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Nero and Dante


Well-known Member
I have question that i wanted to know for a long time are Nero and Dante related i mean ,the have same hair style(almost),they both fight agaainst deamons and they have same additute?

P.S.They have same taste for girls



Well-known Member
No, they don't have the same taste for girls... Anyway they are not related. Probably Nero was designed to look like Dante, only Nero was fused with a demon arm. They both fight demons, but the differences are:
-Nero was raised in a Vatican-like place and became a soldier, like Credo
-while Dante fought very long time ago, DMC3 is a blast from the past, remember...?
Attitude, I can see a differences.
-Nero is much like of a deviant, delinquent soldier of Credo and His Holiness, one who don't follow orders much.
-Dante, he enjoyed most of his fights, right? just press [Select].

Darth Angelo

Tuck-yet-chi-say-denie trieve trick-dis-nie
No they are exactly the same, only Nero is like how Dante used to be in 1 and 2 (what most people now would call an emo) Dante seems to have lost all passion for what he does.
But as for the women Trish is pretty much a clone of his mother so thats a no go, and Lady is far from a quiet little damsel in destress like Kyrie

But making them look almost exactly the same when they are not related is confusing. Basicly what I think it was, was that they didn't want to make the same mistake Konami made with MGS2 and make a new main character who is "too different" people dont like it.

Dante Redgrave

Son of Sparda
Nero and Dante are NOT exactly the same. If they were, Nero wouldn't be firmly attached to ONE woman, and he'd be a lot more lax in his personality. Just because he has an attitude problem and likes to trash talk his enemies does not mean he's the same as Dante. His personality is a mixture of Dante and Vergil, with portions of something different.

They are SIMILAR, but not "exactly the same". And Nero is not 'emo'. If he was, he'd be whining every five minutes, and trying to slice his wrists. And he's NOT like Dante was in DMC1 and 2 either(can you even call that cardboard insert from DMC2 a personality?)
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