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I'm in love with Nero

I love Nero, Dante, every character in Devil May Cry! They all have background to search on and untangle! Nero though, looked up every screenshot i could find because 1) he would do anything for Kyrie! 2) he's hot, and i wish i was Kyrie! It took me til now to realize the resemblance between Nero and Steve Burnside until now! Kyrie has some in common with Claire Redfield as well, but mainly in the face. The resemblance stops there. I used to be a huge Resident Evil junkie til RE 6 and i actually sat down and watched the movies. The first time i played Devil May Cry i was mainly into the gameplay, then again i was young, now i want to know everything about everyone and want so much more Dante. Damn Dante, just daaaaaaamn. Basically through my rambling has anyone else noticed the resemblance in characters in Devil May Cry 4 with characters of Resident Evil?
DmC - RE
Kyrie: Claire
Nero: Steve
Dante: (RE6) Leon
and finally Wesker and Virgil's hair
p.s- please excuse my rambling


SSStylish Swordsman
absolutely loved playing as nero felt he was a great character and loved the combat and personalty:) wish they would have done a better job with the back story and kept him in the story
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