique. The slide move is useful to get close to enemies to finish them off, or to cross low obstacles. You can still block your enemy attacks, jump, wall run, etc. Another new move Ryu has is the Kunai Climb, which requires you to climb walls using your kunais. You can also see where is your next objective, similar to Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 by pressing the Right Analog Stick. Ryu also can kill an enemy stealthily, but the chances of doing this are incredibly few in this game. You can also finish off your dying enemies using Obliteration technique, similar to previous games' Obliteration technique.

The enemies in this game are quite ruthless and dangerous, especially the regular enemies encountered while playing the game. They can grab you, attack you from your blindside, etc. Of course, minimal strategy is needed to overcome them properly, since fighting them in harder difficulties is really hard. Bosses in this game are quite tough to play, but some of them doesn't require much technique to beat.

The most changes made in the game is the addition of QTEs as well as predetermined sequences in this game. QTEs are a first in the game, and you will encounter a number of QTEs in this game in many cinematic scenes, such as when fighting bosses, when gliding, etc. You will find yourself a lot in predetermined events in the game, such as killing enemies while Ryu is in pain by the curse. This occur when fighting enemies in many stages in the game.

The saving system is a bit different than previous game, where you can save two types of save files, which are Checkpoint save file and Story save file. Checkpoint save file can be done by interacting with an eagle in the game, and Story save file can be done when finishing a Chapter in the game.

The many changes made to this game is to make this game more accessible for average players. In certain ways, Team Ninja succeeded in doing so, but fail in many departments. First of all, this game lacks the variety of weapons unlike in previous Ninja Gaiden games. You are stuck with a sword and a bow in the whole game, and that definitely kills the fun in playing the game. Secondly, there are lack of items as well as no learning curve. You don't get to buy any items or new weapons, as well as you don't get to buy any upgrades or whatsoever in this game. Thirdly, the game feels extremely repetitive, thanks to the lack of weapons, stage design as well as the gameplay design itself.

Another problem I encountered in this game is the cheating and evil enemy A.I. In Hard mode, I find that many regular enemies are more prone to use grab attacks compared to Normal mode. Not only their grab attacks are powerful, but many of their grab attacks often come out of nowhere without any sign of using it, such as red glow on the hands and etc. Due to that, I have to switch to Normal mode to play the game. Strangely, Normal mode felt more easier to play, yet the enemies are still a bit tough. From what I have played, average gamers should be able to complete this game in Normal mode without much problems, whereas hardcore Ninja Gaiden games may be able to complete the Hard mode easily. However, many of the gameplay changes in the game may cause many Ninja Gaiden fans to feel boring with this game due to it's repetitious nature.

ii) Multiplayer Mode Section

Play as a ninja with other players online.

This time, this game features online multiplayer mode called Shadows of the World. There are two sets of online matches, one competitive online match with other players and Ninja Trials. Competitve online matches allow you to compete with other players online. You will be grouped into a faction, and the objective is to obtain as many kills as possible within the time limit. You will be rewarded with points accordingly to how well you kill an enemy. The points will be transferred to your level, and you will level up if you gain enough points. As you level up, you will obtain many new things, such as new accessories, new techniques, etc.

Ninja Trials are similar to previous games' Mission Mode, which requires you to defeat all enemy waves in a stage. Ninja Trials are categorised according to the difficulty of a trial, and it can be done either solo or co-op play with another online player.

The online multiplayer is good, as it provides a sense of progression to players. Unfortunately, the same thing can't be said to the singleplayer mode, and I felt that Team Ninja focused more of their efforts on making the multiplayer than the singleplayer.

Best looking Ninja Gaiden game.
Despite the gameplay's shortcomings, this game has impressive looking graphics, with stunning looking characters and detailed environments. One thing I noticed in this game is the lesser screen tearing compared to previous Ninja Gaiden games. However, minor screen tearing can be seen when using Ninpo.​


Good voice acting, and great soundtrack.
For the English voice acting, Ryu Hayabusa in this game is replaced by another voice actor, which is Troy Baker. Overall, I find that the English voice acting in this game improve from previous games' voice acting, probably because of better written dialogues. If you feel that the English voice acting doesn't suit with your tastes, switch the voice acting to Japanese.​
The soundtrack is pretty good, with great main theme as well as many great stage and cinematic themes when playing the game. I felt that this game has the best soundtrack compared to previous Ninja Gaiden games.​

Replay Value

Moderate to high replay value.

Depending on how well you like the game, the game may offers between moderate to high replay value to players. You can play the singleplayer mode in harder difficulties, or even play the online multiplayer mode with other players online. Strictly speaking, I felt that the online multiplayer is a bit more fun to play than the singleplayer mode.


A decent action game, but definitely will not appeal to most Ninja Gaiden fans.
Strictly speaking, this is a decent action game, but lacks enough depth in gameplay and a lot of repetitiveness due to many gameplay changes made to this game. If you can look past many of it's flaws, you might be able to enjoy the violent combat in the game a lot. Otherwise, I advise all players to wait for a Ninja Gaiden Sigma 3 that fixes all the flaws found in this game. Depending on the sales and reception, the Sigma version might not be developed at all, but I personally hope that Team Ninja will make Ninja Gaiden Sigma 3 to make amends on this game.

Story - 8/10
Gameplay - 4/10
Graphics - 8/10
Sound - 8/10

Final Score: 28/40 or 7.0/10.0.

Pros and Cons

- Intriguing and improved storyline.​
- Violent and flashy combat.
- Easy to learn moves.
- Impressive graphics.
- Great character designs.
- Good English and Japanese voice acting.
- Good online multiplayer mode.​
- Nice soundtrack.​
- Lenghty playing time for main playthrough.​
- Impressive cutscenes.​
- Online multiplayer mode may appeal to those who wants to have online fun as a ninja.​
- Enemy A.I. are pure cheating in harder difficulty modes with their grab attacks.
- Repetitious gameplay progression.
- Lack of weapons. (can be remedied by getting the DLC weapons)
- Some boss fights felt similar to each other.
- No items or customisation on Ryu.
- Addition of QTEs felt unnecessary in this game.
- Not a good game according to Ninja Gaiden standards.
- Singleplayer mode felt underdeveloped.


Humanoid Typhoon
Good review!

I think this game would of been a lot better, had it been the first NG game. But since it's the 3rd entry, it seems like it made to many sacrifices for its own good.


Well-known Member
NG3 is a disappointment in a whole lot of way's, for one thing graphics aren't impressive.
for a game that is like what, 3 years after Ng2? should look way better, yet in my eyes looks worse, a lot of area's look bland and they have no depth whatsoever..

replay value, only reason I beat it on MNM was just for the achievement, enemies are so grab happy it isn't even funny, 1 grab is like 75% heath loss in UNM its unplayable. btw in NG2 you could escape grabs if you acted fast enough...in this you have the pleasure of watching those suicide bombers without option...instant death in harder dif...

oh and this is the 1st NG game to have NO unlockables for game completion, nice eh. fancy a new costume for single player? keep dreaming, cuz there isn't any.

Its a rushed game with a forced in multiplayer added on, if only they focused more on single player...

not only that but the game itself seems like "trial missions", you know they throw in waves and waves of enemies until you kill them all? thats how it is, take a few steps and BAM an ambush! locked in a room with tonnes of enemies. lazy way of making the game "challenging" and it fails to do so. UNM they throw in so many enemies in its insane, you kill 20-30 hoping itl end...then 5 mages pop up...*great* and you're dead having to do it over and over. its extreamly repetitive in MNM/UNM. frame rate is horrible on those mode's btw...

If only they took a fraction of what Ninja Gaiden Black was, it might of been decent, now that was a game! challenging as hell, yet only threw 3-4 enemies at a time and was still very hard.

I heard a lot of people complaining and saying how NG3 wasn't going to be good because Itagaki had nothing to do with the game, I for one wasn't one of them that believed that. The game "looked good" and I was sure it "played good"...lets just say I was wrong....truth is, without Itagaki the franchise that is NG is now dead.


I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
Anthor Great review and Another game that didn't really require QTE's.
I've played the SIGMA versions of the past two games, and i'd give this a go regardless of difficulty
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