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Interview with Tony_Redgrave, Executioner of DMC.org

Chaos Raiden

Avid Gamer & Reviewer
This is an interview carried out between Tony_Redgrave and me. Have a look at what are his opinions on various things such as DMC series, gaming, and this site itself.

Site related questions

1) What is your role as a moderator in this site?

Quite simple really. I lurk around the forum and check for potential rule-breakings, ready to cast them to oblivion, or morrowind, or..well you get the idea.

2) Can you ban a member in this forum?

Yup. Can't quite control its duration or anything like that like the admins, but other than that it's only one simple click.

3) When did you become a moderator?

A couple of years ago. 2006 I think it was.

4) Is your moderator job relatively easy to do or is it the opposite of it?

Neither. It is something I was offered to do and accepted the role. Since I accepted it I will do it to the best of my ability without sitting to think about it being easy or hard. There are times when I have no moderating to do and act as a regular member - which is awesome really - and others that I sit here for hours reading every post in huge threads etc to make sure nothing goes wrong.

5) Are you enjoying your job as a moderator?
I love everything about this site as I've been saying ....like forever. I love being a member first and a moderator second. When I returned from my long absense and saw my name still being a member of the staff I talked with the admins saying that since I've been missing like forever, I'd have no problem to become a simple member as I've probably been succeeded already. They were really kind and allowed me to keep this position, so I'm gonna try and do my best. And doing your best because you want to is always enjoyable in my book;)

Devil May Cry series related questions

6) Have you played any Devil May Cry games?

Yup. All of them. Currently playing Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne, because I can't get enough of Dante. And recently beat DMC3 from the beginning (without blue orbs etc) all over againXD Hopefully I'll find some money to buy DMC HD Collection too;)

7) How did you know Devil May Cry series at first?

I was one day at school, when one of the kids there notified me about a game where some awesome guy resembling Xion from Bloody Roar 3 (I was/am a big fan of the franchise) is the main character. When summer came, I bought the first Devil May Cry and was immediately hooked.

8) Which Devil May Cry game is your favourite?

Hmm, each provides me with a different reason for liking it. I'd say that I love everything about DMC1, but seeing as I remain a total noob to it I haven't played it as much as DMC3 which sounds kinda hypocritical. Still, the first game has some of my favorite DMC stuff ever. Alastor, Force Edge, DMC1 Dante, a Castle, Nelo Angelo, ways to beat bosses without even fighting (Phantom XD), epic scenes (Silence!!), etc. If Vergil had more of an active role and was an unlockable character, it would probably never be a match between it and DMC3, so I'll go with it.

9) Which characters that you like in DMC series?

DMC1 Dante is my ultimate favorite. Vergil comes second and Lady 3rd. Though I have a great deal of respect about Sparda too, even though we never really saw him.

10) What features in DMC series that you like the most?

The fact that everything around you is a weapon. The wall, the enemies themselves, even the air itself.
The characters are instant love too, even when they don't appear as deep as characters in story-oriented games, they have that extra something that makes you love them.
Gothic places. God, I could move to where DMC2 is located XD
Devils. One of my favorite element in stories.
And most of all versatility. Each gamer can play a totally different way and still beat the games with an SSS rank appearing every now and then. I've tried beating some stages in DMC1 using only guns, and it's not only possible, but thanks to it I aced Nelo Angelo on hard without receiving so much as a scratch. And it took less time than you'd think so.

11) What things that you actually hate in DMC series?
I have a small problem with the story not making sense here and there but I'm too much of a fan to let it get to me.

12) What do you think of the controversial reboot of Devil May Cry series, DmC: Devil May Cry?

What do I think..um..well it's a new game, and good luck to the developers. I hope it's gonna turn out alright. Other than that I can't really say anything before playing it. I'm in for any new game as long as it turns out ok. It's not a continuation of the old series so I view it as something new. New things have potential and might become awesome, so I hope it does. I'm hoping that for any game as far that goes. After all, the more great games there are, the best for us gamers.

13) Are DMC fans outburst on the new Dante's design is justified?

The moment your protest reach the level of "outburst" it loses any sort of support I might have offered. Sure since old Dante is possibly close to being my favorite game character ever, I'd have preferred a game with him too. And let's be fair, there is one game right now. UMvsC3, which I'd love to play. However for some reason or another, Capcom decided to create a new version of DMC. Yeah ok, I can live with that. It doesn't erase the fun I had/or I'm going to have in the future with the old ones.

14) What are you personal achievements in playing DMC games? (For example, beaten DMD mode in DMC1, etc)

Har har har. I still have my first playthrough on DMD in my memory card. I haven't even bought the blue orbs from the shop as I was totally clueless. It was a wonder I was able to fight evenly with Mundus with something more than the basic energy bar. I'm not sure if back then I was really good, or really stupid. But as achievements go, I only play games for the story and the fun of it. The moment I complete the story, I'll leave it for a bit, then start all over again. I of course become better with each playthrough, but it's not my "goal" or something like that. Playing games= one of the best ways to relax for me.

General gaming related questions

14) Fanboys/fangirls tend to think on that their opinion on something that they liked very much is a fact and the truth, and very ignorant against people's opinions. What do you think of them?

It's a matter of attitude not of being a fanboy/girl. I myself am a fanboy of many things, but when someone says something bad about those important (for me)stuff I don't really care. In the end of the day, my opinion won't be affected and I won't care whether his/hers will, so I ignore it. The people who act immediately to defend their "love" have probably not had enough of those pointless arguments we used to have in school. "My drawing is better! NO! MINE! KILL YOU!"etc.

15) DLC is short for downloadable content, and can be purchased online to play within the game itself. Examples of DLCs are weapons pack, new costumes pack, etc. However, some people thought that DLCs are too costly for those simple additions to the games. What do you think of this matter?

I hate DLCs. For once my router back home is so useless that the ps3 won't connect with it for more than a few seconds. Making it impossible to actually create a PSN account let alone use a DLC. Second. I don't care if the cost is like half a euro. I paid for a whole game. I want what I paid for. If you're going to be an annoying money-grabber and add stuff later, release a version with all that stuff. And make it super cheap. I still find it unforgivable though and have never used the option, neither I will in the future.

16) What video game series that can compete with Devil May Cry series in terms of sales, gameplay, and critical reception?
Compete? Um, I barely pay attention to all that stuff. All that matters to me is that the game I buy is enjoyable and lasts more than a week of intense gaming. Games that did that to me besides RPGs which are by their very nature huge, are Prince of Persia the Sands of Time Trilogy, the Onimusha series, Resident Evil, Assassin's Creed, and I'm probably forgetting some more.

17) Playing games online is fun, but it can be disastrous if you are playing with adolescent kids who are not mature enough to accept both winning and losing. Why does this happen?

It's the way they are brought up and a matter of experience. Many parents make their kids become super full of themselves which leading to them thinking that losing is not an option. Therefore when they actually do lose, their world shatters and mayhem begins. They need to learn somehow that losing is fun too. I learnt it because of my best friend. We had the most intense SCII battles ever, and never regretted to have lost even once after the first few times.

18) Does gaming actually affects the society negatively?

No. That's a theory who tries to blame something on gaming, the same way people thought RE5 was racist because its setting was in Africa and therefore the evil zombies were black this time. People decide for themselves. Games are just objects with no will of their own.

19) Western made games and Japanese made games have very different ideology and styles that can set them apart from each other despite the same genre. What do you love and hate about both Western made games and Japanese made games?

Hmm. A good question. Being an anime fan and all while myself having been born in a western country worked really well for me as I can appreciate both without having the need to choose. Each has its own charms and that's all that counts imo. Thinking too much about pros and cons would take away all the pleasure I think. You either like something or you don't.

20) Which video game companies that you think have a lot of original ideas in making games, and which ones are always recycling the same idea from previous game over and over again to make a sequel of it?

Nothing is original anymore. Everything was first though from someone else, then a new person took it, change it a bit and re-released it. Usual stuff.
Companies like Ubisoft and Capcom, are definitely in the recycling side though, seeing as they can't release anything without making it at least a trilogy nowdays. Not saying this is bad, though, I still (try to) buy them.
A company I really admire is Blizzard though. It takes some years to release a new game, but when it does, it's bloody awesome. I'm not into strategy but I love Warcraft 3, and I'm not a fan of games like Diablo, but loved every second of it. That's saying something.

21) Which video game company that you like to work with, and why do you join it?

A company who cares more about having fun and creating something to share the fun with the others by making a game rather than one that only cares for profit. I'd probably go (more) broke there though and becoming a moving target for the curses of my colleagues XD
Seriously though, as long as I'd get to work on something I'd enjoy I'd have no problem. Bethesda sounds good. I'd want to help creating the next Elder Scrolls. Dunno what I could do, but it sounds awesome.

22) Correlated with your previous answer, which video game would you like to develop if you are the Game Director of the project?

Lol. Seems I already answered that. XD

23) What video game genres that you felt are over-repetitive, and which genres that are under-utilised or not popular?

We definitely need more RPGs. Both Western and Eastern. Same with Adventure games. Not action-adventure. Just adventure. I feel like they died. Where are the games where you had a simple guy with a few moves, a simple story and a vast world with many thing to find/do/explore/acquire and just enjoy it? As for the other genres, most of them are over-repeative already. But I don't think this is a bad thing. the more games the best for us. Well not always but still.

24) Japan have many interesting games that are not localised in English yet so far, such as Tales of Vesperia for PS3, etc. What exactly prevents video game companies to localise such video game titles?

They think these games will not become as popular/well-received here for their own reasons. The Asians have their own gaming culture, different than ours. Therefore, they fear that by bringing "here" titles such as this which aren't super-popular like say Final Fantasy, they take a huge risk. Especially now with the money having become as rare as pandas. Of course I disagree with them. And speaking of Tales of Vesperia, I'd also like to play it. Along with any different "Tales" game but unfortunately I don't have any of the portable consoles for which they were released and actually brought to "us".

25) What areas of a game that you think are most important to define how good the game is, such as graphics, gameplay, etc?

Story>Gameplay>Characters>Places>Graphics>Replay Value>Extras

26) New IPs are new and original games that are developed by video game companies. A new IP, however, can be successful or fail due to a number of reasons. What reasons you can think of why a new IP successful or fail in the market?

Essential for those things is the marketing. Many awesome games exist all around us while we have no clue. They might receive the best score in one of the magazines that will end up rating it, but when you see posters of let's say the new FIFA game in the metro, shops, buses along with countless reviews and trailers about it, then you're obviously gonna notice that, and not ICO for example. This along with how good the game actually turns out to be is probably what will judge its sales. Also, a good way to screw yourself up is releasing your game the same day that, for example, Skyrim gets released. It's almost like hitting yourself with a critical move. Read the market. :)

27) This is a scenario case. Let's say you have a limited budget to buy only one game, and Capcom has released Devil May Cry 5, a sequel to Devil May Cry 2, and a new IP called Ninja's Wrath, a hack and slash game with 50% focus on action and 50% on stealth. Which video game you will buy first, and why?

Hmm. Ninja's Wrath. There's no question.
I'd get DMC5 for sure after that, no matter it took, but seeing as NW was something unknown and new which is bound to disappear from the game shops and possibly never re-appear for some time, maybe never re-appear at all (in Greece it happens all the time) I'd definitely want to check it out. DMC is a super well known series, and would have more copies to sell, making it easier to buy it again at a later time;)

28) What do you think about the culture of gaming currently?

I'm not really the best judge seeing as I have not bought myself a new game for quite some time. (Bought some old ones thoughXD). And with the prices I could only afford like one game every 4 or 5 months even back then when I was working and had some money. I hear many complains though. Specifically that graphics are overshadowing the story nowadays in many cases. Which is to be expected really. More powerful engines= more stuff to do= scenes/places take longer to develop=>along with the deadline, you have to make it "small". And sadly the easiest think to not include is part of the story.
I'm hoping for some improvement though. Assassin's Creed 2, showed us it can be done. Hopefully more games will follow its lead.

29) Let's say SOPA bill is initiated, what do you think it will affect to the world of gaming?

It will definitely affect it to some decree, but not entirely. It's oppresing no matter what reasoning has behind it, and when people are oppressed they rebel.
PC games might become more difficult for pirates to hunt, but that's the worst of it. Thankfully most people I know including myself are console-lovers and will probably be the least affected. I'm more afraid of SOPA changing the very nature of the internet rather than affecting the gaming community.

30) Have you any intentions to expose gaming to your future children?

If for some peculiar reason end up with children (scary..) and still remain the same old useless bum I'm proud to be, they'll be free to pick the second pad and playXD

Many thanks to Tony_Redgrave for participating the interview.

Steve - http://devilmaycry.org/community/threads/interview-with-steve-founder-of-dmc-org.10205/
Angel - http://devilmaycry.org/community/threads/interview-with-angel-wife-of-the-founder-of-dmc-org.10216/
Dark Drakan - http://devilmaycry.org/community/threads/interview-with-dark-drakan-wiseman-of-dmc-org.10233/


Welcome to my world....
Nice interview Chaos. SMT: Nocturne is brilliant! Don’t forget to play the other SMT games ^^ And why did I think you were British, Tony? XD


TimeLord Detective
Nice interview Chaos. SMT: Nocturne is brilliant! Don’t forget to play the other SMT games ^^ And why did I think you were British, Tony? XD

Because I've been living in the U.K. for the past three months. Should return home soon though XD


I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
I love Tony Redgrave's answer to question 30.
I din't know about kids, i just wish my parents (or dante from my DMC3 poster... vergil wouldn't be a gamer) would come and pick up a controller :p

Another great interview :D
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