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Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots Review (PlayStation 3)

Chaos Raiden

Avid Gamer & Reviewer
I should have made this review when I first played the game in 2008, but since I sold my PS3 around that time, I have no opportunity to do that. As I have just bought a new PS3 Slim with 160 GB and games like MGS4, Infamous, Uncharted 2, and FFXIII last week, I have the chance to make a review of this game after I have completed the game again.


Solid Snake is back, as Old Snake.

This game takes place 5 or 6 years after Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty. War Economy has become the major economy activity in the world. Under UN orders, Snake's mission is to assassinate Liquid Ocelot, who has been running major PMCs around the world.

The story is full of plot twists and surprises, as well a great story.

The story, like any other MGS games, has plot twists and surprises that can surprise most fans when playing. The cutscenes in this game are well made, length, detailed, and awesome. When you are watching the game's cutscenes, you can't help but feel in awe with the production of the cutscenes, which can rival Hollywood movies. Also, in my opinion, the story is much more comprehensible compared to MGS2 story, so for those who dislikes MGS2 can rest easy. Hideo Kojima loves movies, and it is not strange that the cutscenes are based on movies. The cutscenes are epic, and you are tempted to watch it many times again. However, if you don't like to watch lengthy cutscenes, you can always skip the cutscenes in the Pause menu.


Snake may be getting old, but he is still one of the legendary soldiers that everyone knows about.

Since Snake is already old (physically), the gameplay reflects that. If Snake crouches for too long, he will have back pains. If Snake has low Psyche, his aims will be not accurate. Very realistic game.

This game features updated previous MGS games' gameplays, and it's own new gameplay. Snake has OctoCamo, where he can blend in any surroundings near to perfection. This is crucial to sneak past enemies undetected. In my opinion, this is slightly better than the original MGS3 Camouflage system, since it can change to any environment automatically. You can also set your OctoCamo manually if you don't like the automatic setup.

Snake now has third person shooting view, and first person shooting as well.

In this game, you can aim and shoot in both third person view or first person view. Both have pros and cans, and players should use both according to situation. If you need to shoot a distance enemy, use first person view. If you need to ready your weapon while the enemy is around, use third person view. Take note that you can move and strafe when you are in first person view or third person view, which is a welcome addition to this game.

The first gauge is Snake's Life Gauge. The gauge below it is Psyche Meter. Life Gauge decreases when enemies attack you, and you will die if the Life Gauge is depleted. Psyche Meter is Snake's own 'Stamina' gauge from MGS3. If your Psyche meter is high, your health regenerates faster, your aim is more accurate, higher endurance, etc. This also works in opposite, lower Psyche Meter make Snake's health regeneration slower, and etc. It is best to maintain your Psyche Meter as high as possible. You can replenish it by using items, smoking cigarettes, and other ways.

Use CQC to do many things.

Snake now is able to use CQC. You can use CQC to knock out enemies quickly, killing them with minimal sound, getting items, human shield, and many other things. Make good use of CQC to save yourself from tough situations.

The enemies in this game are very smart. If Snake makes a sound, the enemy will go an investigate it. If Snake smokes a cigarette and the enemy smells it, the enemy will investigate it too. This game is realistic, so make sure you plan carefully what to do when you are sneaking or attacking enemies. The bosses in this game require strategies to defeat them, so pay attention to their attack patterns and their fighting style. They are very challenging, and fun to fight with like previous MGS bosses.

There are a lot of weapons in this game, and most of it can be acquired during chapters, buying, and fulfilling certain conditions.

This game features Drebin Points system. You need DPs to buy weapons and items, as well to remove ID locks of weapons in order to use it. You are unable to use any weapons if they still have ID locks on them. You will gain DPs when you sell your weapons, acquiring the same weapons while playing, and etc. It is a good shopping system, as you can buy ammos as well during emergencies. However, the prices fluctuates in every chapter. In one chapter, the prices of weapons are expensive, and vice versa.

The Codec conversations return as well, but not to the extent of MGS3 radio conversations, but talking people to Codecs are fun like always.

In short, the gameplay is nothing but amazing and masterpiece. I have no complaints in the gameplay in this game at all.

Three words for the graphics. Awesome, spectacular, and masterpiece.

The graphics in this game is simply spectacular. The graphics are well made, beautiful, and amazing. Each characters are made perfectly and detailed, like you can see the scars of a person, sweats, tears, and etc. In combination of well made cutscenes and graphics, it looks like a masterpiece CG movie, close to real life.


Great voice acting and epic music.

The voice acting is perfect, no argument there. David Hayter and Christopher Randolph did great job in their roles as Old Snake and Otacon. Other voice actors did exceptionally well job as well, like Liquid Ocelot, Raiden, Vamp, and other characters. MGS games always have great voice acting.

The soundtrack is extremely well made by Harry-Gregson Williams and other composers. The soundtrack feels Hollywood epic, the many tunes used are fitting in each situation. Sad tune when there is a sad scene occurs, and exhilarating action theme when fighting. No complaints here.

Replay Value

Even if you have completed the game, you can still do many things. Collect new weapons and items, new FaceCamos, and etc.

You can also play Metal Gear Online with your friends, and it is a great addition in this game in my opinion. It is best to get all expansion packs for MGO to enjoy the features fully. You can also play Raiden after you downloaded one of the expansion packs.


If you have a PS3, do not hesitate to get this game as it is one of the best games ever, unless you are not MGS fan.

In short, this game is a masterpiece. I don't care if other people said this game is bad, but to me, this game is simply spectacular from the start to the end. This game will remain in my treasured games collection, and I am looking forward to the upcoming Metal Gear Solid: Rising. I salute the man of MGS, Hideo Kojima for making one of the best games ever, and for making the MGS series awesome and epic.


Story: 10/10
Gameplay: 10/10
Graphics: 10/10
Sound: 10/10

Total score: 40/40 or 10.0/10.0.

Pros and Cons


- Epic story with the closure of Snake's chapter.
- Awesome gameplay with updated gameplay systems from previous MGS games.
- Awesome soundtrack
- Superb voice acting like any other MGS games.
- Epic boss fights, especially the last battle.
- Superbly well designed characters and environments with near realistic graphics.


- Lengthy cutscenes may turn some players off, but can be remedied by skipping cutscenes.
- Storyline may be heavy to some people.
- Annoying, mandatory installations when progressing into a new chapter.


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Excellent review, and now I really wanna get this game. :p This is number 3 on my I WANT IT list now.


Well-known Member
Hmm...I've never played a Metal Gear game before. Mainly because it seems like there is so much going on I wouldn't be able to follow. What do you say, Chaos Master?

Chaos Raiden

Avid Gamer & Reviewer
meg127;267819 said:
Hmm...I've never played a Metal Gear game before. Mainly because it seems like there is so much going on I wouldn't be able to follow. What do you say, Chaos Master?

Well, if you are new to MGS series, it will be hard for new fans to understand the complexity and the connection of all MGS games. Here are the game's chronology according to when is the setting:

MGS3 -> MGS: PO -> MGS: PW -> MG -> MG2 -> MGS -> MGS2 -> MGS: R - > MGS4

If you want to fully comprehend MGS4's story, it would be best if you play MGS3, MGS2, and MGS, since the game's storyline are quite heavy for new fans, and all main Metal Gear Solid games are heavily connected.

I think you should rent the game and try it out first, in case the game is not up to your tastes.

If you want a Metal Gear Solid game that has less complicated story, you should look out for the upcoming Metal Gear Solid: Rising, since it features hack and slash plus stealth gameplay. It will be available on PS3, Xbox 360, and PC. However, it's release date has not been announced. If you want to get a feeling on how MGS: Rising's gameplay, look at the video in this link:


Angelo Credo

Kept you waiting, huh?
I honestly tried to play MGS4 on several occasions, most recently at a friend's house, every time I tried it, I couldn't bring myself to carry on with it.

Don't get me wrong, I've followed EVERY single MG game to date, even the originals, I've followed the story and I know most of the ins and outs of what's going on, but MGS4 just annoyed me, I like my story, I like my cutscenes, but I do not like it when the formula is 10-30 minutes of gameplay broken up by 30 minute cutscenes.

Kojima has created quite a significant problem, he effectively turned MGS4 into an interactive movie, it's just so overdone with exposition and fluff when it really doesn't need to be. This is something that has put both myself and a number of fans off, even those like myself who have followed the games from their humble beginning.

I'll give you every other score easily, but the gameplay? Personally, if it were my review, I'd smack that down to a 3, and that's if I were being generous.
Games should never be interactive movies, otherwise you alienate a considerable portion of the fanbase.


Well-known Member
Chaos Master;267821 said:
Well, if you are new to MGS series, it will be hard for new fans to understand the complexity and the connection of all MGS games. Here are the game's chronology according to when is the setting:

MGS3 -> MGS: PO -> MGS: PW -> MG -> MG2 -> MGS -> MGS2 -> MGS: R - > MGS4

If you want to fully comprehend MGS4's story, it would be best if you play MGS3, MGS2, and MGS, since the game's storyline are quite heavy for new fans, and all main Metal Gear Solid games are heavily connected.

I think you should rent the game and try it out first, in case the game is not up to your tastes.

If you want a Metal Gear Solid game that has less complicated story, you should look out for the upcoming Metal Gear Solid: Rising, since it features hack and slash plus stealth gameplay. It will be available on PS3, Xbox 360, and PC. However, it's release date has not been announced. If you want to get a feeling on how MGS: Rising's gameplay, look at the video in this link:


Thanks. That's what I was afraid of. I'm pretty sure there's a demo on PSN, so I can try that out.

Darth Angelo

Tuck-yet-chi-say-denie trieve trick-dis-nie
Having become practically obsessed with the idea of this game since 2001/2002 I wasn't expecting it to meet my expectations as they had been set so high how could it?....it exceed them bigtime.

I think I only had 1 problem with it. The "!" alert system definetely should have been taken out for the battlefield portions of the game as it instantly cut off the feeling of hiding in plain sight (which was supposed to be the idea from what I remember) and blending in with the heat of a battle to move forward in the game.

Other than that it was beyond perfect and everything I was hoping for was done with more style that I could have imagined. It wasn't my favorite MGS gameplay wise but story wise (which is really the only thing I care about in MGS)...WOW..I cried...a lot. But I went into the game hoping I would, I had waited long enough I may as well enjoy it.
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