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Nero Analysis

Chaos Raiden

Avid Gamer & Reviewer

Here is my analysis on Nero:


Nero is the main and new playable character in Devil May Cry 4. Unlike Dante, he lacks more versatility in weapons and moves. However, Nero has more practical and easier to use moves to compensate the weakness. Nero can only use Red Queen, Blue Rose and Devil Bringer in this game. He WILL not unlock any new weapons upon progressing in the game.

i) Default Abilities

Side Roll - Allows you to dodge attacks. Very important to use. (Score: 9/10)

Air Hike - Allows you to jump twice. Incredibly useful for both offense and evading attacks. (Score: 10/10)

Table Hopper - A better version of Side Roll that has faster recovery time. Level 2 allows you to use it twice at the same time, and Level 3 allows you to use it thrice at the same time. The timing is more strict in using Table Hopper. (Score: 7/10)

Speed - Allows you to run faster after running in a straight direction in a short time. Useful to clear missions quickly. (Score: 8/10)

Rainbow - Allows Nero to use a dropkick on enemies after using Speed. Highly impractical and hard to pull off. (Score: 3/10)

ii) Red Queen Skills

Red Queen Combo A - A very quick four hit combo. Simple and easy to use, as well as good crowd control. You are going to use this move a lot. (Score: 8/10)

Red Queen Combo B - A slow but multi-hit attack that can devastate enemy. It is best used against single enemy as it does not have wide range. (Score: 7/10)

Red Queen Combo C - One of the best Red Queen combo that hits multiple times at many enemies. Very easy to execute and it is the best crowd control move of Red Queen. (Score: 10/10)

Red Queen Combo D - A three hit combo followed with a powerful blow. Essentially similar to Red Queen Combo A, except that the final blow in this move is much stronger. (Score: 8/10)

Aerial Combo - A simple and quick aerial combo using Red Queen. Easy to use and good in juggling enemies on air. (Score: 8/10)

Exceed - It allows you to use Exceed attacks by charging up your Red Queen. Level 2 allows you to use Level 2 Exceed moves, and Level 3 allows you to use Level 3 Exceed moves. Incredibly essential in fighting enemies and bosses. (Score: 8/10)

EX-Act - With the proper timing of pressing the Exceed button and the Triangle button, you can refill one Exceed gauge. Incredibly useful when fighting powerful bosses. (Score: 8/10)

MAX-Act - With the proper timing of pressing the Exceed button and the Triangle button, you can refill the Exceed gauge fully. Incredibly useful when fighting powerful bosses. The timing in using Max Act is extremely precise and much more quicker than EX-Act, thus it requires a lot of practice to master it. (Score: 8/10)

Streak - A powerful dash sweeping attack. Hits multiple enemies in front with a good range. Level 2 is the stronger version with increased range. (Score: 9/10)

EX Streak - A very powerful dash sweeping and fiery attack that hit multiple enemies in front. The higher the Exceed Gauge, the more powerful this move is. (Score: 8/10)

High Roller - A launch move that is similar to High Time. Follow the enemy into the air by holding the Triangle button. (Score: 8/10)

EX High Roller - A very powerful fiery launch move that is similar to High Time. Follow the enemy into the air by holding the Triangle button. It also allows Nero to rise at greater heights, allowing him to reach certain high places. The higher the Exceed Gauge, the more powerful this move is. (Score: 10/10)

Split - A move that is similar to Helm Breaker. Easy and quick move. (Score: 8/10)

Double Down - A powerful and fiery downward stab attack using Red Queen. The higher the Exceed Gauge, the more powerful this move is. (Score: 8/10)

Calibur - An aerial version of Streak. Not so practical to use as it can only be done on air. (Score: 6/10)

EX Calibur - A fiery and more powerful version of Calibur. Not so practical to use as it can only be done on air. (Score: 6/10)

Shuffle - A quick backstep followed with a revolving slash. Not a favourite move as it is slightly harder to pull off and a bit slow to execute. (Score: 6/10)

EX Shuffle - A fiery and more powerful version of Shuffle. Not a favourite move as it is slightly harder to pull off and a bit slow to execute. (Score: 6/10)

Red Queen Overview

Overall, the movesets available for Red Queen are solid, and many of the moves are practically easy to use. Exceed should be mastered by players as it allows them to defeat many enemies and bosses faster. Relying on regular slashes is effective, but sometimes are not fast enough to kill enemies in DMD mode. A good practice is to always charge the Exceed whenever a battle is over, and immediately use it at the start of any upcoming battles. There is not much weaknesses about this weapon, except the slightly hard and impractical to use moves like Shuffle and Calibur. Besides, this is the only sword that Nero can use, so not much comparisons can be done.

iii) Blue Rose Skills

Normal Shot - Shoot the enemy using Blue Rose. You can shoot while walking or jumping. Good in juggling and useful to match Dante's Ebony and Ivory shots.

Charge Shot - This is the default charge shot of Blue Rose. Decent power and knockback, as well as quick to charge. Use it to knock down any incoming weak enemies such as Scarecrows.

Charge Shot 2 - A stronger version of the Charge Shot. Increased firepower and knockback. You need to charge it slightly longer to use the Charge Shot 2.

Charge Shot 3 - The strongest version of the Charge Shot. Highly increased firepower and knockback. This version also allows you to embed an enemy with an extra explosive that will detonate in a short period. You need to charge it longer to use the Charge Shot 3.

Blue Rose Overview

This is the only gun that Nero can use. Compared to Dante's Ebony and Ivory, Blue Rose has better charged shot attacks. In rapid-fire attacks, Ebony and Ivory clearly excels at it. Despite that, Blue Rose lacks a number of moves to make it more usable, but it is still a decent weapon to use in fighting enemies long range. However, Red Queen and Devil Bringer will be your most relied weapons as these weapons can deal damage greatly to enemies and bosses.

iv) Devil Bringer Skills

Buster - A powerful grab attack that deals great damage at enemies. Different animation will be played when using at different enemies, especially bosses. Buster can also be used to counter certain attacks, like the Saviour's punch or Angelo Credo's spear throw attack. The timing must be perfect in order to counter these certain attacks. (Score: 9/10)

Snatch - A grapple attack that can bring weak and small enemies closer to Nero or bring himself closer to large enemies. A useful move to pull off high Stylish ranking. (Score: 9/10)

Hell Bound - Essentially a Snatch when using on grapple points. Important in traversing a number of platforming sections. (Score: 8/10)

Hold - An ability that allows you to grab enemies as shield. Not so practical to use as you are still exposed to attack from your blind sides. Important in completing a Secret Mission. (Score: 6/10)

Devil Bringer Overview

This is the most strongest weapon that Nero can use. Buster is one of the best moves in the game, and it allows you to get easy high Stylish ranking as well as high damage. Snatch is also another important ability to use, so use it well. I only feel that Hold is the least useful ability, but it is still good if used in certain situations.

v) Devil Trigger Skills

Devil Trigger - Allows Nero to summon a demon spirit to assist him in attacks. All of Nero's attacks are increased, especially Exceed attacks. Nero also benefits from the health regeneration, and Nero can use certain exclusive attacks in this form. However, Nero can still be staggered or knocked down easily by attacks unlike Dante's DT form. Upon activating the Devil Trigger, a small blue explosion will be executed to damage surrounding enemies. (Score: 8/10)

Trigger Heart - Reduces the depletion of DT gauge upon activating it. A must buy ability to prevent your DT from running out quickly. (Score: 10/10)

Summoned Swords (Blue Rose - Normal Shoot) - Summons magical swords and damage enemies while shooting at enemies using the Blue Rose. (Score: 7/10)

Summoned Swords (Blue Rose - Charge Shot) - Nero's version of Blistering Swords (DMC3) when executing any version of Blue Rose's Charge Shot. The higher the level of the Charge Shot, the more swords used in this attack.

Showdown - A powerful multi-hit attack using Yamato and Red Queen. Has a charge time, and not easy to pull off unless you are fighting a single enemy. You are also vulnerable to attacks upon charging up to use this attack. Effective against bosses and weak enemies alike. (Score: 8/10)

Maximum Bet - A powerful charged wave attack using Yamato and Red Queen. The longer you charge, the stronger the attack is. You are also vulnerable to attacks upon charging up to use this attack. Effective against bosses and weak enemies alike. (Score: 8/10)

Devil Buster - A more powerful version of Buster. Different and more brutal animations will be played when using it on different enemies. (Score: 10/10)

Devil Snatch - Allows you to grab more than one enemy at a time. A useful move to pull off high Stylish ranking. (Score: 9/10)

Devil Trigger Overview

Overall, Nero's Devil Trigger is pretty unique as it allows him to use a number of exclusive attacks. However, Maximum Bet and Showdown are tricky to pull off as it has a charge time in order to use it. These moves are useful when fighting against single enemy. I prefer to use Devil Buster more often as it can be used instantly.

vi) Costumes

Nero - This is Nero's default costume.

Super Nero - This costume allows Nero to use Devil Trigger infinitely. However, Mission Ranking will be penalised greatly upon using this costume. Unlocked by completing Dante Must Die mode.

vii) Conclusion

Easier to play character, that would be Nero. Character with more variety moves, that would be Dante. In easiness, it is hard to compare which character is better in this game, as it can be seen that Nero has a lot of unique moves that can rival Dante's variety of moves. It is up to the player to decide which character is better.
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