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nelo angelo dmc1 vs nero dmc4


Well-known Member
Xen-Omni 2020
who would win both have access to full powers and nero has yamota as well as red queen its a fight to the death who wins ?

I give it to nelo angelo myself


Well-known Member
Xen-Omni 2020
ya deffo he would tear nero apart would be funny to watch i wonder how the devil bringer would fare against nelo angelos armor and superior strength


Well-known Member
Xen-Omni 2020
nero isnt experienced enough to deal with the savagery nelo angelo would unleash on him plus i reckon dmc1 dante is stronger than nero storyline wise as it has been said nero rivals or is slightly stronger than end game dmc3 so with devil bringer aside he is gona get destroyed and i dnt think the db will help him against nelo either as nelo wnt be playing around with him like dmc4 dante was nelo will be going for the kill


This partys getting crazy
I wouldn't count Nero out just because Dante had trouble.

I do agree with that too, the Devil Bringer's defiantly a force to be reckoned with. However with Berial for example, he has his flames covering him that "protect him from magical attacks" like Nero's arm, I can imagine Nelo would have some sort of magical force/energy that would help him in a similar way and without the DB I don't think his other abilities would be enough to help him against Nelo's individual traits such as Phantom Sword shenanigans and teleportation.

Another thing to think of is Nero may have a decent regen factor but it's seems Nelo is more resistance to attacks, after all he is wearing armour.


Well-known Member
Xen-Omni 2020
^^ well said plus ive a feeling nelo angelo because of teleportation would be too fast to be caught in the db so i can see the fight being over rather quickly with nelo as the victor


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
^^ well said plus ive a feeling nelo angelo because of teleportation would be too fast to be caught in the db so i can see the fight being over rather quickly with nelo as the victor

Nero fought enemies that could teleport too, or move fast enough to count as teleporting. Besides, gameplay wise, Nero is no weaker than Dante. In fact, in gameplay, Nero seems to be much stronger to compensate for his lack of moves. So in a gameplay perspective, Nelo would be an absolute cakewalk.

You gotta think in terms of the game standards instead of story standards.
Nelo Angelo's purpose was to kill enemies that would get in his way.He had no emotions,no compassion, he was practically only a killing machine. Of course he would be able to kill Nero,and he would do it. Not to add he was almost killing Dante in DMC1 if it wasn't for him to see the necklace. Yes,Dante. So Nero wouldn't be such a hard task.


Well-known Member
Xen-Omni 2020
this is a fantasy fight so gameplay physics dnt really apply unless both nero and nelo are being controlled by a game controller in the fight which wnt happen so nelo stomps still


I like Nero, but, i think he would be screwed up if he had to face Nelo Angelo; even if he defeated some strong demons in DMC4, Nelo Angelo in DMC was nearly equal to Dante in that time, and the maximum Nero could do to Dante in was make him gasp a little in DMC4. So, yeah, i bet my chips that Nelo Angelo takes that one, not to mention that he seems to be a much more skilled swordsman, i know that the Red Queen is a difficult sword to handle because of the explosions and that Nero is one of the few who can use it properly; but still he doesn't seem to have much technique compared to Nelo/Vergil and Dante. I personally like Nero's "brute force" style of swordsmanship that is unique to Red Queen, but technique will matter to defeat someone like Nelo.
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