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Media images and real life


Well-known Member
I've a thought. People say that the media (TV, books, games, movies, etc) shouldn't have to abide by a strict sense of ethics because its art (I'm generalizing) and say that requiring a type of moral/ethical line would be censorship and against freedom of speech. (Assuming you have it o_O)

Well, here's my thought. You've people who say that consumers like to see things that would be considered immoral such as extreme violence, sex scenes, and so on in games/movies and such, and so the media is just giving them what they want. Here's my question. Is media that portrays these things just giving people want they want, or are they also reinforcing the kind of thinking that demands those images in the first place?

Take for example the Dead Space 2 ads. You know the ones that show all the moms freaking out? Ok, so the game is cool and you should play it because its violent and gross and your mom hates it?

That's not a very good example...

Ok, well let's look at the way the vast majority of women are portrayed in video games (and many other forms of media for that matter, but mostly games). They are either sex objects, sluts, reliant on men, and/or super girly and dumb. Now that's a tad sexist, wouldn't you say? Now I don't know the demographic of men that are also feminists, but I don't think that all men are sex crazed idiots that want nothing more than to look at naked women all day. Anyway, why's such negative portrayals of women aloud? Because if rules were but in place against it that would be censorship? So sexism is acceptable now? Thanks.

Oh gosh I'm rambling. Ok, well basically what I'm asking is this, is the media just giving us what we (generalizing again) want, or are they on some level reinforcing the negative thoughts/beliefs associated with those images? With would in turn create a vicious cycle and any hope of progress against sexism/racism/etc is lost. And if that's true, then does that mean that the only (or at least most effective way) to pretty much eliminate sexism/racism/etc is to do the big awful thing called "censorship" so help us God?

That was quite a thought dump! :lol: Thoughts?


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
I honestly think that censorship is good in controlled amounts. Sex objects don't appeal to me. There's a difference between virtual boobage and real boobage, after all...

And before you say anything, no, I'm not some sex crazed fool.


Meg, can I say that I love your thought dumps? xD

And now for my two bits. The media has responded to the needs and "general moral line" of the people. Walk with me through history, will you? There was a time when Mr. and Mrs. Brady slept in separate twin beds because them even being in the bed suggested WAY too much and the little censor alarms went off. But before that bedroom scenes were filmed rarely, if at all. The media operated on a slippery slope. "Let's film people in the same bed. They didn't freak out? Good, let's push it more."

The whole system seems to have fallen in love with pushing the envelope, which seems to fit the "rebellious" attitude of the younger generation that they are trying so desperately to hook.

My honest opinion? Censor them. Sure it'll stomp all over their ~speshul freedoms~ but if there is any hope of "redeeming" the media, the little censor alarms need to crank it up a few notches.


-hides behind desk in fear of carrot pelters-

Nicodemus Zamoran

The Hellslayer Knight
I believe censors would be nice for a change sometimes, though not for everything. And as for women portrayed in media, I agree that it's stupid. I'd rather have a tough, smart girl/woman in a game, movie, book, etc. than a simple sex machine. Personally, I like blood and gore in some games. Violent games actually help me relax. Keeps me from going violent on people in real life, most of the time. As for thoughts on sex in other media, I have no comment.


Oldschool DMC fan
They are doing both simultaneously, which is why even as an artist myself I believe 'art' should still have responsibility for itself (including video games). Portraying anything you like as if it does not affect its audience is both naive and irresponsible; but also I think art (and the media) does have a responsibility to push boundaries too and not just present the same old over and over within a social comfort zone.

It's a double-edged sword always. For example - you mentioned women in the media. In the 60s a man couldn't be in a film in bed with a woman (literally - I mean even just sitting on the edge of a bed just talking to her) unless the characters were both married. But through the following decades the media and film pushed those boundaries, showing women in shorter and shorter skirts, more empowered and in increasingly independent roles - and the result has been that women nowadays can wear practically whatever they want, they aren't restricted any longer by what the 60s media expected of them, but by the same token, this has still opened them up for exploitation in different ways within the media. It's still come a long way since the days of the first James Bond movie being dubbed 'racy' and inappropriate because he gets into bed with women he's not married to. And - there is still a long way to go yet. But the media - whatever its selfish motivations - HAS played its part in the empancipation of modern women, by getting us used to the idea of women acting freely. In the past a confident, sexy woman in film or media was often a femme fatale - a threat, an unknown quantity. Now she can be confident and sexy and we think it's the way it should be - we almost think nothing of it. Because the media has shaped our expectations so.

Again this has a good and a bad side. Think of emancipated women and their new-found confidence, and then see the media sapping it from them again by airburshing models, putting weight limits on them, and using it to sell things to us we hope will make us like them. The media shows us thin women and makes us believe that this is beauty - and lo, we often do. It shapes society enormously, especially these days.

Now obviously the media is trying to 'sell' itself as surely as if it were selling products - a lot of the time it is selling something, box office sales, product advertising, TV ratings. So it WILL attempt to please the audience by aiming to give them what they want - or more shrewdly, what they will pay for. At the same time it also knows that something shocking, banned or new will also garner interest because people are curious and they also get bored and hunger for something new. It often overlaps. And everything in the world influences everything else to varying degrees - the audience influences the media and the media influences the audience in a continuous feedback loop.


Entertain me.
Meg;300830 said:
Ok, well let's look at the way the vast majority of women are portrayed in video games (and many other forms of media for that matter, but mostly games). They are either sex objects, sluts, reliant on men, and/or super girly and dumb. Now that's a tad sexist, wouldn't you say? Now I don't know the demographic of men that are also feminists, but I don't think that all men are sex crazed idiots that want nothing more than to look at naked women all day.

they're like that if the intended demographic is men. movies/tv that are geared more towards women or both sexes usually make a point to have a strong and prominent female protagonist (winters bone, spirited away, eternal sunshine of the spotless mind, etc..) you have a very high opinion on guys, meg. most of us would like nothing better than to sit around looking at naked girls all day. it's no secret that sex and violence sells, it's two of the strongest primal instincts compacted into one. and best of all, it's more socially acceptable than porn.

i've lived all over the United States...right now i live in the midwest and i lived in the south previously, and about 99.99% of men are sexists in those regions. call me racist or what have you, but that's what happens when you grow up watching westerns and convincing yourself that every girl is a dumb damsel that'll give herself up if you beat the living crap out of somebody. i can't stand that cowboy mentality to be honest... but i'm not much better. i'd rather beat the living crap out of one of them and be praised for not having the emotional capacity of a screwdriver.

Meg;300830 said:
Oh gosh I'm rambling. Ok, well basically what I'm asking is this, is the media just giving us what we (generalizing again) want, or are they on some level reinforcing the negative thoughts/beliefs associated with those images? With would in turn create a vicious cycle and any hope of progress against sexism/racism/etc is lost. And if that's true, then does that mean that the only (or at least most effective way) to pretty much eliminate sexism/racism/etc is to do the big awful thing called "censorship" so help us God?

That was quite a thought dump! :lol: Thoughts?

T.V. doesn't care about ethics, they care about profit. government censorship agencies such as the FCC (in the case of my country) care about ethics, because lobbyists and interest groups force them to. if it were up to the television people, they'd air whatever they could to make you watch.


Oldschool DMC fan
I don't believe it's a vicious cycle. Progress does happen - as I mentioned with the views on women now compared with 60 years ago. Compared with 100 years ago. Compared with 2000 years ago. Things DO change, just not as quickly as we'd like.

Censorship isn't the key. The key is a more educated population, that can distinguish for itself between right and wrong and what is morally objectionable without having to be told or treated like a child. Again progress is happening here, albeit slowly... your average person is more factually aware than he or she would have been 100 years ago. And in the future if the trend continues the average person will be more factually aware than they are now, and hopefully more enlightened than easily influenced by media.

Klawed Flaw

Fallout Nut
Children killing is impossible in Fallout 3. I'm 16, I want to kill that foul mouthed little kid in the game. Now I know I can. It could be done if it was Fallout 2.

I believe censorship is somewhat needed, but I despise it no matter what. I live surrounded by people who would flip if a character in any game I own said anything beyond the lowest swear words. Yet... They let their kids play CoD. Why do people care more about the single player? This isn't why I think the way I do, though. I just choose what I believe and subscribe to.

In small amounts, it's good, but in large amounts... *finds nearest high cliff or building in Fallout 3* Thanks. I do like a bit of racy content just because I'm still immature, and have been told constantly how it's bad. No wonder my mom has to hear the immaturity she was instilling into me when it came to sex with all those naughty jokes about body parts.

Now she's no fun... Oh wait, she still is. Just got too much stress. She needs more fun. My idea of fun involving virtual destruction is not for her, though. She thinks it's gross.

Now if I get the choice between uncensored and censored. I'd rather it be uncensored. Unless it's that episode of South Park making fun of Jersey Shore. It was a crime to uncensor that without being able to turn on the censor. Now Showgirls would be better filmed if blue footed boobies were used for censoring. Someone make me a blue footed version. Please!

Yeah. I know. More humorous than anything. Gotta have the humor on the table, too. Also, Showgirls would be the film of the worst to watch for fun rather than on second place if it had that obvious visual pun. No one has creativity these days, though.

Well... They do, it's just that no one will use awesome visual puns.

Just so you know, I'm not a gross person. Okay, my sense of humor is probably irreverent, but I'm not interested in any films using sex to sell for the sex. Just for how funny and bad they are.


Oldschool DMC fan
Personally I dislike it when films contain sex without a reason that is properly relevant to the story or the characters and necessary within the story arc.

Klawed Flaw

Fallout Nut
Lexy;301864 said:
Personally I dislike it when films contain sex without a reason that is properly relevant to the story or the characters and necessary within the story arc.

I normally hate it myself, but when it's something so horrible yet funny as Showgirls... It just is funny. Too bad the best line can't come out of my mouth. -_- I've only seen small amounts of it since it was reviewed by Nostalgia Chick.
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