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My new family member! (sort of)


Azure Night Goddess.... Or Wesker's daughter
This is more towards the vetrens members of this site. Anyone remember this thread?:

For newer members, I'll give a short version. Back in May 2008, I lost my 9 year old Black Lab/ Pitbull mix (Fergus) to cancer in his stomach. Normally I wouldn't make this a huge deal (Normally I would cry for a couple of hours and become quiet for a few days). But Fergus was such a devoted dog and was very protective towards me. Every single morning when I wake up (whether I had school or work), there he was, right on my bed waking up as well stretching and inching towards me to say good morning. He was such a happy boy. He was so happy, that he didn't give any sign of being sick. None at all. My dad and I had no idea that there was a tumor growing in his stomach. It just grew and grew until it burst, making him collapse. My dad rushed him to a emergency vet. There was no way to save Fergus, so he had to be put down. I was so upset and heartbroken. I cried and didn't sleep for days. And it was even harder since I work with dogs for a living. My dad and I never got another dog or pet since.

That is until about nine months ago. I am now happy to say that I now have a purebred black lab puppy. I like you all to say hello to Mahoney.


Well this was when he was about 6 weeks old when my dad first brought him home. But he's now a 10 month old 90lbs lab. Don't believe me? Here's some proof lol


He's certainly no Fergus. But I do love him. Even thought he's going through his brat/testing stage that'll annoy the hell out of me to no end (at least when I bring him to work with me). But in the end I can't help but love the little (big lol) guy.


Entertain me.
Cute furball you got there. Labs are great dogs.

We lost our Golden Retriever Jake in 2009 as well to spinal cancer. I was the only one who noticed he was limping and less energetic. I went on about it for weeks as his condition worsened. My parents finally decided I was on to something and took him in to be diagnosed, but didn't want to put him through treatment. He was put down and I was devastated having grown up with him.

Two years later we got another dog. A black lab mix that we rescued from death row at the animal shelter, Daisy. She'd been separated from the litter too early and has some abnormal behavior because of that and spending her early days as a stray. She's an extremely smart and loving dog to people she's met (has a VERY good memory), but her days as a stray made her distrustful of dogs and people she doesn't know. She'll act aggressive out of self preservation.

I hope your second dog is as rewarding as mine.
This was taken the day we brought her home.

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
I've never owned a lab before, although I would LOVE to get one for our kids one day.
But I do want to say I WUFF YOU GUYS! Considering all the animal cruelty and neglect and ignorance in this world, you guys have done fantastic raising your pups. For real, you guys deserve medals. It's not easy taking in a puppy and raising it. It's like the animal version of a human baby.

No, I'm not kidding. You get up at odd hours of the night with pup wailing and whimpering to go out, then you stand outside in the frigid cold waiting patiently for your pup to sniff the whole friggin yard before they finally do their business. You have to house-train them, take them for walks, make sure they get their shots/deworm thingamabobs, wash them, play with them, share your bed and couch with them, sometimes share your food with them (though I'm very anti-feed-the-doggy-my-leftovers), teach them neat things like stop, stay, roll over, jump. The only difference between a dog and a child (obvious reasons aside) is that a dog will protect you if it feels you're under threat. Well, that, and dogs are very obedient. ^_^


Oldschool DMC fan
Cute. :)

It nearly kills me we're not allowed to have pets in rented accommodation 99% of the time in this country. I grew up with pets always there, and now I can't have any. It feels like someone is missing.


Azure Night Goddess.... Or Wesker's daughter
So I went to the vet today to get Mahoney's 2nd Canine Influenza shot and his 2nd lepto shot. Funny thing is that I'm more afraid of his weight than him getting shots. Why? Because his weight is like a guessing game and damn Momo can grow like a weed. Anyway, I got him weighed today..... 91.8 friggen pounds! God damn.

Your dog Daisy is pretty Cheez. I totally understand with the whole aggressive thing. Fergus was actually a rescue as well before he died. He was rescued from a dog fighting ring when he was a puppy. He had some behavior problem when we first had him. Seperation anxiety he had was horrible at first. He would show aggression when he see's a total stranger, especially when I'm alone with Fergus. He eventually got better with his behavior when he got older, yet if there was a creeper around the house, he would still go into his protective mode and go nuts.

Dante Stalker I can't tell you how much sleep I had a night to tend to Mahoney when he was 6 weeks old. I was lucky I got even three hours of sleep lol. As much as I think puppies are cute, I'm not going to get another puppy, the next dog I'm getting will not be any younger than two years. Then again, I've been saying that since before Mahoney came into my life lol
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