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I don't think I've seen it posted here before but there is supposidly some talk to Lucia being in DMC4...apparently it's a new screenshot of an arm which resembles Lucia....I found it over at the gamefaqs board


I don't know if it's real or not...but its supposidly from the official site...


TimeLord Detective
It actually relates to DMC4 as this is a picture located on the DMC4 Site,so no block:p

Apart from that if it really is Lucia I wonder how she's going to appear. Since it's before DMC2 some will say that how Dante could know Lucia but did he really met her at DMC2? It's been a long time since I've played the game but I don't remember the two of them introducing themselves to each other. In the 1st cut scene Lucia justs pronounce Dante as the son of Sparda. So okay she know who he is though, it's not so difficult since almost anyone in DMC series knows Dante's identity somehow (Trish - Arkham etc).

And Dante in one of the last cut scenes calls her by her name. So DMC4 may use this little weird thingy to explain or rather combine the two games. Which isn't so bad really in my opinion. DMC2 is no much for the other DMC games in terms of gameplay and characters. And Lucia is no exception, some liked her, no one liked her voice and even less people preferred her over Dante for the game. So if they remake her as a "new" character in DMC4 it wouldn't be so bad. Though I prefer Lady and I think that if someone would have to make an appearance it would be Trish as she stayed in Devils Never Cry with Dante and all...

Anyway,perhaps it's something completely different, let's wait and see^_^


Well-known Member
man i cant believe DMC4 is before DMC2. thats a total waste of time keep on making games before #2 when it is the 4Th one to come. thats so lame.


Well-known Member
I hope they are thinking of linking the games and re-introducing past characters, that can only benefit the series as many disliked DMC2.
At least that way, if they decide to write-off DMC2 altogether, they may include some information in cut scenes as to how certain characters know each other or even give us a glance as to why DMC2 was how it was.
I mean alot of people have been throwing the theory around that it wasnt Dante, it was some imposter, some clone and a whole bunch of rubbish, maybe this will put the wondering minds at ease as to what truly happened, but thats a big IF, if they do infact re-introduce past characters such as Trish, Lucia and Lady.

We're not really gettin much info from Capcom, but yet most of us seem to find lil clues here and there on the official website, maybe the placement of such clues was intentional or maybe its wishful thinking on our parts.

I hate Capcom!

Delay my enjoyment till next year will ya!


#1 For Goodies
Ugh i will be really disapointed. I mean Lucia outta Trish and Lady, preferably Lady. C'mon noone even really liked Lucia. Why would they bring back the least liked of the trio????:huh:


#1 For Goodies
I dont know but sorry that'd be ******* if they did that. Im sorry but i'd rather see Trish than Lucia. She was cool for being the first playable female but not cool enough to continue the trend. Im just hoping they havent decided to do this;)


TimeLord Detective
I completely agree. All the other female characters did have a purpose, and a reason to return. Lucia was made just to use another devil hunter besides Dante, and she had extremely few fans. Surely if you think from one point she is a good match for Dante - since Trish looks like Eva and Lady would surely want to remain independent. But then again is a weird choice...
As I said, the only good thing that comes from that is knowing how she met Dante(if we take into account that DMC2 wasn't their first encounter)
Anyway let's wait and see..


#1 For Goodies
Ya but arent they saying that DMC2 isnt cannon. May not be tru but i've heard this.:O
Anyways i just really think that she shouldnt be the one to return:D


TimeLord Detective
This is only said by fans. Capcom said that DMC2 hasn't been completely cut off from the series, so anything is possible^_^

The dark knight

Well-known Member
Maybe Kyrie might be Lucia.Maybe Kyrie changes her identity in DMC2 to hide away.So demons wont know its her and wont take her life.And then she decided to hunt demons in memory of Nero if he dies.


TimeLord Detective
Nah I don't think so. Lucia was created by Arius and looked almost identical to these other monsters he unleashed while you fought him, so it's highly unlikely that she's Kyrie.


#1 For Goodies
Lucia is a puppet created by Arius. Kyrie is a human, and if Kyrie is Lucia why isnt this mentioned in DMC2 or why isnt Nero present??;)


Well-known Member
maybe it isn't Lucia because in the game Maiter says lucia's name to dante maybe thats houw he learned it, and if this so called hand really does belong to lucia maybe she evil or something. I don't think it's Lucia at all maybe just another charater weilding the same weapon
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