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In DMC 4.Why there is no unlock costumes?


I think that, for the most part, it's about development time and budget being cut by half. And i could even go on and say that they were kinda lazy, but it's a little risky to say that and be unfair with the dev team given that the first statement is true.

So i don't really know, but for sure it's something that we ever had in this franchise and it's something DMC4 is lacking.

Rebel Dynasty

Creator of Microcosms
What VineBigBoss and Caiden said. Though I'm sure there might be more to it than even that. I kind of want to research all the reasons for the lack of costumes, myself.

I'll admit, I was a little disappointed; I know many a-fangirl was happy over DMC3 Dante having a shirtless option...

...Personally, I'd give my eye-teeth for DMC4 Dante to have had that option, as well. XD

Perverted-ness aside, I also would have loved for them to have a variety of costumes for Dante: Be it his DMC1 and 2 costumes, or a new, alternative one (because let's face it, as cool as it would be to see him in some of his past garb, wouldn't it be refreshing to also see some new costume ideas?)

But in any case, the lack of alternate costumes isn't too big of a deal to me; it's not a deal breaker, or anything. It's just sad that something the series is well known for got left out.

Rebel Dynasty

Creator of Microcosms
I am still waiting for the day when we get a DMC1 outfit with rebellion instead of force edge.

That would be awesome. As awesome as Force Edge "Sparda" is, I do like Rebellion quite a bit. It just makes sense to me that Dante should have his own sword, not just the sword of his father. That sword is important and really only has one true master, but because of its power, it would be better for Dante to keep it safe, out of reach of those who would use it for evil (we can rattle off a bunch of names of such characters here, lol). As far as we know, Rebellion can't be used for devious purposes in the hands of another.


Well-known Member
That would be awesome. As awesome as Force Edge "Sparda" is, I do like Rebellion quite a bit. It just makes sense to me that Dante should have his own sword, not just the sword of his father. That sword is important and really only has one true master, but because of its power, it would be better for Dante to keep it safe, out of reach of those who would use it for evil (we can rattle off a bunch of names of such characters here, lol). As far as we know, Rebellion can't be used for devious purposes in the hands of another.

I always felt that was the purpose of Rebellion. It might not open any hell gates or have some super special purpose but it is DANTE's sword. Where as Yamato and Sparda have had many wielders, Rebellion is meant only for Dante.

Rebel Dynasty

Creator of Microcosms
I always felt that was the purpose of Rebellion. It might not open any hell gates or have some super special purpose but it is DANTE's sword. Where as Yamato and Sparda have had many wielders, Rebellion is meant only for Dante.

True, I suppose Sparda has had more than one Master. What I pointed out about Force Edge only having one master was meant more in a, "Only one was able to properly wield it" sort of way. Yamato definitely wasn't the same, in that respect. As long as someone was powerful enough, they could use it (or so we see in the games).

I imagine others could use Rebellion too, but I doubt any of them could use it as efficiently as Dante, or summon it to hand as he has. :)


Active Member
DMC4 brought in some decent sale figures for Capcom. It never really made much sense of why Capcom didn't feel the need for more content. The game sold well, and had relatively great reviews. I read on what the game would be like if they had more time. But, it's almost like they never heard of DLC. Feels like such a waste.


Don't Let the Fall of America be Your Fall
I naturally assumed they forgot about costumes.

I am still waiting for the day when we get a DMC1 outfit with rebellion instead of force edge.

I wouldn't get your hopes up if I were you. It's always been tradition that whenever there's a DMC1 costume, there will always be either force edge or alastor. The exception for this was Project X Zone and the anime.
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