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Medal of Honor Review


Well-known Member
Medal of Honor Review

The Medal of Honor series is known for being intense first person shooters that take place during World War II. However, the latest edition, titled simply “Medal of Honor,” is a change for the series. It takes place during modern day events in Afghanistan. The game was made in remembrance of the men and women who fought and died in the war. Quite simply, this game does those fallen soldiers justice.


The story really tugs at your heart.

The story follows three different characters and their squads; Adams, an Army Ranger, Rabbit, a Navy SEAL, and Deuce, a Tier 1 soldier. The story follows each character as they carry out their mission be it to place trackers on enemy vehicles, rescue their fellow soldiers, or just fight to stay alive. This is where the game truly shines. While there is no real antagonist the story of these men fighting to stay alive and protect their own is gripping and the interaction between the characters feels very authentic. These aren’t just some grunts with oversized guns blasting down corridors. These are real men fighting.

Some of the scenes are pure gold. My favorite moment was playing as Rabbit as hordes of enemies were descending on top of his squad from all sides while one of the squad members called desperately for help. It was an intense moment and I loved every second of it. The ending was also very well done and I even had a few tears come. It’s very rare a video game’s story makes me feel anything and the story of Adams, Rabbit, and Deuce really touched me.

However, I would have liked if those three characters had a personality. Not only do you never see their faces, but you don’t hear them talk either. The other characters, while they lacked development, did have their own distinct identities.


Bang bang bang boy, you're going down down down boy. ;)

Now the gameplay on the other had…While the game controls very well there are some minor glitches. Enemies and allies alike will running into something and not be able to get around it for example. While this doesn’t ruin the experience it does hinder it a little. Its hard to get immersed when the AI doesn’t know where to go.

I also thought the graphics, while good, were not spectacular and there were some areas that lacked polish. The music however was great. Games usually have intense loud music for intense scenes, but Medal of Honor mixed it up and brought in more mellow and depressing songs for some of its most intense moments which made the experience even more gripping and made me want to see it to the end.

Which didn’t take very long because the game is short. It lasted only about six hours. While the quick transition from one character to the next made everything feel connected I would have liked it if it was a little bit longer.


Mission variety! :O

One other problem I have with this game is how much it tried to be Call of Duty at times. The stealth mission, the helicopter missions, and some other moments reeked of CoD. While this isn’t really a bad thing since Call of Duty is a good series, I would have rather seen more originality in this game.

Overall I thoroughly enjoyed the game despite some of its minor flaws. The story and character interactions were excellent and the gameplay fun. Some minor glitches may be obvious, but don’t ruin the experience.

You’ll Love:
-The story and characters
-The intense set pieces
-Dramatic music

You’ll Hate:
-Short Length
-No character development
-Some glitches

Overall- 8.5/10


Don't trust people
Meg. Although it's a good review I know something that would make it really easier for the reader, and more interesting. Taking note of whom I think is the review master, Chaos Raiden, a picture following with a line of text beneath it under every category you are judging are great. o.o

Oh yeah... it's hard to see the categories you're judging directly as well. Putting a title on each category your judging makes it alot easier to navigate and read the text.

Otherwise, great review. :D


Well-known Member
Meg. Although it's a good review I know something that would make it really easier for the reader, and more interesting. Taking note of whom I think is the review master, Chaos Raiden, a picture following with a line of text beneath it under every category you are judging are great. o.o

Oh yeah... it's hard to see the categories you're judging directly as well. Putting a title on each category your judging makes it alot easier to navigate and read the text.

Otherwise, great review. :D
Thankies! I was planning on adding pics, but I didn't have time when wrote it. @.@
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