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Ninja Gaiden 2!


I know I'm picking this one up next month. There so much blood that I'm going to be blood drunk after playing this game:lol:. Looking forward to trying out the new weapons too and I Can't wait to fight Alexei and Genshin as well. Are there any Ninja Gaiden fans on this site besides me?

Angelo Credo

Kept you waiting, huh?
You're not the only Ninja Gaiden fan here, the first Ninja Gaiden and Black knocked my socks off, I can NOT WAIT until the second is released. :D


Angelo Credo;90089 said:
the first Ninja Gaiden and Black knocked my socks off

Mine too man lol. I hope there is a fight that is harder than the Awakened Alma and Ishtaros fights.


涼宮ハルヒの憂鬱 SOS団
Yeah, I'm a total Ninja Gaiden fan!

Let's talk about how good we are!

I can't wait for two!

Dude if you really like Ninja gaiden join this forum I'm on it gets all the latest info!


This is one of the greatest forum's I've been a member of.


If I were to rank myself of how good I was, Head Ninja is what I would be.
Hopefully by playing the second one nonstop I can give my self the title of Master Ninja.

I was checking out that website and it is pretty nice. It seems like all the members are pretty cool. I'll probably join later on though.


I've beaten on every difficulty except Master Ninja. Just started a new game on Master Ninja this week. Its pretty damn hard and usually video games never push me this hard lol, except DMC3's DMD mode.


涼宮ハルヒの憂鬱 SOS団
I beat all the mission's on master ninja with a head ninja rank.

I hope you know you dont get anything?

Good luck!

Your gonna need it.


Figured I wouldn't unlock anything seeing as how I have all the costumes already lol. Master Ninja is fun as hell! XD


涼宮ハルヒの憂鬱 SOS団
Dude, get ready for some suprise's.

In the last few chapter's...

Go check that forum they've got pic's of Ryu's new costume's and a SAD suprise! ^_~


Yeah I heard about what Itagaki said yesterday. It doesn't surprise me one bit. It seems like all developers are starting to work new games.


涼宮ハルヒの憂鬱 SOS団
Dude, register, it'd be nice to see ya!:)

I still find it hard to believe that only three people on this forum are Ninja gaiden fan's.:dry:

Some people are proably scared or something...
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