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Nero, the man, the myth, the legend.

Sparda's rejected son

For Edenoi!
Supporter 2014
I'm sure this has been asked before but I couldn't find the thread anywhere so I'll just bring it up anew here. Why does everyone get angry when they hear that Nero is of Sparda's blood line/family tree? Personally I thought that was the greatest idea in the world and I accepted it. So I would like to hear from the people why this bothers them so much?

Here is a list of proofs I feel explain who Nero is. (All info comes from DMC4 the video game, not the novel)

1.Dante says to Nero: "We're the same...you and...I...and them..." So Nero is part demon.

2. Sanctus is quoted saying; "You have indeed INHERITED Sparda's power."

3. Dante says to Nero about Yamato; "...I can’t have something of that kinda power floating around now, can I? It’s got to stay in the family." After Nero tells Dante that he needs Yamato, Dante replys; "Then keep it...." Why would Dante let Nero keep Yamato after he made a speech about how Yamato had to "STAY IN THE FAMILY?"

4. Sanctus is quoted saying, "...Still, I must salute a man who carries the blood Sparda..." Sanctus used Nero to power the Savior something that only the sword Sparda and a blood relative of Sparda could do. If Nero didn't come from Sparda's blood line/family tree how could Sanctus use Nero to power the Savior?

5. Sanctus than says "...When your blood and this sword are combined, we will be able to proceed to the final stage of our ultimate goal...." Sanctus had Agnus use the Yamato stained with Nero's blood to open the true hell gate. Sparda used his power, blood and a human's blood to close the Temen-ni-gru; so perhaps Sparda did a similar ritual for the hell gate in fortuna. Notice Vergil and Dante's blood and Lady's blood was used to open the Temen-ni-gru as well. Nero is of Sparda;s blood line/family tree.

6. Sanctus says this to Trish, "...Unfortunately you did not anticipate a descendant of Sparda’s blood..."

So Nero is a half human half demon, he's inherited Sparda's power, Nero carries within himself Sparda's blood, he is a descendant of Sparda's blood. Dante allowed him to use Yamato although he said it should stay in the family, and Sanctus used Nero's body and blood to power the Savior and open the hell Gate. I'm NOT saying Nero is Vergil's son but I am saying that Nero is of Sparda's blood line/family tree.


The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
Nero is awesome. He's a great character and a lot of fun. And all the theories are great and everything, but his back-story has so much potential. The main reason why I don't like the whole 'bloodline' thing is because he just comes out of the blue, resembling that of Dante and Vergil combined. And then it's all like, 'Dante, actually this guy may be stronger than you or Vergil in time'. True that Dante may even surpass Sparda's power, but look at Nero. He has got a lot to learn yet, and he's younger. But he destroys the Saviour in the end. He's by far powerful, and maybe will surpass Dante's power. So the whole bloodline thing just seems a bit like a cliché summary, that's why I don't enjoy it.


Nein, not ze puppies!
I believe so yes, the game kept stringing me along...when you were about to figure out answers for Nero, the game went in a totally different direction.

Don't get me wrong, I like Nero but I want to know more about his background and how he inherted Sparda's blood. Sparda was loyal to Eva and him just going around banging some chick doesn't seem like something he would do behind her back when he went off to seal the demon realm once more...

Hopefully these questions get answered eventually.


The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
Sparda's rejected son;296652 said:
So basically everyone's big issue is that they want more from Nero's background than just "he's Sparda's descendant" somehow?

Well it's not really a big issue. But that's just how I feel, personally. And I'm just one small fish in a big ol' ocean, so don't mind me, I'll just swim away :p

Sparda's rejected son

For Edenoi!
Supporter 2014
Now I get it. I was always wondering why people got so mad over Nero's background. Now I get it, people want more details. Wow how simple lol.

Darth Angelo

Tuck-yet-chi-say-denie trieve trick-dis-nie
Sparda's rejected son;296649 said:
3. Dante says to Nero about Yamato; "...I can’t have something of that kinda power floating around now, can I? It’s got to stay in the family." After Nero tells Dante that he needs Yamato, Dante replys; "Then keep it...." Why would Dante let Nero keep Yamato after he made a speech about how Yamato had to "STAY IN THE FAMILY?"

I am glad you included the entire conversation as most people just single out the "stay in the family?" quote and don't bother to take any notice of anything else, they hear what they want to hear and dismiss the rest.

The reason Dante is there in the first place is because he doesn't see Nero as part of his family, he sees him as just another part of this evil, corrupt, power hungry conspiracy but after their first enounter wasn't 100% on Nero.
Dante's goal in DMC4 was to prevent the order from abusing the power of Sparda and using it for evil. If Dante was able to identify a decendant of Sparda there would have been some clue but Dante never says anything like "he fights like my brother" or "he is the one" or "he is one of us" if they wanted Dante to notice and clarify this they would have but that was not the point they were trying to make.

The point was that Dante, dispite being half-demon is a good and righteous man at heart and nothing like the power hungry soulless monsters he has fought in the past. He does not let Nero keep Yamato because of his blood connection whether there is a connection or not.
Dante let him keep Yamato because Nero earned his trust and respect. Dante believes that Nero's need was greater than his as long as Dante had peace of mind that Nero was a good person with his heart in the right place he had no problem entrusting it to him. The ironic thing is that deep down I think that Dante (like Vergil) wants to become his father but not for power Dante just wants to keep the image/message of his father alive, that he believes in them and believes they are worth fighting for or in this case, entrusting something close to you.
It was a spontaneous act of the heart not a obligatory sacrifice.

Sparda's rejected son

For Edenoi!
Supporter 2014
Darth Angelo;296689 said:
I am glad you included the entire conversation as most people just single out the "stay in the family?" quote and don't bother to take any notice of anything else, they hear what they want to hear and dismiss the rest.

The reason Dante is there in the first place is because he doesn't see Nero as part of his family, he sees him as just another part of this evil, corrupt, power hungry conspiracy but after their first enounter wasn't 100% on Nero.
Dante's goal in DMC4 was to prevent the order from abusing the power of Sparda and using it for evil. If Dante was able to identify a decendant of Sparda there would have been some clue but Dante never says anything like "he fights like my brother" or "he is the one" or "he is one of us" if they wanted Dante to notice and clarify this they would have but that was not the point they were trying to make.

The point was that Dante, dispite being half-demon is a good and righteous man at heart and nothing like the power hungry soulless monsters he has fought in the past. He does not let Nero keep Yamato because of his blood connection whether there is a connection or not.
Dante let him keep Yamato because Nero earned his trust and respect. Dante believes that Nero's need was greater than his as long as Dante had peace of mind that Nero was a good person with his heart in the right place he had no problem entrusting it to him. The ironic thing is that deep down I think that Dante (like Vergil) wants to become his father but not for power Dante just wants to keep the image/message of his father alive, that he believes in them and believes they are worth fighting for or in this case, entrusting something close to you.
It was a spontaneous act of the heart not a obligatory sacrifice.
Now that makes sense, and that scene can indeed be interpreted like that. You make a strong point. But it could also be said that while Dante allowed Nero to keep Yamato because Nero's heart was in the right place, it can be equally said that Dante had a idea that Nero could be part of his family tree but still wanted to test Nero to see if he earned the right to use Yamato. Think about it just because Nero is family doesn't give him any right to any of Sparda's weapons. We could both be right.
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