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Interview with Cosplaying Goddess

Chaos Raiden

Avid Gamer & Reviewer
Thanks to Cosplaying Goddess for participating.

General Questions

1) What is your current occupation?

I'm currently unemployed at the moment, unless you count cosplay as an occupation :p

2) What are your hobbies?

My hobbies are watching anime, Cosplaying, writing fanfics, drawing anime characters, listening to music and usually playing some CoD or other game on the PS3 :D

3) How did you come across with this forum?

Honestly, I can't remember, but I do know that I was in my Business Admin class when I stumbled upon it, when I should have been doing work XD

4) Have you ever joined other forums?

Yes, I'm a current member on 2 more of the forums that Steve runs as well as a member of a Naruto and Final Fantasy forum :)

5) What do you like about this forum?

I like the fact that to me, these forums make me feel homely. The members on here are a joy to chat with and I've already made so many friends on here. I like that members such as Vergil's Bitch, Shadow, Dante's Stalker and many more care about how i feel even though I've never personally met them. i like how people take genuine interests in each others talents and credit them. I also like that people on here have a sense of humour and they're not all up tight like what most people claim forum goers to be. There are so many things to like on this forum to me it's not funny.:D

6) What do you dislike about this forum?

Ok, being honest and I think most people would agree, trolls obviously. But then again you get the odd troll who tries to add a bit of funny to the mixture so I guess a few ain't bad. Also, when fans of DmC hate on the original DMC and vice versa. Yes I know not all fans aren't satisfied with the new DmC but seriously, grow up and move on, the reboot is here so deal with it.

7) What animes do you like to watch?

I tend to watch a lot of Naruto Shippuden (it's my absolute favourite anime, and I'm a freak about it so you can pretty much ask me any question relating to it and I'll probably know the answer :D) Also Hellsing, another favourite of mine, Death Note, Full Metal Alchemist, Vampire Knight, High School of The Dead, etc. there's too many to name but my old time favourites would have to be Dragon Ball, Z, GT and Pokemon. I grew up watching those so of course they're gonna be my faves as well. :)

8) What is your future goal?

My future goal is to open a Cosplaying business where people can come to me to get their outfits made. I'd also like to branch off that and sell anime products such as toys and collectibles, manga, games and whatnot.

9) What do you think about the negative trends of current generation, such as excessive gambling?

It saddens me that the now generation is deteriorating slowly but the only ones we can blame really is ourselves and the people that made it how we are now. Back in the old days, ok gambling might have been a problem, but as time has moved in and technology has caught up pretty fast that we basically can't live without it, it's destroying our generation slowly but surely. Soon we'll be living in a world with nothing but negative outcomes. It's not my place to say since mines only an opinion but I'm pretty disappointed with our generation.

10) What characters do you like to cosplay as?

Anime of course, but most of my characters seem to fall upon the Akatsuki Clan of Naruto. I've also done others such as Nariko from Heavenly Sword, Jade and Kitana from Mortal Kombat, Lucia and soon Gloria from Devil May Cry and Sir Integra from Hellsing. Plus many others from Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy, God of War, etc.

11) How much expenses do you usually estimate for a cosplay outfit?

Roughly minimum is $100 and can go up to as much as $500, this is just the outfit. Props alone can be of my own expense or between $30 to $250 depending on the quality and design.

12) What animals do you like?

Majority of animals I like are mythical such as dragons and mermaids. But in general, I have a tendency for peaceful animals like dolphins(which has a lot of meaning for me in my family), huskies(my absolute favourite breed of dog ever), cats I don't mind, I prefer them as kittens,
tigers(especially the rare golden tiger, and white tiger) and well pretty much anything soft and cuddly that doesn't try to rip my head off, hehe XP

Devil May Cry Related Questions

1) Have you played all Devil May Cry games?

No, no I have not. Admittedly, I have played only 2, 3, SE and 4.

2) Which Devil May Cry game is your favourite?

Number 2 definitely, and yeah I know a lot of you will think its the crappiest game of the lot, but it's the first one I played and I love it to bits!

3) Which Devil May Cry game is your least favourite?

Least favourite? Even though I've never played it, 1 seems to be my least favourite just because of how Dante differs from the first to second. (Yes I am aware the games aren't in chronological order when they came out). His attitude to Trish in the game had me just a bit put off but I guess that's expected when I like the silent demeanour type more.

4) Which Devil May Cry character is your favourite?

Dante of course, but to be more specific, DMC 2 Dante. His outfit to me personally I think it's a winner and be damned i will have that coat in the near future! The only thing I would change with him is his attitude, I'd take a bit of 4s attitude, mix it with 3 and huzzah, perfect Dante!

5) Which Devil May Cry character is your least favourite?

Arius, he was a douche. The whole "Im gonna rule the world" thing made me want to bust a cap in his azz several times over. He had class but really? He looked like a try hard pimp who was in the wrong era. And running away when Dante finally caught up to him? What a wimp, even Vergil would make a better Arius.

6) What do you think about DmC: Devil May Cry?

Ughh, I still haven't decided whether I like or dislike this game. There's too many likes that balance the dislikes for me so I try to stay neutral in his situation. In other words, I say no more on the topic of DmC.

7) Do you think Ninja Theory is the right choice for the reboot?

I'd rather they have made it instead of Capcom, so yeah, I'd say it was the right choice.

8) Who are your favourite bosses in from the Devil May Cry games?

Argosax the Chaos and The Despair Embodied, I don't know why but I get a really good intense feeling every time I fight them. It's always different each time for me, the way I approach Argosax, trying different parts at a time to see what works best and what doesn't. Then with Despair, I love kicking its azz in full on devil trigger and teasing it when I wanna play with it a bit. Yeah, I'm a bit weird when it comes to bosses, it's like a creepy fetish of mine but hey, it's fun killing things so meh! :p

9) Do you think there will be a sequel to the original Devil May Cry series?

Gawd, I really hope so. I think a lot of DMC fans are hoping there will be so that it will tie up all the loose ends throughout the game series.

10) What do you think about the music used in all Devil May Cry games?

Love it, especially DMC3s OST, they all have that music which fits in so well with the scenario you're in. Such as when you fight normal enemies, to bosses and normal play throughs. It gives you that feeling when you play, it's like you're there with Dante, the music makes you feel what he feels, see what he sees. Well, it does to me anyway, maybe I'm just rambling :D

11) Do you think future Devil May Cry games should include multiplayer?

Multiplayer? Is this a trick question? XD
Heck no, unless the story is built around 2 characters or Dante has a secondary character backing him up, then sure, but no, it shouldn't include multiplayer cause then you're killing the game series by adding multiplayer when it was originally a solo play through.

12) What are the things that you like about the Devil May Cry series?

Excellent music, characters are portrayed well, Dante, nice voice overs, you can change weapons and not have the same boring one over and over again, bosses are tough and not easy as Hell, Dante, the enemies vary, graphics are moderately ok, er did I say Dante? Oh yes, and that so far the games have been pretty good :D

13) What are the things that you dislike about the Devil May Cry series?

Lack of puzzles, that's what I disliked, and the finding of items. If they had put more of that in the games, it'd be perfect for me and I'd love the games entirely. But it lacked brain teasers, and items to me sometimes were ridiculously over priced or when you find items it was like one item every five or six levels, WTF? I think I'm gonna need more than one measly star if I'm going through DMD mode :/

General Gaming Questions

1) What consoles do you own currently?

PS2 and 3, I did have a PS1 and the Nintendo 64 but they're currently in storage.

2) Which console is your favourite?

Aww that's a toughie, but I'm gonna have to say the PS2 just because there's far more games I like on that console than I do on the PS3.

3) What do you think about next generation gaming?

Are they ever going to stop? Lol, I'm not really one to care about next generation gaming, we update too much and to me, I don't see the point in getting the next new thing every time something new comes out.

4) Have you ever considered in purchasing any new consoles like PS4, WiiU, etc?

Not really, I'm quite fine with the consoles I have thank ye very much :D

5) Do you think current game prices reasonable or not?

Hmm, yes and no. Yes because they're newly released games and they're expected to do well but also no because eventually their prices are gonna drop over time and the people who bought it when it first came out are gonna be p*ssed at how much it costs after a period of time.

6) What do you think about current gaming culture?

I think it's awesome! Especially now that girls are slowly being acknowledged as gamers instead of it just being a guy thing yknow?

7) What kind of games do you like?

I'm an all sort of genre person but mainly adventure, RPGs and puzzle games are my favourites.

8) Do you think current generation games have better quality compared to the previous generation games? Why?

Yup, cause nowadays you don't see many cube people XD(unless its mine craft of course). But it's definitely improved a lot over time which in a way I guess is a good thing. :)

9) What do you think about Japanese games?

Uhh, are these games made in Japan or Japanese based? Damn, I just answered that with another question *facepalm*.

10) What do you think about Western games?

Yeah, I think I'll leave this one too, otherwise I'm going to confuse myself and probably whoever reads this. o.0

11) What video game companies do you like and dislike? Please state few reasons.

Hmm, my faves would have to be Capcom and Squeenix(Square Enix lol), just because they make most of my favourite games which I deeply enjoy. To me they have a good story, well though out characters and the story is long instead of it being quick and boring.
I'm not gonna say I dislike any cause I really don't, unless I say NT but I'll hold my tongue on that subject.

12) If you are a billionaire, which company would you like to buy and own?

Erm, dang do I have to choose? Lol, Capcom :p

13) What will you do once you have owned the company that you like?

Make sure the DMC original series doesn't die out and keep making games based off it of course! I can't let Dante go now, not even if the reboot tries to take its place, back NT I say, back! XD

14) What are the best sequels you have played?

Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm 3 has to be one of them, even though the ending in the game is canon, I still love the all out war and the fighting and the kicking people's @ss thing. Yeah I'm a Naruto freak if you haven't figured it out yet. :p
Not many of the games I play have sequels or more in the series are still being developed so yeah, I'm pretty much stumped for now. :)

15) Do you like or dislike to play online, and why?

I love playing online, I think it's great! Interacting with other people all over the world brings us as humans closer together in the joy of playing something we like. Especially if you're playing CoD or something like that, then beware the trash talkers. XD

16) What are the worst sequels you have played?

Like I said before up above, I haven't played many sequels.

17) Do you prefer Japanese games or Western games? Why?

Both are good in my opinion and I wouldn't pick one over the other since they've both produced really good games.

18) Between gameplay, story, music, replay value, and graphics, please rank each accordingly from the most important to the least important component in a game.

I'd say in a way they ALL need to be equally matched in a game otherwise you'll have an awesome gameplay, a good story, then crappy music or vice versa. To me, that would put me off. I mean, say you're playing a fighting scene, and then all of a sudden you hear some country music and then you think: The Hell is this music? Dude, I quit. And bam, the games not appealing anymore.

19) What are the best games you have played?

God of War series, DMC series(some anyway), Tomb Raider Trilogy, Harry Potter Series, Dynasty Warrior series and more. Too many to name. :p

20) What are the worst games you have played?

I'm gonna say I haven't because I wouldn't call them the worst games, I'd just call them the games I don't like.

21) What games that you think are lacking of originality?

Hmm, let me play some more games and I'll get back to you on that one :p
Kidding, no idea, to me games are just games I play to entertain myself. XD

Art and Writing Related Questions

1) What fictions do you like to write or read?

Mainly fantasy/romance ones, majority of my stories are based off of animes and games I watch and play.

2) What kind of art do you like to do?

Various free styling. I draw a lot of anime types as well as tattoo designs.

3) What fanarts do you like the most?

Any really, I don't have a particular favourite. But if it had to be just one, I'd say hand drawn portraits, only because this really shows how skilful a true artist can be.

4) Is it hard or easy to appreciate an art or a written work?

Sometimes it's easy and sometimes it's hard. What I mean is its easy because obviously it's so good but then it's hard too because then sometimes you wish you had done that because it was so good. Does that make sense?

5) If you are reviewer, how do you review a fanfiction or fanart?

Oh hell, I'm no good at reviewing things, I credit people too much and I really hate giving people criticism or even concrit because then I start feeling bad and think I've made this person upset. Yeah I'm too much of a softie :p

6) Do you value more a writer's effort of writing a work than his/her grammar and story cohesion? Why?

If effort is put into the story and the spelling and cohesion sucks, of course I'll value it more but only because the story would have been well thought out and still needs a bit more tinkering. But if the story is crap, well then, I tend to notice all the bad things about it and yeah, puts me off completely. :/

7) How do you classify your art style?

Uhh, anime ish I guess. I tend to watch a lot of anime shows and end up getting most of my ideas from them so yeah 'anime ish', if that's even a word o.0

8) Do you prefer to draw using a computer, pencil or pen? Why?

Pencil and Pen because I find it easier to edit any mistakes and I can come and go as I please whilst drawing freehand. Using the computer, well I'm a slow learner when it comes to that so I leave it to the experts like Choco ;)

Scenario Cases

1) You have found a box filled of kittens on the road. What would you do to the kittens?

Either keep them or hand them into the SPCA, I'd never abandon any animal that needs help, it's not in my nature to, and I'm too soft.

2) A dialogue scene:

Friend: Man, I hate this game!
You: Why?
Friend: It sucks. Bad storyline, lousy character designs, sucky gameplay, and everything.
You: So?
Friend: So the game sucks. Why do you like the game so much?
You: I like for what it is, since it is my type of game.
Friend: You got a problem. You have bad tastes, girl.

What is your next response and why?

I would say, people have different tastes and so what if I like it and you don't? It just goes to show you that not all people hold the same judgement over everything. Problem? Build a bridge and get over it.

3) You are entangled in a love triangle. Your friend is a good friend of yours, and she has been your friend since kindergarten. Both of you apparently liked the same guy, and you pursued your love aggressively. However, all of the sudden this same guy confesses to both you and your friend. What will be your next action?

Leave him, obviously if my friend liked him too I'd let him go because as the saying goes: There's plenty more fish in the sea :p

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