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New Dante=......Nero?

Alright. I played part of DmC, but the changes bugged me. Hate me if you will for that but oh well. But one thing I did notice was Dante's attitude. His attitude, not his actions, made me think he was basically Nero with more of a mouth on him. By that I mean Nero only more foul mouthed. Just wondering, what are your thoughts on this?


Well-known Member
Actually, Dante is a combination of both Nero and old Dante. Some of his attacks and actions, especially the Demon Pull and Angel Lift, are based off of Nero's attacks and actions. two really good examples are Dante's Angel Dodge, which is basically Nero's Table Hopper, and Trinity Smash, where you see phantoms use the Arbiter similar to Nero's DT ghost. His rough attitude and foul mouth is also something from Nero since Nero is the first character in the entire DMC series to use "foul" language (not outright cussing but some stuff you wouldn't want your kids to hear). His sexual nature and references are based on DMC 3 and 4 Dante who were both sexually expressive as opposed to DMC 1 and 2 Dante who were rather plutonic.
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I fought the war but the war won't staaaahhhppp...
NoooOOooooo. Nooo. No. *Cough* Actually...you both raise a fair point. I hadn't noticed the similarities between Nero and new!Dante before, more than likely due to the fact that it's been a while since I cave up trying to play DMC4 on Devil Hunter mode. I dread making the association for one, relatively minor reason; Nero's VA. I can't keep but think of Ichigo whenever I hear him speak. I'm not too found of JYB.


Don't Let the Fall of America be Your Fall
For me, new Dante was more like DMC3 Dante in the beginning of DmC, but as the game went on to say mission 4, he became more like Nero, and near the last few missions to the end, he was more like DMC1 Dante.


Well-known Member
There are other things too. Rebellion's handguard is similar to Red Queen's trigger. When Dante gets his DT, he gets stabbed by multiple laser spears vaguely similar to how Nero gets stabbed mulitple times before getting his DT. Dante's coat has a red inner lining, same as Nero's (if I recall). Oh, and it was rumored that Nero's mom was a prostitute, Eva is constantly called a whore throughout the game.


Don't Let the Fall of America be Your Fall
Also something to note is that the way Dante swings his sword is almost the same way Nero does it, along with roulette spin.


Fake Geek Girl.
He's, wait for it..................Dante.

Nero wasn't even that much different from Dante to begin with. They basically looked and acted the same. Nero was really pointless in every sense of the word.


Fake Geek Girl.
NoooOOooooo. Nooo. No. *Cough* Actually...you both raise a fair point. I hadn't noticed the similarities between Nero and new!Dante before, more than likely due to the fact that it's been a while since I cave up trying to play DMC4 on Devil Hunter mode. I dread making the association for one, relatively minor reason; Nero's VA. I can't keep but think of Ichigo whenever I hear him speak. I'm not too found of JYB.
What chu got against Johnny? He's a cool dude. I got to meet him last year and chat it up after we watched went him and his band Eyeshine perform. Not to mention he was a Power Ranger!


Monsuuuta moonssuta mo mo mo mo monsuuta
I don't have a gif that is relevant enough to this thread, nor do I have a witty remark
So have a ruined childhood


Well-known Member
Also something to note is that the way Dante swings his sword is almost the same way Nero does it, along with roulette spin.

That's what I was referring to.when I was talking about his attacks and actions. In fact that's been known since gameplay trailers came around. There's actually a gif someone had of Dante using one of Nero's overhead swings mid- combo.

It's been theorized that NT/Capcom used some animations from DMC4.

Rebel Dynasty

Creator of Microcosms
Actually, this has occurred to me, as well. Sadly, I seem a bit late to point this out (thanks, Random!) but I did notice the similarities between the way new Dante and Nero dress; obviously not exactly the same, but fairly close.

Aside from that, their personalities are fairly similar too, only new Dante is definitely more...vulgar. :p

@Chancey289 I'm still jelly that you got to meet him, but on the plus side, I've got a Bleach T coming in the mail with his signature, soon...it's not as cool as meeting him (I hope to, someday) but it'll be my first signed merch, ever.

JYB has to be one of my favourite VA's of all time...and I won't lie, I think he's pretty frigging cute. :laugh:

*Clears throat* I digress...carry on!


I Saw the Devil
Actually I think there are too many connections that aren't there that are made from the ones that are there. Like getting caught in the rain and been mad about been wet then also blaming the rain because the TVs out, too; yeah your wet because of the rain but the rain didn't knock down your satellite, you just didn't pay the bills. Nero and DnT were made in the same spirit of a rebellious young man so with similar characteristics to classic Dante, so they are bound to be similar on those basis alone, but then we start making connections that aren't really related and might just turn out to be coincidental.

Rebel Dynasty

Creator of Microcosms
Then you should watch P4 The Animation dubbed.
And remember... potential spoilers.

The funny thing is, I started watching it about two weeks ago, and completely gapped out (it was about the same time I started Attack on Titan...go figure, lol). I think I only got to episode three. I should rectify that... ^^; Also, didn't watch the vid just for that reason-no spoilers, Frosty! *Shakes fist*

Lol at his comment about wanting the power to be good-looking....XD Oh, Johnny.

@berto Hmm...also a fair point; what shared aspects would you say are merely coincidence, and which ones do you suspect were intentional? Aside from the rebellious young man aspect, I mean.
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