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Well-known Member
im new in devil may cry 3 : special edition.

so,i dont know how to finish my MISSION 5.
it's been 2 days i've explored but im clueless!
please help me.your help will be much appreciated!
thanks :)


TimeLord Detective
As soon as you start in the hallway you fought Gigapede before, you are surrounded by some Blood Goyles. Take'em out to unlock the door at the top which you came from.
Take the door on right to get back to The Devils Tower. On top of it, on the side of the window is a mechanism
in which you have to use the Wheel-Gear you got from the jester. This
will move the blocking stones some levels below.
After they are moved, go there
to find a fork thingy called Vajura, take it and enter the Blue Door.
Kill the Hell Prides, go into the door at the top of the stairs. In the room,
jump upon the ledge on either sides of the room and follow them to a
space in which a mechanism rests in which you can use Vajura. After
using it the cage on the stairs will be lifted, go there to find Soul
of Steel, which'll let you fly over the broken staircase which were opposite of the red door leading to Gigapede.
Activate the platform using the rune clock and fight your way through Hell Prides while going up. Be careful not to fall down as you'll have
to activate it again. After you've reached the top, follow the ledge to a Divinity Statue and some destructible objects for gaining red orbs. Go into the door to face a battle with a couple of twin ...

Hope that helped. And a small hint for the boss, try to lower their vitality equally, so that you can actually kill the 2nd guy almost after you killed the 1st;)

Oh and welcome to the forum as well^^


Well-known Member
that was a great tips!
but i've completed mission 5.
now im going with mission 6.
i've stuck at chamber of 3 trial.
im done with green pillar.
but i got a problem with orange and blue pillar.
what i know is,at orange pillar i need to change to Trickster rite? so,is there any tips for me to complete my chamber of 3 trial?


Demon a$$-kicker
The trial with the green pillar is the trial of warrior or something like that. The one with the purple pillar(it is not blue) is trial of wisdom,and the last one is trial of skill.

In the trial of wisdom,you'll find three doors in the room plus one you came from. All four of them have red lights burning over them. They differ in count from each other. There was a message on purple stone,remember? Some weird talk about an infant,a man, and an old guy. A crawling infant crawls on four legs so take the door with four lights first. A man standing tall walks on two legs so take the one with two lights next and finally take the door with three lights as an old man walks on three legs (including that dumb stick old people use :p). Do this in the right order and you will be in a room with the essence of intelligence on a pillar...sort of.
Easy,huh? Unless you screw up the order,of course.Then you will have to fight a number of baddies who don't like you at all. And then you will have to start from the beginning.:p

The trial of skill is always a huge pain in the ***. Go through the middle staircase (orange) to this one. Avoid those spikes unless you want to be screwed literally. You ask me how? Well when spikes come from left, move to right and vice versa. Similarly when they come from above, roll under them and when they come from ground, jump above them. Get the essence of technique from the end of tunnel.Go back the way you came. The spikes have been disabled but now there are some demon puppets to entertain you. What fun!

Use all the three stones on the goddess statue and get Artemis as a weapon.Watch the door in front you unlock in a stylish way. .Equip Agni & Rudra at the Divinity Statue if you don't have them equipped already. You'll need it a little while later. Go through the door.
After you're in, blow the statue on the left using Agni & Rudra. See those flames on it? Extinguish the flames one by one by using different combos. Pick up the blue orb left by the statue. Follow the stairs to a cut scene with Lady and Arkham and yay! You have finished the mission. :p


Shadow DMC Player
well i know the way to get to the essence of inteligence,
just go Dante's right then his left then foward then bam your there,
then you should go to the trial of skill room beat that then go back to the statue thing in the other room put the essence of knowledge and skill in then go through the door get the red orbs on the balconies or ledges then your on mission 7

*note if you do get all three you can get the gun on top of the statue but if you don't want to go through the all thre trials just do the trial of skill and knowledge and later in the game--i think it's mission 14 or 15 you will see that gun lying around on the ground mid-mission
so yeah.


Sir Fretalot
IloveVergil;37769 said:
Similarly when they come from above, roll under them and when they come from ground, jump above them.

actually you don't need to roll you can just walk under them:$


Well-known Member
Tony_Redgrave;37700 said:
As soon as you start in the hallway you fought Gigapede before, you are surrounded by some Blood Goyles. Take'em out to unlock the door at the top which you came from.
Take the door on right to get back to The Devils Tower. On top of it, on the side of the window is a mechanism
in which you have to use the Wheel-Gear you got from the jester. This
will move the blocking stones some levels below.
After they are moved, go there
to find a fork thingy called Vajura, take it and enter the Blue Door.
Kill the Hell Prides, go into the door at the top of the stairs. In the room,
jump upon the ledge on either sides of the room and follow them to a
space in which a mechanism rests in which you can use Vajura. After
using it the cage on the stairs will be lifted, go there to find Soul
of Steel, which'll let you fly over the broken staircase which were opposite of the red door leading to Gigapede.
Activate the platform using the rune clock and fight your way through Hell Prides while going up. Be careful not to fall down as you'll have
to activate it again. After you've reached the top, follow the ledge to a Divinity Statue and some destructible objects for gaining red orbs. Go into the door to face a battle with a couple of twin ...

Hope that helped. And a small hint for the boss, try to lower their vitality equally, so that you can actually kill the 2nd guy almost after you killed the 1st;)

Oh and welcome to the forum as well^^




TimeLord Detective
First of all welcome to the forum~_^

Second, I did not quite get what your problem is. You just press the "use" button (in default it is the style button) after you reach the top of these "platforms" to activate the mechanism of the tower.
Anyway to further help you I found some videos of the mission. They should provide you enough information to finish the stage - unless your game has a bug: P

Note though: The guy on the video is playing on the highest difficulty, so he has unlocked new costumes, weapons and powers, so don't worry about him looking like that and having those things.

Note2: if you have Dante's Awakening instead of Special Edition you'll notice the "Jester Fight" and ask what's going on. Do not worry, it is just a new feature in the Special Edition and therefore has nothing to do with your game~_^

Video 01

Video 02


lol i remember, when i was playing this mission as Dante and as Dante Must Die Mode, i used Devil Trigger which is endless, took Nevane and tried to fly to Vajura.. lol but it doesnt work :(


TimeLord Detective
I remember using the exact same trick to pass the bridge which falls in Mission 4. Although you can succeed you can't continue since you lack the soul of steel, but still it was a satisfaction:p

The dark knight

Well-known Member
I did the same lol!
Tony_Redgrave;39469 said:
I remember using the exact same trick to pass the bridge which falls in Mission 4. Although you can succeed you can't continue since you lack the soul of steel, but still it was a satisfaction:p


yes yes yes :) but i didnt do that cuz i knew that i dodnt have this thing...
btw with endless devil Trigger it's simple to complete secret missions..


i know and i did it :)
and i was so sad, that doesnt matter which difficulty u use, after the last secret mission (to kill 100 enemies) it shows the same video with Vergil attacking Mundus.. :(


Demon Slayer
you just go back to the room with 2 doors green and red and a bright pink window , just go to the stairs where you fell in the chamber of sins , then go back and use the second item after the vajura to open the door and face agni and rudra.

the 2nd & 3rd trial of the 3 chambers is the only easy thing that i have passed , the first one is very hard , figuring out the right doors is difficult , so just try 2 and 3 and it will be easy and use the laser thing to open a new path



TimeLord Detective
This thread was made a long time ago and mission 5 was already cleared. Check not only the date but previous posts before posting. Thread locked.
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