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Language Studies


Nein, not ze puppies!
I'm currently studying Spanish as my second language by teaching myself. I do have a native speaker who helps correct me which is great considering where I live, I can't simply go downtown and hear plethora of languages...it's all english concentrated. I want to learn the language for the love of the language itself. I would like to interact with different people who can't speak english or very much for that matter, it's a new and very interesting way to learn new things and cultures.

I have heard/read mixed things about classes and self-taught methods. For those who have money they spend it on private tutoring and Uni/College classes while others spend the few bucks on books and CD's and have spare time for a couple hours. Some people say they are a waste of time and money as whole because you don't learn anything. I say that both compliment each other (but if you had to choose one or the other), but without the motivation and effort you won't learn much.

If you have more than one language, why did you choose to learn them? If you're studying for one, why does interest you? What do you think about class/self-teaching methods? Discuss. ^_^


Well-known Member
In my 19 (almost 20) years of life I have successfully butchered three languages; English, Spanish in high school, and now German in college. I'm just not any good at language unfortunately.


I think its cool you are teaching yourself, Richtofen. :)

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
I've considered learning French and Latin, but O.M.W!!!!! I just can NOT grasp the concept of the female and male forms of the words. When do I use which? Do I pronounce them the same? What if I accidentally insult someone and get a backhand? I'd rather stick to the straight-forward languages that are easier to learn.

Languages I can speak fluently are English (well, MOST of the time. BD and Zany understood what I was saying when we multiplayed on Xbox a while ago, so my English can't be that bad) and Afrikaans (native language of South Africa).

Languages I can understand but haven't learned are German and Zulu. I was taught North Sotho at school but all I can remember from that is that mme means mother, and a beta wena means I'm going to beat you up (it was funny when we were kids) and the only Zulu I really know is yebo gogo which means yes grandma.

Languages I'd like to learn: Maori and Mandarin. We've got a Maori channel and we've got a Chinese channel, and listening/watching it often enough has made me actually understand some of the words they say. I don't know which version of Chinese they speak though. I think it's Mandarin (isn't that the most spoken version?)


Nein, not ze puppies!
Mandarin is the main language in China I believe.

Yeah the masculine and feminine words can be confusing, but a general rule of thumb though is that if you are talking about something masculine, the gender and number have to be the same...that goes for feminine as well. When I say number, I am talking about the plural forms of the words. But when you are talking about a mixed group (male and female) you use the masculine form to describe what you are talking about. (I call you the 'masculine overpowers feminine rule') I am no teacher but that's some of what I have learned so far.


I have an insane love for languages. Right now I'm learning Spanish, as it's the only thing offered at my ~small town~ highschool, but in a perfect world, I would devote my entire time to language. And medicine. Medicinal language?

So, I'm gonna make this random list of all the languages I would learn if I had the time (and brain power)
Etc, etc.

As for self-teaching, I really don't have any qualms against it. I've taught myself to do a few things. I guess it depends on the program and how much free time you can devote to your pursuit. And of course, outside input/guidance always helps.


Nein, not ze puppies!
I know what you mean, I would love to devote my time to learning all the languages I could if I just had the brain power to do so. XD I wish you well on Spanish and I hope you do well in other language studies you wish to pursue!

Yeah, I guess it entirely depends on the person as a whole and how he/she works. Self-studies are great if you don't have the time, transportaion or money to spend on getting professional help. I can see why professional help is sought out because they can correct you, but if they don't know how to teach it then you really aren't learning much. But then again, if you just dedicate bits of your time towards something, you can make it go as far as you want.


Well-known Member
I love languages!! They are my hobby. I've self-learned pretty much everything, including English. I think that not a single day passes me without translating something.
As for what languages I've studied... the answer is way too many. So many that whenever I mention it to people who asks, they don't believe me, lol.


Well-known Member
I love languages!! They are my hobby. I've self-learned pretty much everything, including English. I think that not a single day passes me without translating something.
As for what languages I've studied... the answer is way too many. So many that whenever I mention it to people who asks, they don't believe me, lol.
*would like to know how many* ^^!


Oldschool DMC fan
I have tried learning a few languages but I seem to forget what I've learned easily. Usually I can learn enough ahead of visiting some place to get by.

I'd like to learn Spanish and more French simply because they are so widely used and useful.


Well-known Member
*would like to know how many* ^^!

-Danish (only little)
-Spanish (only little)

And then there are languages I can work with a little bit, like when I translated a comic that was in Czech (my sibling brought it to me as a souvenier) and some Latin textes... and so on. Whatever the language, I'm always very eager to learn about it and listen it even if I don't intend to master it.
Most of the time I'm able to understand the language, "receive it", as I like to say, more than "produce it". The people who work with languages will understand what that is supposed to mean.
And thanks for showing interest. ;D You maybe study some languages, too? If so, then what?

Edit: I read above posts and got the answer from there. xD Whoopsie.

Edit 02: Another oops! I forgot Estonian from the list --- how could I? xD It's easy to understand. Now I put it in there.


Well-known Member
-Danish (only little)
-Spanish (only little)

And then there are languages I can work with a little bit, like when I translated a comic that was in Czech (my sibling brought it to me as a souvenier) and some Latin textes... and so on. Whatever the language, I'm always very eager to learn about it and listen it even if I don't intend to master it.
Most of the time I'm able to understand the language, "receive it", as I like to say, more than "produce it". The people who work with languages will understand what that is supposed to mean.
And thanks for showing interest. ;D You maybe study some languages, too? If so, then what?

Edit: I read above posts and got the answer from there. xD Whoopsie.
That's very impressive! ^^ And yeah I get what you mean in terms of "receive it." Yeah, I'm study German right now. Its a nice language I'm just not the best at it. I'm working hard though. ^^


Is not rat, is hamster
Ugh, Russian would be so epically useful for me...cannot understand a word my stepmother is saying half the time and she keeps giving my kids Russian books and cartoons and I have no clue as to what the hell is going on.


I think im sort of dimensional traveller lol
When I been in school, I learned three additional languages besides my native one : Polish. They was:
-English( good, on semi-advanced level)
-French(only begginer)
-German(only begginner)


Well-known Member
When I been in school, I learned three additional languages besides my native one : Polish. They was:
-English( good, on semi-advanced level)
-French(only begginer)
-German(only begginner)

"Puśćcie mnie! No puśćcie mnie! To bandyci!" ... right, I was reading a comic in Polish. xD Such a nice language, resembles Russian. ;D
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