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My story idea


Well-known Member
This is a idea i wanted to share with you guys/girls. I feel that the idea is really good this is why i want to share with you.

It's inspired by silent hill : shattered memories. I havent played the game but i watched a video that described the story and how it was good.
The game genre is RPG.

My story is about a female protaganist.
I am not good at describing things, i just know how i would implement the story
She lives in a cottage with her love.

Both of them are warriors, the protaganist being a paladin, while her love is a warrior that at first glance looks evil but he is not.

Everyday the protaganist wakes up and sees her love, her heart is at peace because she loves him so much. And he loves her equally as much.
As the game progresses the player and her love is attacked by three bosses: a old hag (witch), a evil warrior and a orc.
And in every cutscene all the bosses say something and they end their talking with "...he must die" refering to her partner.

One day, at end of the game, she wakes up and sees that her love is already awake, she does not see him anywhere in the house, maybe he's outside? But no...his sword is still next to his bed.
Then she bursts into tears.

At end of game you see the protaganist at a tombstone and she holds the sword that once was standing next to the bed in the cottage.
She stabs the sword next to the grave.
Shortly after that we see the old hag which is now revealed to not be a old hag, but a old woman who is very kind and she seems to know the girl.
She lends her shoulder for the protaganist to cry on.

I want to clarify on the story if you haven't already figured it out from me explaining it as i was sharing it with you.
What the protaganist is experiencing is sorrow. She has lost her love.
When the three "bosses" attacks her, its not an actual attack.
But the idea is to implement this perceived attack as a literal one through gameplay.

The first boss is the old woman who is someone who looked after the protaganist when she was a little girl. She came to her to try to help her let go of what had happened, her love being dead, but the protaganist refuses to accept what has happened.
She tells herself her love has not died and therefor when someone tells her otherwise she perceives it as a attack.

Next boss is a small orc who was a orc that was saved by her lover. The orc is actually special in that he is a orc that in contrast to his people (the orcs), he does not want to hurt people. He is the compassionate orc.
He was expelled as a child by the orcs and left in a bad place to die. The lover of the warrior came along and helped him.
The orc that appeared before the protaganist in present time came to try help her not to hurt her.

The same for the third boss who was a fellow paladin friend of the protaganist.

The idea of the story is to depict sorrow and the process people go through.

This is all. I hope you enjoy reading this as much as i enjoyed sharing it :) Please let me know what you think.
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