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Mod abuse on another site


Well-known Member
This is about mod abuse. Site would be F-chat. This is one of those "Years of misunderstandings" situations.

Any mods or users want to help correct abusive mods on a power trip?

I'm not obligated to follow blind, stupid rules.
Tip: If a mod admits to ****ing up (one did admit that) then do NOTHING. Because ANY move at that point is the wrong one. Just stop trying to control everything.

Situation is as follows
The F-chat mods banned me for having concerns that affect everyone on the site. They called me the danger and banned me when they weren't even paying attention.
How little the abusive mods understand the danger of ignoring the danger.

Hi. I'm danger. Never pretended otherwise.

My next move was sending an e-mail ticket, saying they ignore the danger. They called me unstable and said they weren't sure what I want. They were self projecting on me. They're trying to do that sneaky "**** off to another e-mail ticket" thing. They don't get back to you if you play their game. It's only ever "last word in".
Also pointing out people on F-chat thank me for telling them I am the danger. Can those mods take a moment to consider more then their own fear and shame?

I then involved someone with suicidal tendencies to play messanger. Again, the mods didn't want to communicate. Seeing a pattern here.

I been letting them stew. Letting them pretend they're in control. Then I returned. To remind them they are not.

I then ban evaded. Tried to talk to the mods. But my text on the site was invisible. Including to the mods. Therefor I put in my profire they ignore the danger. Again, I was banned. For ban evasion. They're desperate. That means I got them by the throat. They just don't see it yet.

At this point the mods are my SLAVES. Think about it. How can you be in control if you don't even pay attention? Oh, but it's more then that. They know they're trying to avoid the truth after all of that. They just don't want to admit it. They are debliately, intentionally making every effort to avoid admitting they are ignoring danger themselves. When I say "Good intentions can get people killed" how can they not? Unless of course they didn't read my profile. Which would make them STUPID.

When they shove their idea of danger down my throat and ban me. Yet they REPEATEDLY ignore danger themselves and avoid it at every turn?
I know a hypocrite when I see one.

I then tried to get another person with depression and suicidal tendencies from F-chat to contact the mods on F-chat. They fled in fear.
Edit: Talked with them again. They're stable enough. Still ignoring concerns though. Saying it straight. Ignoring a problem doesn't make it go away.

I don't pretend to be innocent. Meanwhile watch as the F-chat mods avoid GUILT at every turn.
Evasive habits proves guilt. Covered in cop training. You afraid? Then you did something wrong.

People do die online because of "just roleplay". Talk. To. Them.

I am the storm that is approaching

My next move is getting the mods on this site to try and help me. Just make it clear to the F-chat mods that they ignore danger at every turn and that only holding a conversation will work. They'll buckle at some point if there's enough pressure. They ALL do. Even therapists online do. The counter to resistance is persistence. I never stop. So you may as well work with me.

Their logic isn't adding up. There's too many contradictions. They just don't pay attention to it. They're too busy clinging to their expectations.

Theory: Knowing your actions can get people killed from ignorance can be a scary thought. Hence evasive habits due to a fear of real responsibility.
Solution: Apply pressure until people consider the possability. By any means necessary. Other then lying.

I know what happens to others who can't speak up. Why would they if THIS is what the abusive mods do? I think the mods on this site know what that does to people. It's why there's a unpopuler opinion thread.

There's very real danger. I just know it better. Who do you trust more, the one always paying attention, or the idiot turning a blind eye at every turn?

To be clear, I'm not concerned about people hurting each other (that would be a fear of love/failure). My only concern is life and death matters because of wilful ignorance when mods singed up for the responsability. Other mods/admins confirm my concerns. People can die from their actions.
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Well-known Member
There's a James Berich on every forum. I have to deal with this level of stupidity online, too.

Just ignore the trolls. :cautious:


Well-known Member
There's a James Berich on every forum. I have to deal with this level of stupidity online, too.

Just ignore the trolls. :cautious:

Stop being the problem and start facing problems.

I'm not ignoring this. Not when I know exactly what their actions are doing. I once lost someone online to suicide myself because of lack of communication. These mods can (and may have) get people killed from ignorance and good intentions. It needs addressing. Ignore this and people can (and may likely) die. From stupidity.

My concerns are confirmed by mods and admins that listen to me.

REAL communication involves holding the harder conversations. Backed up by therapists. It means go hunt cowards too. Only idiots ignore the danger and ignore abuse. That's what encourages it. People DEFEND that ****.

As for why those mods can get people killed, shutting down communication leaves people stuck with trauma. This only happens with lack of communication (deaf ears and turned backs. Very specifically that). Fear and desperation causes peple to try and find quick and easy "Solutions". Which, in reality, causes bigger problems. Because people IGNORED CONCERNS.

It always comes back to lack of communication. I need other people to talk to the F-chat mods and tell them they ignore danger and death at every turn. I am not giving up on this.

Other people are affected too. They tell me. "Stupid mods" would be their exact words. Can people wake up to reality when ignoring concerns is why **** hits the fan? Ignoring is WHY situations like this happen in the first place.

Remember, blind situations lead to out of control situations. No excuses.
Communication vs lack of communication. No excuses.

I just need to hold a conversation witht those abusive mods.
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Well-known Member
Yes. I can see why all of that is upsetting.

My stalker goes on anxietyforum.net just to post spam and insults. He has done so much more over the last 7 years. Quite the creepy, immature sod.


Well-known Member
Steam mods are at it now. If I say DANGER AND DEATH and MOD ABUSE and it's brushed aside and ignored then that's the ****ing line.

That does it. I WARNED them. I made a public topic about it too. They. Were. WAREND.

Now it's COPS. AS. I. Warned. i said this could become a legal matter is concerns were ignored.

There's a REASON for China's heavy gaming restrictions. It's because people ignore onine abuse. The mo0ds are absusing power. This will not stand.

My net move is the COPS now. They ****ed with the wrong dragon.

Frankly I'd rather not. But when people abuse power and ignore concerns what else can I do?

Cops already throw a fit over a single twitter comment. Danger and abuse isn't the problem. IGNORING IT IS!

Just don't ignore concerns. Problem solved. But why do that when you can **** on people and pretend you can get away with it instead?


Well-known Member
You could try complaining to the host in serious cases. You go on who.is and look up i.e boatsforsailing.net to get the host's abuse contact info, provided Cloudflare is not hiding it. In which case you have to contact them, but they only seemed to give me the name of the host when I did a DMCA claim rather than just a report of harassment.

But if they end up replying, giving you the old "The admins have to delete it" spiel, you'd probably be back at square one. Rarely did I get anything resolved through emailing a hosting service.

It can be complicated, because every jurisdiction seems to have their own ridiculous laws. Like it makes no sense. It allows idiots to get online and ruin it for others.


Well-known Member
This isn't about blindly following rules and laws. It's about accouintbality. I'll post something I unloaded with a friend on steam. Just my comments.

I might go to the cops tomorrow.Some mods/admins listen. Woxis on discord gets it.Thinking of making a discord server for holding mods accountable too. I'm sure people wlll get on board if we get something going. I can use use the server as a place for people to get some proper online support. Make even get a threapist (a good one) involved or something.If Woxis gets it, and Coco, then I'm getting through to people. The admin on Second Life was understanding too.And "What's best for you" is "forced help". But communication is the one exception. Communication. Holding the conversations. Once people talk it out things go better.Everyone has an opinion. It's the entire point. The ENTIRE point.Just gave steam mods a piece of my mind. See if they ban me. I don't care. This isn't about me. I'm taking the risks. Maybe the cops can help with online poilicing without things getting too out of hand if they work with me. I'd rather not involve them if I can help it, but I need help here. I can't do it all on my own. You have a good head. Maybe you know others too? We could make a difference, you know. I have. Been there for people that struggle. I'm sure we can do it. I KNOW we can.I can break a threapist online. I have done that. I know cop training. I use to know someone that had a mother for a cop actually. So I'm sure I can get people to listen if people jut hold conversations. All the law will care about is if people pay attention.Just got to make "online dangers" clear. At the same time I'll have to make VERY sure to stress not to try and control everything. If not all mods are bad then surely not all cops are.
I always wanted to make a place where everyone can be welcome. No matter who they are or what they've done. It's about the ideals.

[3:20 AM]
Had a bit of a breakdown today. Abusive mods. Dads friend died. etc. But it's fine. I'm focused on the bigger picture here.
I know if people team up together we can fight back. Proven to work too. It's when it's one person that its easier to bully and abuse.

I'm a tyrant myself. But at least pay attention. Cops are trained for that. Mods aren't.

I have broken a thraepist online too. I'm not stopping after that. I make breaktroughs with the help.

Because even the help needs help. Just not the "expected" kind of help. This needs a different method. If we get people together to challenge abusive mods online and make SURE they can't ignore the consequences then that will get their attetention. Just to establish communication and hold conversations though. That would be the only sole purpose of such a group.

Anything after that is between whoever. People can figure it out from there. Hold conversations. Therapist approved. Always pay attention. Cop approved (and I can vouch on that one).

Mods then to do that sneaky "**** off in an e-mail ticket" thing. That is NOT communication. That is NOT holding a conversation in the moment. It's got to be chat. Like on discord. Or even steam chat. Anything like that. Otherwise people can't keep talking.

We CAN do this. But I need more people on board. And I'll need to train them too. Properly. Not that "give up" crap.

I just need people on board to get a team going. I can make a discord server where everyone is welcome. No matter who they are or what they've done.

Because everyone has an opinion. No matter how in disgreement. People have lost sight of that. But they'll come around with enough reminders.

I want to make it a roleplay server too. But maybe I'll have to have two different servers. Online has so little real support. People are seeing things in black and white. People aren't teaching the real lessons anymore. To fight like Nero did. I also know that if people keep at it that things can change. It just takes a spark. To light that fire.

People are coming around. But i'm only one person here.


Well-known Member
Yeah. Never take crap from anyone...
Oh, I can take crap. Just pay attention if you do it.

Abusive mods are, simply put, **** listeners that ignore concerns. That only care about whatever happens to agree with them.

The ONLY way that changes is if pressure is applied on the people that refuse to listen. Until a line of communication is established.

There needs to be a group to hold abusive mods accountable for their actions. The only purpose of such a group would be to ensure people talk about concerns. Proper communication. In chat or something. Not hiding behind e-mail tickets.

My concerns isn't if people hurt each other. It's not even abuse. My concern is IGNORING the abuse. At that point it affects people.

I have noticed that it's always on sites where mods are control freaks that people aren't ok. For example, I can ask people on Ferzu if they're ok and they say no.

Furrypile? I'm talking to suicidal people in messages. Abusive mods on the site pretending they're "nice" when they push away. Is it ****. Sucidal person was ok because I listened to them.

Steam? Well, see for yourself.

You're doing it again. You are being that idiot blindly following the rules. You didn't read what I typed properly did you?

People DIE online from lack of communication.

Other mods confirm my concerns. When people blindly follow rules.

Your actions can (and may have already) get people killed. For reasons you are unaware of. That you have IGNORED REPEATEDLY.

One more "robot" response from you and I'm playing dirty cards. Talk to me like a person that is trying to understand concerns instead of pretending you can get away with the bullshit when you abuse your power. You stupid fools.
And they just close the support ticket.

Enough of this ****. I want abusive mods held accountable for ignoring concerns when they abuse power and pretend they can get away with it.

If we don't find a way to do that then the cops WILL start taking over online more. They'll be doing it FOR us then. Then everything can become even more "politically correct" then it already is. That's the last thing we need here.

I'm sure we can ger our own "Online policing" going. But it needs to be done in a "zero obligation" way.

Helldivers 2 has proven applying pressure on sites that abuse power works. Mods caved in at that point. That's the kind pf pressure that is proven to work and be effective.

Mods talking to other mods could also work. None on this site have said anything though. That raises some questions. Do people only care if it's themselves/their own site? That's how the others get away with ****. Then it all circles back on you again anyway. You just might not see it. There's a reason most people lurk on sites. Too afraid to talk. Too afraid to be seen and noticed. Living in fear.

Is that how people want to live? Do you want YOUR life or is it going to be THEIR life? People have to fight back against this ****. Or we're just living a lie and trade comfort for honesty. Very few people are doing something about it right now. But if we get a group going somehow, a group designed to challenge mod abuse, then that can work. If it's already been proven that people applying pressure on sites gets mods to cave in then I don't see why not.


Well-known Member
@mods: I remember you saying good things in the past. And I think people would like to know you're not ignoring this topic.

If we have arguments that's fine. Just want people to take note of what's happening here.


Well-known Member
Good news. Starting to get through to steam mods.

It's more mod abuse with online on a whole. If I deal with steam, F-chat can be next. It's the traffic, partly. Causes mods to act in fear, desperation and haste. "Desperation for safety" is a trap. If you feel like you "have too" (with anything) then question that.

Lewis (one of the steam mods) said he had to bring the matter to the attention of head staff. He's the only one that said "feedback". There's an opportunity here. As long as the steam mods let everyone have an opinion in the next topic I make, then maybe everything can get cleared up. I can say "This topic is here because of a mod." It's a golden ticket. An opportunity to stress online dangers that so often get ignored.
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