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New DMC english site!!


Yeah you check out those videos? they are pretty wierd, DMC doesnt look right played by real characters...well maybe because its low budget. BTW i think thats Reuben Langdon and Johnny Yong Bosch potraying Dante and Nero as real characters.


yea just got done watchin them i thought the costumes were right on target but the dante vid coudve added more on nero looked stunning and im not sure that was them two but meez a check again


Wesker's #1 fan!
Interesting, it saids that Dante might have surpassed Sparda. AND it saids that Ebony and Ivory was passed down from Sparda. Heh heh, those videos are kinda bootleg, Nero's hair isn't even like Nero's hair. Neither is Dante's for that matter.

Finally a real bio on Nero.

Dante Redgrave

Son of Sparda
That would certainly fit the whole "homemade guns" origin of the set, though it wouldn't take into account the "For Tony Redgrave" engraving.


TimeLord Detective
Dante Redgrave;64154 said:
That would certainly fit the whole "homemade guns" origin of the set, though it wouldn't take into account the "For Tony Redgrave" engraving.

Well since that supposedly comes from the Novel which is not cannon, I think that probably they just have it since it was in all games up until now..

(Even Luce & Ombra have that 'For Tony Redgrave' engraved on them:p

Dante Redgrave

Son of Sparda
Tony_Redgrave;64189 said:
Well since that supposedly comes from the Novel which is not cannon, I think that probably they just have it since it was in all games up until now..

(Even Luce & Ombra have that 'For Tony Redgrave' engraved on them:p

Actually, DMC3 said they were Dante's homemade guns, the novel said he got them from a gunsmith. The real reason that they say "Tony Redgrave" is because Dante's original name in developement was "Tony Redgrave", back when it was still in the "beta of RE 4"stage. Luce and Umbra saying it would probably be because LDK mode is a model change.

BTW, when did Capcom say "the novel is no longer canon'? The creator of DMC loved the novel and it's origin work, had aproved the story and worked with the writer, it only needs a revision to take into account new POST novel produced material. The creator and director is final word on Canon, so I wann'a see proof of him saying "it's not valid" before I buy the whole "it's not canon" thing going on here and on SonsofSparda.


Fearfully and wonderfully made
Looks like a cool Devil May Cry 4 website to me. I thought the use of Flash animation was awesome. :thumbsup:

Shame I couldn't get past the homepage, though. I entered the wrong date of birth and it locked me out for being under-age. Haha. ^_^

Dante Redgrave

Son of Sparda
Tony_Redgrave;64220 said:
Just the existence of DMC3 contradicts the DMC1 novel..mainly because of Vergil.

Again...DMC3 was done long after the DMC1 novel...no offense, but what part of "retcon" not "book ignored established story" does everyone forget here. The book came first, and the game outright mentions that they had met about a year before. I would wait until there's an official "the book is not canon at all" from the director and creator before I went "it's not canon, that's fact, ignore it". If you mean Vergil's armor deal in the book...yes, it was meant to be Nero Angelo since it was based on the existing backstory of the time, but one can easily explain that it was the "armored" skin of Vergil's DT form.

If anything, the MANGA has been outright contridicted by DMC3 special, and even then, the intro for Vergil is a condensed, less gruesom version of that in the manga.


TimeLord Detective
Well Capcom contradicts itself unstoppable:p Look at it.
Devil May Cry 1: Dante, the son of the legendary Dark Knight Sparda. When he was a child his mother and brother 'were lost to evil'. Dante established a business which lets him kills demons. He has a system for choosing jobs and even some sort of password. By doing so, he may 'get the jackpot' by killing the one who was responsible for taking away his family when he was a child. He uses Force Edge, a sword that sometimes calls 'Woozy' which also a memento from his father. Also he has some customized twin Handguns with him known as Ebony & Ivory.
The emperor of the Underworld, Mundus, the one that Sparda defeated and sealed and the one responsible for what happened to Dante's family sent a demon of lighting, Trish, designed by him to look like Dante's mother and trick him into coming into his lair while Mundus and his minions can defeat him and get rid of the Sparda bloodline.
Throughout the game Dante meets an Armored Black Knight who uses the same type of moves as him and turns up to be his twin lost brother Vergil, but only after Dante vanquished him for good. From that we conclude that Mundus was somehow controlling Vergil. However Dante and Eva's amulet almost broke that control and Vergil was able to let his face transform almost back to his real form while allowing him to use some kind of Summoned Swords. After all that Dante manages to re-seal Mundus, fullfilling his 'Jackpot' wish. He partners with Trish for Devil Hunting and changes the name of his shop into 'Devils Never Cry'.

After a while (or was it just before DMC1 was out?) Devil May Cry Novel came out. In there we see that Vergil was in the human realm even before Dante opened his shop. We learn that a female gunsmith made Ebony & Ivory for 'Tony Redgrave' as this was Dante's alias in the Novel. Vergil lost to Dante, but Dante did not realize who he beat and shortly after that he opened 'Devil May Cry' to go just before the firt game.

So far so good.

Devil May Cry 2. Suddenly in there 'Woozy' or rather 'Force Edge' doesn't even exist. Unless you unlock DMC1 Dante. Instead we get 'Rebellion' as 'a standard sword for Dante'. Oookay, let's just think that Dante only used 'Force Edge' in emergencies all of a sudden (well his last mission that we know about was a fight against the emperor of the Underworld so let's say that his father's sword was a must) still, in DMC1 manual Enzo said otherwise, but it's only a manual etc etc so we can say okay and move forward. As an add, Dante does not transform to either something similar to Alastor/Ifrit nor something that resembles Sparda. Excuse me but the abomination tough-tank that Dante becomes if he has low health DOES look like an insect but it DOES NOT look like Sparda. Why they changed that and for what purpose I don't know. Anyway from there we get the crappy story where Dante beats the bad guys and finally lets us decide to believe whether he managed to return or stay locked in the demon world.

As before we got a novel for that game too. Another litle story, not much to add, Dante still looks more like DMC1 Dante in terms of character but probably got super dead-serious after that mission in the novel. Also since this novel along with DMC2 are set long after DMC1 we can still bypass the change of behaviour, weapon and style. One last fact to add is that in the novel Dante fought a three-headed dog named Cerberus.

DMC3. Prequel to everything. Dante does not have a shop yet. Or actually he has, but it doesn't even have a name. Dante is the opposite of DMC2 Dante. Super cocky, kick-*** attitude and always a quick and smart player with words. Which is normal, considering that he is in his teens. However, DMCNovel1 Dante was in that period too, but he was far more serious and troubled, although he too had that sort of attitude in front of other people or enemies. However Dante suddenly carries 'Rebellion' again instead of 'Force Edge'. And 'Rebellion' transformed from a 'standard sword for Dante' to a 'sword passed on from Dante's father Sparda'. Well it's good that they showed where the hell it appeared from^_^ Ebony & Ivory are still present but nothing hints that some female gunsmith made them for Dante. Instead they are 'Dante's customized twin Handguns'.
Also...Vergil LIVES!! And he is in the human world.
Dante met him even a year before the game. DMC1's 'brother lost to evil' is actually here and if by 'lost to evil' they meant that he's evil then it works out since his actions indicate that he wants to unseal the gate to the Underworld which is 100% evil at the time.
He has the amulet that their mother gave them but it is suddenly gold. We can be kind enough to let it slip since maybe the unknown conditions of Vergil being under Mundus control/ being in the Underworld for years etc etc MAY have affected it's color. But we can't since it's originally from the Underworld and I see NO reason for it to have changed colour"-_-.
Vergil also has Yamato. The crappy Katana that we used as LDK in DMC1 which only had the same moves as Alastor and even went so far as to have lighting elements is suddenly a brilliant Dark weapon to use which Vergil uses with great style and skill. Also we learn that these boys are twins. They look exactly the same BUT,their devil forms look different and AGAIN nothing like Sparda, or Dante in DMC1/2. In the game Dante becomes friends with a female Devil Hunter and are apparently helping each other kill demons after the end of the game. No mention of them in the previous games at all means that YOU FAIL Capcom:p
One good thing is that Vergil actually got himself locked in the demon world and while he was the brother who does not act on impulse and likes to have things a bit more planned decides to charge when he sees the most powerful demon he has heard off although he was just defeated and worn out...
Also Dante beats Cerberus in the game>_<

Finally we have DMC3 Manga. It saves the fact that Dante did not know that Vergil lived up until one year before DMC3. But that is a FAILURE as well since even after this, DMC1 Dante thought that his brother was killed by some demon when he was a child. He said saw after Mundus killed Griffon. 'He's the one who took the life of my mother..my brother..' Nothing significant except that Vergil probably undergo some preparations with Arkham before raising the Tower one year after all this thing.

Then Capcom decides that DMC4 will be for PS3. So you get to play as Vergil in DMC3: SE. Vergil had two cutscenes. One absolutely kick-a$s where he is located in the tower while it hasn't even risen yet and beats some monsters. And another where he meets Arkham but in a way that it's the Manga's way only different"-_-

So to the main point..Capcom contradicts itself faster than it takes for Superman to change into a reporter:p
Even the 1st game is almost contradicted by DMC3. They suck:lol:

But okay we love it^_^


Well-known Member
I am not 100% sure, but as far as I know, the novels aren't part of the true story. But as you point out, even the 'true story' of the game doesn't make sense, and has been engineered so that the game is fun, rather than to make sense.
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