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Interview with LordOfDarkness

Chaos Raiden

Avid Gamer & Reviewer
Thanks to LordOfDarkness for participating in this interview.

General Questions

1) What is your current occupation?

At the moment I have a part time job as a cleaner. I have to tidy up a store during the night time when it's shut, which is cool because it gives me the responsibility to be a key holder. I like responsibility, it is fun. Remember, with great power comes great responsibility.

2) What are your hobbies?

Oh I have so many of them. Well actually not really, they are quite basic hobbies. I generally like to explore and to travel to new places. That is extremely interesting to do. And if I could swim better that would go on the list too.

3) How did you come across with this forum?

Genuinely think I was just searching the good old web for Devil May Cry related information and then I came across this place and discovered that by joining I could become a part of a great community like this one.

4) Have you ever joined other forums?

Yeah I joined this other forum which was kind of lame because it was so inactive. It was a movie based forum that just basically discussed movies in general. Also I have joined the Resident Evil forum that Steve also runs and that's a cool place, but I don't go there much because this place is better for me and my interests.

5) What do you like about this forum?

I like all the Devil May Cry related madness. The news and information you can find out about all of the games. I think I have come to find out lots of things about the games that I never knew or had overlooked just by browsing threw topics. You come to realise what you do and don't know. Plus all of the members are quite cool and everyone usually seems to get along, which is nice.

6) What do you dislike about this forum?

Ah just the usual trolls I suppose I could say I dislike. Also spam bots, absolutely hate them. For the final time, I'm not interested in Viagra related products or anything similar! Plus when people don't see eye to eye. But hey, you can't make everyone happy can you? No really, can you?

7) What television series that you have watched and like?

I've watched a couple in the past. I am into more comedy related television programs, those such as The Big Bang Theory, or Black Books or It Crowd. Those are some really great shows I have always enjoyed.

8) What is your future goal?

Is this a football question? I only joke. If I could see the future I would let you know. Honestly for me I take life as it comes. If one day I wake up and I realise what my dream ambition is then I will go for it. I think I am currently where I want to be in life. Everything seems to of sorted itself out around me, which I like. And if anything doesn't, I try to fill in the pieces myself. I just take life as it comes, but I try not to let anything get me down too much.

9) What do you think about the negative trends of current generation, such as excessive gambling?

Oh it certainly isn't good, nor is binge drinking. But I think a lot of the time, people are aware of what they are doing. In some cases I can have some sympathy for these types of people who spend all their money on gambling, because I suppose it can be an addiction much like smoking or drugs. Then again if the circumstances to me point to it mostly being their own fault, then I just think that they should try to do something for themselves to become better.

10) What movies do you like to watch?

I like a mix of most sorts really. I like to watch movies that are funny and make me laugh. I also like movies that are quite serious and dark. I like to watch horror films and thrillers mostly however. And sometimes I like the odd superhero movie, such as Iron Man or Spider-Man. I personally think psychological thrillers that really make you think are awesome.

Devil May Cry Related Questions

1) Have you played all Devil May Cry games?

If the question is all DMC games then yes I have. If it is including DmC, then no. I haven't been able to play DmC unfortunately, but I am holding out hope that I will get to in the near future.

2) Which Devil May Cry game is your favourite?

Oh for me it probably has to be Devil May Cry 3: Special Edition. I mean come on, Vergil love all the way right!

3) Which Devil May Cry game is your least favourite?

My least favourite Devil May Cry game would probably have to be Devil May Cry 4. However I haven't played DmC yet, so I can't actually say DMC 4 for definite. But as of now, this current moment in time it would be DMC 4. It's not because of Nero, it's just because of all the plot holes. I mean the story seems to be all over the place and nothing is truly explained.

4) Which Devil May Cry character is your favourite?

I mean this is tricky, really. I think about it long and hard and when it comes down to it, it still has to be Dante. He remains the main guy for me in the Devil May Cry series. I think it's like he was the main reason I got into the series, and he is totally cool.

5) Which Devil May Cry character is your least favourite?

Mundus. Ah, I got clever when it came to this question. He's the main bad guy that everyone wishes would just stay dead. I mean come on Mundus, give Dante and the gang a break for once.

6) What do you think about DmC: Devil May Cry?

Taking this completely out of game play terms, because I haven't actually played the game. I really feel it has a good vibe to it and it's a very fresh and well thought out concept. It tries to make Devil May Cry interesting and bring in a new audience. I don't think it did as well as it could of, but Ninja Theory did okay.

7) Do you think Ninja Theory is the right choice for the reboot?

Personally, no. I think it would of probably been better in the hands of another company. But those choices come down to Capcom and not me. If Capcom thought Ninja Theory were a good choice at the time they took that risk and responsibility ultimately rests in their hands.

8) Who are your favourite bosses in from the Devil May Cry games?

My favourite bosses would have to be Mundus from Devil May Cry 1 and mainly the final Nelo Angelo fight from Devil May Cry 1. In relation to Devil May Cry 3, it has to be Vergil. I thought Jester was pretty awesome because he was quite funny. For Devil May Cry 2, definitely Argosax. And for Devil May Cry 4, I enjoyed fighting Nero and Sanctus.

9) Do you think there will be a sequel to the original Devil May Cry series?

Yeah I am quite confident that there will be a sequel to the original Devil May Cry series. Not just confident, hopeful. Despite being totally confident and also hopeful being a contrast in emotion...No, I am confident.

10) What do you think about the music used in all Devil May Cry games?

The music is cool. I really like the whole rock 'n' roll music feel behind most of the games. I also think classical works well in Devil May Cry 1 to give that dark atmospheric feel.

11) Do you think future Devil May Cry games should include multiplayer?

Hm, this is a good question. Yeah I think maybe they should give it a try. I mean no harm, no foul. They may want to take a few risks, see what rewards may come from it. When I have thought of some interesting ideas for a Devil May Cry game I have considered Multiplayer, I think if done right it could work well. Much like anything really, if done right.

12) What are the things that you like about the Devil May Cry series?

All of the characters, really. They are all totally awesome in their own rights. Most of the story, except for the questions that really should be answered. It's the whole idea of there being this ultimate ruler of the Underworld hungry for our mortal world, and Dante standing against him just like his father once did. That really gets me right there, ahem.

13) What are the things that you dislike about the Devil May Cry series?

As I've said already, plot holes. I don't really care for them, I try to avoid them or answer them in my own little way. If I ever think well does this mean Dante is stuck in Hell at the end of Devil May Cry 2, I just answer the question in my head to please myself. It's Dante so of course he isn't stuck in Hell. He's too awesome for that!

General Gaming Questions

1) What consoles do you own currently?

I currently own none not really, they are basically my parents. This for the time being consists of a Nintendo Wii, a Nintendo DSI and the PSP. I seriously want a PS4 when they come out and perhaps the new XBOX console if they are making one. Any news on a new XBOX console coming soon guys? Help me out here.

2) Which console is your favourite?

If I think back through all the consoles that I have had in the past, my favourite would have to be the PS2. That slick console was so damn reliable, I must of had it for ages and never any problems with it. I've had more XBOX 360's that have had issues and broke, but that little beauty just keeps going. My sister currently owns it because I gave it to my nephew a few years back. Also the Nintendo 64 is beast also, just wanted to say that.

3) What do you think about next generation gaming?

I absolutely hate too much quick time in games. And lately, that's all I have been seeing. When I played Resident Evil 6 it was like I died because I didn't press the 'X' button quick enough. What if you have to sneeze unexpectedly when you're playing? "I mean, excuse me Mr. Zombie could you hold on a moment, I have a sneeze coming on". I never use to see this during my gaming experiences and if that's what they love to add in games these days then please cut this from a lot of Next Gen games. Although graphics wise, the games are looking a hell of a lot better.

4) Have you ever considered in purchasing any new consoles like PS4, WiiU, etc?

Oh yes indeedy doo. I need to seriously start saving for a PS4. I think you can pre order already. I'm not sure; I think it's a £20 deposit or something. I should consider this now that it's been mentioned.

5) Do you think current game prices reasonable or not?

Absolutely not. Although truthfully I guess it depends on where you look. But things in general seem to be getting a lot more expensive. And in a way I guess you could say that owning a lot of videogames is a luxury in a way. Because playing them is kind of something you usually do when you have free time and whatnot away from education or your career. I think the world doesn't really want you to relax and enjoy yourself for free.

6) What do you think about current gaming culture?

I think at the moment the current gaming culture is good. However it should be inclined to allow more games to be produced for female gamers. A lot of studies I have read suggest that almost half of people who play videogames are in fact women. Though when I look towards the gaming market nowadays a lot of games generally seem predominantly male based. One study in which I recently read seemed to suggest that given the choice of playing first person shooters or role-playing games, most women prefered to play role-playing games. I don't believe as many of these types of games exist in comparison to first person shooters which is sad in a way because there are so many of those. I think they should let those games have their day at best and concentrate on the female audience a bit more when it comes to gaming.

7) What kind of games do you like?

I like hack 'n' slash games, this much was evident. I also really enjoy those retro games going back to the Nintendo 64 days. Games such as Banjo Kazooie, Banjo Tooie, Conker's Bad Fur Day, Waverace and GoldenEye. Ah such fond memories. I'm also into puzzle games and things like that. I'm a fan of Prince Of Persia games, I've always enjoyed them. And Tomb Raider also, those games have always interested me.

8) Do you think current generation games have better quality compared to the previous generation games? Why?

A lot of games I enjoy go back to the Nintendo 64 and the PS2, so no I don't think better quality. Also nowadays I think people expect games to be produced at a quicker pace than they were back in older days. I don't think rushing a game or a series is a good idea because you could lose a lot of quality that you could of otherwise placed into it.

9) What do you think about Japanese games?

They are good. There are too few in comparison to Westernised games. This isn't something that I really use to think of when I played video games. But nowadays I see it being mentioned a lot. In relation to DmC, that was a big pivotal moment when everyone was saying about how Devil May Cry was going to be more 'Westernised'. I don't really know if that went the way they wanted it to. Sometimes things just have to stick to how they were originally if they truly want to work.

10) What do you think about Western games?

There are plenty to mention I suppose. I don't always think they are the best choice of games to play. At least not for me. Although I am inclined to say that I probably play more Western games than Japanese games but only probably because there are more Western games produced. I don't think it should be about competition as to who is better at making or selling games. But I think you have to really examine your target audience and think to looking more towards the global market if you're trying to really sell big. Perhaps more market research is needed, I don't know the answer.

11) What video game companies do you like and dislike? Please state few reasons.

Well I have some dislike towards Capcom for not seeming like they want to atone for some of their ways. For instance not really clarifying anything about some of the plot holes in Devil May Cry, which is slightly shameful.

Looking back to my fonder gaming days, I like Rare as a company. Although they were brought by Microsoft. They really should go back to how they use to make games in their older days. Banjo Kazooie and GoldenEye were such great games. I fear that Banjo Kazooie has since lost its touch. And I was never keen on the other GoldenEye game, I thought that looked rubbish.

12) If you are a billionaire, which company would you like to buy and own?

I'm not sure it would be a gaming company. I'd like to buy The Coca-Cola Company, that would be awesome. I guess if it came down to game companies I wouldn't mind buying Square Enix because I've always liked that company and the name.

13) What will you do once you have owned the company that you like?

Hm most likely try to rule the world, something like that. No I guess just try to continue making the best or some of the best games that I could get out there into the world. That and world domination, definitely.

14) What are the best sequels you have played?

Banjo Tooie. It definitely lives up to the first game in the Banjo Kazooie game series. The atmospheric feel and the game-play stay true to the original. Halo 2 was alright. Gears Of War 2. I think the Gears Of War games have always stayed true to the original and the series has never really lost touch with its roots. Tomb Raider 2 was good also. Although Tomb Raider has always been up for change since the start really. Prince Of Persia: Warrior Within was a very good sequel in my opinion. That was a pleasure to play. The Dahaka scared the hell out of me sometimes though. I mean, only when I was little...

15) Do you like or dislike to play online, and why?

I don't mind playing online every now and then. I enjoy the challenge of competing against other players from across the globe. No matter if it is challenging sometimes and at best I fail every time I try to do anything. Sometimes it can be annoying and people can get on your nerves. But that's just like how life is sometimes away from the controller.

16) What are the worst sequels you have played?

Devil May Cry 4. For me that game never really answered any of the questions about itself. It's been leaving us waiting for those answers for a very long time now (Back since 2008) that was over five years ago now and still no word of anything being explained to us. Maybe Capcom will get around to it one day, but it hasn't been yet. I can also remember Tony Hawk's Underground 2. It was rubbish compared to the first one. The story was terribly poor and it made me give up on skating games in general really, when I didn't use to mind them.

17) Do you prefer Japanese games or Western games? Why?

I don't think it comes down to preference. I think Japan have to keep up with more modern day gaming trends and fads. And really you aren't trying to appeal to a small market. If you want games to sell on a mass scale you have to consider things on a more global scale. I think in relation to the games which I play the most it would indeed be Western games. But I do think Japanese games are good and I do enjoy playing them also.

18) Between game play, story, music, replay value, and graphics, please rank each accordingly from the most important to the least important component in a game.

For me, first and foremost it comes down to story. Then game play and how the game feels. And then the graphics and the way the game looks. Then the replay value of the game, whether or not it has a lot going for it to make it interesting to explore further or all over again. And finally the music has to fit with the game itself like everything else does.

19) What are the best games you have played?

Devil May Cry, obviously has to come into this. The better of those being Devil May Cry 1 and Devil May Cry 3/3: Special Edition.

20) What are the worst games you have played?

The worst games I've played are Superman for Nintendo 64. I just gave up with that game, seriously. Shadow The Hedgehog, I really didn't care for it. I wasn't massively fond of Prince Of Persia because it didn't have the same Prince from the other series who I much prefer. Oh but lastly, Driver 3. That game was just awful in my opinion. The game was far too glitchy and the mechanics were all over the place. Me and my friend use to laugh because of all the stupid things that would happen when driving around in cars. In fact we use to play the game just to have a laugh in general because it was just so awful and terrible that we just couldn't help but laugh when our car was lying on its back just from driving over a slight bump.

21) What games that you think are lacking of originality?

I'm not so sure. I think games such as Saints Row do lack in originality. I do like some of those games, but they seemed to of originated as if a copy of Grand Theft Auto or something. Also for me the nano suit in the Crysis games reminds me of the Spartan armour from Halo in terms of how they portray it. I haven't played the games so I can't judge, but there are a lot of games with similar features. It's not just the nano suit from Crysis, but also the armour from Mass Effect just reminds me of Halo again. Then again this happens all the time within the media so it's not so much a lack of originality but when ideas become 'cool' to a lot of people then other companies and people want to jump on the bandwagon and perhaps incorporate the same sort of ideas.

Writing Related Questions

1) What fictions do you like to write or read?

I like to write a lot of Devil May Cry related Fan Fiction. Most of these Fan Fics I write try to answer questions that the games have yet to do. I also enjoy reading other pieces of work on the internet in my spare time. My time is limited mostly to writing my own however because there is a set amount of time I have at the Library each day.

2) Is it hard or easy to appreciate a written work?

It depends really in a way I guess on what the work is. If it differs from my own taste then yes I suppose it could be harder to appreciate it. However for me I am much more about appreciating the person behind the work rather than perhaps always the work in itself. It is easier to admire and appreciate a written work that personally appeals to you much like a movie. So for me it comes down to your own interests and that in which is what forms your opinion. But everyone should appreciate the difficulty that comes with trying to write a story. If you think it's easy you should give it a try.

3) If you are reviewer, how do you review a written work?

I suppose what I would do is firstly compare the work with other works of a similar nature to start with. I think this would pinpoint for me at least exacvtly what my opinion about the story may be in the end. Although it's not all about comparison and comparing the work with other works that are out there. If the writer has me thinking when I'm reading through, as if the story comes alive in my mind then that's really something to go on. Personally for me if it is a well written piece of work and most things stand out then that should give the reviewer the passion to have something to say about it. As a writer you should try to push your passion and love for your own piece of work into your story as much as you possibly can so that hard effort can rub off onto your readers who can then really appreciate it all the better.

4) Do you value more a writer's effort of writing a work than his/her grammar and story cohesion? Why?

Yes I admire a writer's effort and attempt at writing something that they may want to get out there. I think if it comes down to it in terms that they aren't up to scratch on their grammar then there are always ways to overcome this. You can use spellchecks on your computer or have someone proofread your work. In relation to story cohesion, I don't think it's a major problem. As long as they at least try to make the story stick together and run over smoothly insrtead of being all over the place about it then there shouldn't really be a problem. I think it's the effort you try to put in that counts and you should only try to do the best in which you can.

5) How do you classify your writing style?

My writing style is generally descriptive. I tend to focus on a certain character or a small group of characters and describe their journey of events from beginning to middle and then end. I have tried my hand at narrative writing style with my work Portals. I place myself into the main character's shoes and narrate the story and the events. In which their is a problem with a solution or an ultimatum in the end. But I'll say no more about that.

6) Do you have any writers as your inspiration in writing?

I try to inspire myself really as best as I can do. What with looking after my son and going to work late at night I hardly get a lot of spare time to read much nowadays.

Scenario Cases

1) You have encountered a person who is in dire help. He is grateful to you, and the two of you talked for a while. Later, you discovered that his religion is the religion that you dislike the most. What would be your next action and why?

I would still continue to speak with this person as I had normally been doing so. I am not hateful towards other people's views or religions. Perhaps I don't see eye to eye with their views or beliefs, but it wouldn't cloud my judgement. If I had discovered their religion before them needing my help I would have still helped them regardless.

2) You are a movie director. You are directing an action movie where you attempt to create realistic fighting scenes. For some reason, you felt that the main actor lack the ability to do so, and you dislike using stunt doubles. Would you consider yourself firing the actor and become the main actor yourself, or simply recast another actor? Why?

I would give the actor the benefit of the doubt. If it's not his fault that he can't perform the actions I would re-tweak them so perhaps he could perform them. Either that or I would consider spending more into the budget for better visual effects.

3) In a very delicate and difficult situation, your mother and your son are in danger from falling off the cliffs. You have only enough time to save only one of them. Who would you save and why?

I would save my son, because as much as I love my mother my son has not lived as long as she has. And I think perhaps my mum would understand this and not hate me for doing so.



Single life for life
perhaps the new XBOX console if they are making one. Any news on a new XBOX console coming soon guys? Help me out here.
21st of May Microsoft will be having a lil event (Much like Sony did probably) unveiling their new xbox so after that date there will be all sorts of videos and such giving legitimate info, so maybe hold back on your pre-order of a PS4 until then ;)

btw, nice interview :p


The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
21st of May Microsoft will be having a lil event (Much like Sony did probably) unveiling their new xbox so after that date there will be all sorts of videos and such giving legitimate info, so maybe hold back on your pre-order of a PS4 until then ;)

btw, nice interview :p

Sweet! Thanks for the info ;)

And cheers, much appreciated Leo :)
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