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Just a little over...


The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
Jeez Louise...Just a little bit over 5IVE motherfudgin' years being a member here at DMC/DmC.Org :p I can't believe it, it seems like only yesterday. Perhaps it was just yesterday and I asked a member of Staff to edit my details...Just joking around, that'd be silly. I should of said it earlier, but I'm a late bloomer. So I'm saying all of this stuff now, and I hope you enjoy the read. Even if I'm sure it'll be a wall of text. You can simply scroll down through most of it/all of it if you want and just give a comment like "Nice post"...Or you could go a bit deeper than that, totally your call.​
Okay so what have I enjoyed about being here. Well? I'll list the things down. I like making lists and stuff...As you may all be aware about.​
The bad-ish side of life
We'll start with the bad things that have happened to me here. And then we'll cheer ourselves up afterwards and go on to the better things that have happened to me here.​
Sometimes some bad stuff would go down and people who I may or may not of enjoyed talking to were banned and whatnot. And it's like "Oh no!" at first, but then you sort of start to get over it and yourself about it and move forward. Because life is always about moving forward. Besides, we don't really have a choice, time travel hasn't been invented just yet.​
There was this point in time, we could call it a 'period' where some people here were all like "Whoa dude you come off as this big un-official, not-official leader of this Forum. And you-aint-no-moderator-whoyouthinkyoukiddin' sort of attitude towards me and I was like wowzers to begin with and then I just accepted their opinion on me being that way and thought well they are right. I aint no this or that, I'm just LoD. Plain and simples.​
Said it before, say it again. I was a douche and gots meself an Infraction. LoD was a naughty boy who deserved a slap on the wrist. Don't worry, I got one.​
Movin' on to the better side of the grass
Have I learnt anything from this website? Short answer no. Longer answer...NOO! No just kiddin', I honestly have learnt a few things.​
I've learnt that there are a lot of kind and caring people here that WILL listen to your problems and stuff in life and offer you as much help as they can. And those people are pretty awesomesauce#​
A quite emotional period of time here for me was when I revealed to everyone that me and my girlfriend were trying for a baby. Which as most of you know, we both now have. He's eight months old now and we're all doing well for ourselves. And it's just so nice to know that a lot of you members here genuinely care with comments like "Hope you're doing well for yourselves".​
This place upholds a lot of human decency. And we all make this place the wonderful and special place that it really is. You guys deserve my thanks for making my five years here a happy five years. And there'll certainly be many more to come (Touch wood).​
From the bottom of my heart, thanks :)

Chimera Khaos

Hades Leading General Commander
LoD, even though I barely know you and whatnot, you seem like the kinda person everyone needs once in a while y'know? Whether it's a laugh or just an ear to hear what people have to say, I reckon everyone appreciates you being on here.
So thank ye for filling us with your humor and clever ideas as your stories seem to keep me intrigued and may you be here for another 5 or something years!...

*should stop rambling now* -_-


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
What, no long post with individual dedications to certain members? I'm disappointed in you, LoD! I was looking forward to what you said about me! D:

In all seriousness however, I'm very glad you've stuck around these five years. Here's to another five, yeah? *holds up champagne glass*


The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
You gaiizz!...and girls! (Let's not be sexist here).

Y'know what I was thinkin' when I wrote all of that out? I BET some111 will just go and do a gosh darn silly thing like say "Nice post" just to take the peas out of the pod. And you just went and diddly did it didn't ya? You know who you are you silly goose :p

Anyway I'm glad that you people think so highly of me. But the point I want to make is that whatever you lot think of me. "He's a nice person" etc I share the same feelings towards you lot. Whenever life has bitten my ass like a crocodile emerging from the water hell-bent on meat, you lot have been there. With me through thick and thin. With me through hard and soft. With me through quite stiff and a little bit flopp...Anyway, moving swiftly on. You lot have been my inspiration here.

You drive me to come up with these nifty ideas so I can say "I hope you lot enjoyed it, it's what you deserve".

And Darigion. I don't want to go into detail about how awesome each individual has been, because I don't like leaving anyone out. Besides, everytime you look in the mirror you just KNOW you're awesomeness! I don't need to tell you :p

VB, I do like my fudge :) So I too hope I stick around like a piece of fudge stuck in the teeth of this Community that doesn't want to leave regardless to how many times this place brushes its teeth or uses mouthwash.

Here's to another 5ifty 5ive years lol :D


Keyser Söze
Man.. its just people like you are keeping this forums alive(Being all cool and hanging around) stick around as long as you can buddy XD

I've rarely seen you post.. So you've been a Forum lurker !! :steve: that's a cool profile name dude XD


The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
Man.. its just people like you are keeping this forums alive(Being all cool and hanging around) stick around as long as you can buddy XD

I've rarely seen you post.. So you've been a Forum lurker !! :steve: that's a cool profile name dude XD

This is what I'm saying. Another awesome member here who understands this Community. Thanks a bunch of grapes man :) And I'll be honest with ya, I've always loved your user-name Donte :cool:

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