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Moviebob (Awkwardly?) Leaves Escapist


Supporter 2014
His PR Spin:



What (a few) people out there really think:

[Taken from the comment section of this post.]


"bob got into a twitter spat with TotalBiscuit, still recovering from his cancer treatment, and kept spouting childish names like "TotalDipshit." What a ****ing sad sack of bullshit you are, bob. He has more class in his pinky two than you would have if you had two bodies. No wonder the Escapist booted your dumb ass.

It would be king irony if they replaced your fat, white, heterosexual, cisgendered ass with a gay man or a black dude with a pro-gamer message. Man I bet that would REALLY ****ing sting, wouldn't it? As for now, **** off the Whole Internet, you tub of ****.

If only he had listened about Sarkeesian from this very site's comment section, he might still have a job and still be relevant. Now it looks like he might have to move back in with his parents. A fitting end."


Now, I can't say for sure what happened, but I will say that this is all very sudden.

Whether or not Bob was "planning on quitting all along" or not is for the readers to decide. However, all I can say is, is that one way or the other, karma ended up tearing into him pretty badly, it looks like.

After all of his praise for "globalization" and "futuristic civilizations" he seemed to ignore the most basic counterarguments against both "ideals."

I'm very much for "mile-high tower cities," (kind of like that huge tower in Taipei, only much larger) it's just that, moviebob seemed to take this fascination to a rather unhealthy level.

But I digress.

The way I see it is, he got self-righteous one too many times, then ended up paying for it. I still can't say for sure if he was "let go," or if he quit, or if it was both "Escapist and he came to a mutual agreement," but I do know that he didn't plan on leaving the Escapist like this. He would've said something first.

That's life. Sometimes, you just gotta know when to go easy on the gas pedal.

Edit: Still waiting for those futuristic cities (in the Western Hemisphere I mean), but without the constant surveillance.


Well-known Member
For some reason, I would watch Movie Bob's "The Big Picture" most weeks even though I found the guy pretentious and annoying. Sometimes he'd be pretty interesting, but I never liked him. So I don't have much sympathy for whatever happened. It is a shame for The Escapist since they already lost Jim Sterling. Lisa Foiles left last year and now Movie Bob is gone. Eesh. Their website is looking pretty barren. At least there's still Zero Punctuation and the No Right Answer guys.


Supporter 2014
They should change their name to...


Wah-wah... :thumbsdown:

(I know, that was worse than LoD's jokes for crying out loud. XP)

But seriously, I should've seen this coming when Extra Credits left. They'd started a domino effect that's still being felt today.
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