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Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance Review (PS3)

Chaos Raiden

Avid Gamer & Reviewer

Take control as Raiden again, this time as a Cyborg Ninja.

This game takes place after Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots. After the fall of SOP, Raiden went on to work for Maverick Security Consulting Inc., a Private Military Security Company (PMSC). Raiden works as a bodyguard for the VIP in Africa. While Raiden was escorting the VIP, an unknown faction with cyborgs attacked them, and the VIP was killed in the process. Raiden failed his mission, but embark on new missions regarding this new cyborg faction to stop their plans, with his new and advanced cyborg body.

In comparison to Metal Gear games, this game's storyline is less complex and more linear. I find that the game's plot is still good, but lack good old plot twists to make the game's story much more intriguing than an average game's story. In this game, you can still contact people via Codec for more information, such as the enemies you are fighting, bits of their own history, as well as other useful information. I am glad to see that Codec function is retained in this game, and it is one of the Metal Gear features that I truly like since I played Metal Gear Solid. In comparison to Platinum Games' releases, this game has the best storyline compared to Vanquish, Bayonetta and Anarchy Reigns, although the story is written by Kojima Productions.

Raiden is an interesting, badass, and cool character in this game who has very likable personality. In comparison to his personality in MGS2 and MGS4, he is more keen to fight and has some split personality issues that stems back from his violent past. The villains in this game are pretty interesting with great personalities, with intriguing background history. Other characters like Bladewolf, Jetstream Sam, Mistral, and many more are good characters.


Cut, cut and cut!
Unlike previous Metal Gear games, this game is a hack and slash game. You can use quick and strong attacks to damage enemies, as well as use skills to that allows you to execute different combos and moves. You may also kill an enemy stealthily, which is called Ninja Kill. You can also use the A.R. mode to scan your enemies position in the map.

One unique gameplay feature in this game is Blade Mode. Blade Mode allows you to cut enemies or objects into pieces. This ability however, cannot be used infinitely since it drains your Fuel Cell (energy bar). To restore your Fuel Cells and Health, you need to slice a specific enemy body part, and get its electrolytes (bluish spines) to replenish both. This is called Zandatsu.

Another unique feature in this game is parrying. To parry an enemy's attack, you need to push the Left Analog Stick and the Square button towards the enemy to block the attack. You can also mash the Square button and push the Left Analog Stick to quickly block a multi-hit combo, or use it a perfect timing to execute a perfect parry that allows you to counterattack enemies with high damage.

As a cyborg ninja, Raiden can run and climb on walls using Ninja Run. You can use the Ninja Run to dash indefinitely to avoid attacks or to close in on enemies, or use it to deflect enemies' gunfire.

Use sub-weapons and unique weapons to gain an advantage against enemies.

While exploring in the game, you will come encounter to various items, such as items that replenish your Health and Fuel Cells, and Sub-Weapons. Sub-Weapons are weapons that can be used by Raiden to defeat enemies easily. There is a variety of sub-weapons to be used, such as conventional grenades, electromagnetic grenades. and etc. You may also opt to use different Main Weapons or Unique Weapons depending on the situation. As you progress in the game and collect enough collectibles, you will unlock more main weapons and unique weapons to be used against enemies.

You may also spend your currency called Battle Points (B.P.) to purchase new weapons and upgrades, as well as new skills. B.P is obtained by completing ranked battles in a Mission, and can be obtained by fighting enemies. If you obtain high rank in a ranked battle, you will get higher B.P bonus. For example, by getting an S rank in a ranked battle, you will get at least 5000 B.P. The ranking is determined by how fast you complete the battle, how many enemies you have killed, how many hits you have inflicted against enemies, how many B.P. you have obtained, as well as how many Zandatsus you have performed. If you do not take any damage in these ranked battles, you will also gain B.P. bonus, which will allows you to get S rank easily.

Fight challenging and epic bosses.

There are only eight Missions in this game, and the progression is fairly linear like many recent action games. There isn't much puzzles to be carried out, and you will need to complete some Quick Time Events in this game to progress as well.

There is a variety of enemies to be encountered in the game, such as cyborgs, bipedal robots, wolf-like robots, and etc. Each enemy has different attack patterns and strategies to beat, thus careful attacking and defending is required to beat them efficiently. For example, Mastiffs are highly aggressive and fast, and relies on close-ranged attacks to kill you. There are many options to be considered in battle, such as using the right Unique Weapon, use Sub-Weapons, utilising Zandatsu, and many more. Like many other games, you will fight special enemies in this game called bosses. In this game, each boss is fairly unique with different attacking pattern, styles, and behaviour. Unlike regular enemies, bosses can kill you much more easily, especially in higher difficulty modes.

Great gameplay but short completion time and too-linear progression.

I felt that this game has impressive gameplay, with unique parrying system, interesting Blade Mode feature, great action, as well as challenging boss fights. However, I felt that this game feels too short with only eight playable missions, as well as having very linear progression. Unlike previous Metal Gear games, there are no puzzles to be completed, such as using the correct disguise to infiltrate, use a certain item to get through, and etc. I felt these two factors hamper the game's playing time a considerable value, but fortunately it has lots of collectibles and side missions to be played. Last but not least, I also feel that the camera system is very bad, especially when you are fighting beside walls or in corners of an area. The camera feels very obstructive at times, especially when you are locking onto a target. Parrying system also takes some time to get used to, since not many players are used to press two buttons to block an attack.


Great graphics.

I like the graphics a lot. Smooth animation of characters in gameplay and cutscenes, well-designed environment as well as great character and enemy designs. Many people argued that this game looks inferior to Metal Gear Solid: Rising's graphics, and it is up to people's perception. Personally, I prefer this game's graphics, but I also think Metal Gear Solid: Rising's graphics is well more detailed.


Great voice acting and excellent soundtrack.

This game has good voice acting, with great voice actors such as Quinton Flynn, Phil LaMarr, Jim Ward, Michael Beattie,Crispin Freeman, Alistair Duncan, Philip-Anthony Rodriguez, and many more. I am also pleased to see that some characters in this game have their own distinct accents from different countries, which are absent from some previous Metal Gear games.

The soundtrack is composed by Jamie Christopherson, who composed for several games such as Lost Planet games and Onimusha: Dawn of Dreams. He also contributed a lot of instrumental tracks, as well as vocal tracks in this game. I felt that this game has excellent soundtrack, with fitting instrumental tracks and very adrenaline-pumping, as well as suitable rock and metal songs.

Replay Value

Good replay value.
Despite the game's short completion time, you can take on harder difficulties such as Revengeance mode, the most hardest difficulty mode in this game where enemies can kill you with one or two hits. You can also opt to collect all collectibles in this game, or complete all VR Missions.


A great hack-and-slash game that features Raiden, with great collaboration between Kojima Productions and Platinum Games.
I have been waiting for this game since it's initial beta reveal called Metal Gear Solid: Rising in 2010. To my surprise, this game was re-revealed as Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance, where the game is developed by Platinum Games. In a way, I felt sad that I am unable to play Kojima Productions' version of the game. However, I am happy that Platinum Games salvage the game and made it playable to all players now. This game is an excellent action game, but it has some demerits that may cost the game's quality negatively to a number of players. As always, I advise all people to play the demo first before purchasing the full game, since this game has different gameplay style compared to previous Metal Gear games, as well as having steep learning curve. Still, I am glad that Platinum Games picked up the game and completed it along with Kojima Productions.

Final Score

Story: 9/10
Gameplay: 9/10
Graphics: 9/10
Sound: 9/10

Final Score: 9.0/10 or 36/40

Pros and Cons

- Raiden is awesome.
- Good storyline.
- Great and unique characters.
- Exhilarating action game.
- Great combat.
- Epic and great boss fights.
- Challenging difficulty.
- Great unique features such as parrying and Blade Mode.
- Non-obtrusive and well-implemented QTEs.
- Astounding graphics.
- Great and impressive soundtrack.
- Authentic and good voice acting.
- Good replay value.

- Short completion time for seasoned action players.
- Parrying system may not suit average or rookie action players.
- Bad camera system.
- Too linear progression.
- Story lack good plot elements and twists.


Well-known Member
I disagree on story lacking plot twist. At one point Sam reveals to Raiden that the people he is cutting up are people who have taken the job because of poverty. In beginning Raiden said "They sealed their fate when they took the job, i am just the reaper" refering to how he doesnt care about the cyborgs because they should know better than take jobs from criminal employers.

Later on when Sam tells him how things are (poverty affected people):
Raiden defends himself instead of attacking the cyborgs, because he finds out that the cyborgs have something in them supressing their fear.

So that was a huge twist. I really liked it. Raiden felt the impact of that on his body when he didn't go for the kill, and he was hit by the guards.
Good review.

Yeah the lack of plot twists didn't bother me as much because Kojima wasn't writing it, over all it's very welcome in the Metal Gear Universe and the moment Raiden got Olga's blade in MGS2 I had a hunch he'd become a ninja a decade later and here he is, taking spines out of his enemies and using them to refuel himself.

Can't wait for the Sam and Blade Wolf DLC.


Fake Geek Girl.
Totally cheesy and lame. Seriously, the dude doesn't even have good one liners. I take it you've never played any other Metal Gear like ever. Enjoy the stupid high heeled final fantasy looking motherfucker because he is the worst character in Metal Gear that is beyond hope. There's no way in hell he can redeem himself especially when he tries to fill in this baddass mofo's shoes THE ONE AND ONLY TRUE CYBORG NINJA


Well-known Member
Totally cheesy and lame. Seriously, the dude doesn't even have good one liners. I take it you've never played any other Metal Gear like ever. Enjoy the stupid high heeled final fantasy looking motherfucker because he is the worst character in Metal Gear that is beyond hope. There's no way in hell he can redeem himself especially when he tries to fill in this baddass mofo's shoes THE ONE AND ONLY TRUE CYBORG NINJA

And just to clarify so that you don´t go imagening things:

This gif is not me saying Raiden is a god or that he is better than Gray Fox.


Single life for life
Nice review, though I'm surprised lack of instant weapon switching wasn't in the Cons section, to me that's the biggest con other than the short completion time. Was it just overlooked or do you not care too much about that point? (Just curious)
I take it you've never played any other Metal Gear like ever.
You really do like using "I've played the other MG games, have you?" as an argument point don't you?


Fake Geek Girl.
Nice review, though I'm surprised lack of instant weapon switching wasn't in the Cons section, to me that's the biggest con other than the short completion time. Was it just overlooked or do you not care too much about that point? (Just curious)

You really do like using "I've played the other MG games, have you?" as an argument point don't you?
Oh I really hate Raiden but besides that point, I've played better hack n slashers than Rising anyway.


Fake Geek Girl.
Which ones?
I'd rather go back and play DMC 1 but I also recently picked up Ninja Gaiden(X-Box) and Shinobi(PS2) recently for really cheap and I'm having more fun with those than I did with Rising. Plus when I'm playing Metal Gear I'm actually going to go play Metal Gear as I'm replaying MGS 3 for the 1 millionth time as well. I'm more of a retro gamer and there is hardly any new titles I actually find as fun as older ones. Only game I'm worried about getting in the near future will be my Injustice: Gods Among Us and GTA 5. Also whenever my Ground Zeroes is released I will be all over that.


Well-known Member
I think Raiden was a good choice for this game because making another ****ing prequel would have been boring and probably would have been limited in terms of gameplay and story (unless Kojima retconned some more things).. Some things are best left with some air of mystery surrounding them. And for ffs Kojima just make a Snatcher remake. I'd be infinitely more interested in that than any MGS prequel/sequel/prepreprepreprequel.
I think Raiden was a good choice for this game because making another ******* prequel would have been boring and probably would have been limited in terms of gameplay and story (unless Kojima retconned some more things).. Some things are best left with some air of mystery surrounding them. And for ffs Kojima just make a Snatcher remake. I'd be infinitely more interested in that than any MGS prequel/sequel/prepreprepreprequel.

I want him to re-make alot of games. Mostly Metal Gear and Metal Gear 2 with expanded plots. Fighting Gray Fox in the minefield with modern day graphics would be awesome.

Again, the shoes he tries to fill it with are HIGH HEELS. As if Raiden wasn't feminine enough.

He has the heels so he can hold his blade with his feet.


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Totally cheesy and lame. Seriously, the dude doesn't even have good one liners. I take it you've never played any other Metal Gear like ever. Enjoy the stupid high heeled final fantasy looking motherfucker because he is the worst character in Metal Gear that is beyond hope. There's no way in hell he can redeem himself especially when he tries to fill in this baddass mofo's shoes THE ONE AND ONLY TRUE CYBORG NINJA

I thought Raiden was cool. Not his 2 persona, but definitely his 4 and Rising persona. And I've played every Metal Gear game, including the MSX titles. And I happen to like Final Fantasy's character design. And I don't think he's the worst character. And I like him more than Gray Fox.

Do you have a problem with my opinion, sir? Because it seems like you have a very difficult time respecting other people's opinions. You sound exactly like someone else I argued with, who thought it was his duty to make fun of opinions he thought were stupid so that, in his words, "people wouldn't believe something that is completely stupid." Do you REALLY want to be like him?
I thought Raiden was cool. Not his 2 persona, but definitely his 4 and Rising persona. And I've played every Metal Gear game, including the MSX titles. And I happen to like Final Fantasy's character design. And I don't think he's the worst character. And I like him more than Gray Fox.

Do you have a problem with my opinion, sir? Because it seems like you have a very difficult time respecting other people's opinions. You sound exactly like someone else I argued with, who thought it was his duty to make fun of opinions he thought were stupid so that, in his words, "people wouldn't believe something that is completely stupid." Do you REALLY want to be like him?

I don't think he looks like a modern Final Fantasy character. Doesn't have enough belts and zippers. I think calling Raiden a FF character is a bit of a stretch, it's just out of hate and rage or bait to see how many people can get ****ed off in this thread. Take those posts with a grain of salt.

Between you and me. I think the salt tastes better on its own, don't ruin it with the posts.They're pretty much YouTube comment tier.


Single life for life
Between you and me. I think the salt tastes better on its own, don't ruin it with the posts.They're pretty much YouTube comment tier.
How DAYER you... Salt tastes much better on a KFC chicken fillet.

And now to regain the thread topic...
Sam and Bladewolf are awesome characters to me and others (Just slightly underdeveloped, but DLC will fix that), and in the review you only said "good characters" as a summary. Tell me your reasoning :<
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