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If you could make your own DMC game

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Well-known Member
What kind of game would it be? Who would be playable and what would it be about? :D We've had threads like this in the past, but we've gained lots of new members, so I thought I'd make a new one. :D

I would make a game about Nero that would explain his origins as well as bridge the gap between DMC4 and 2. Mission structure would look like this;

Missions 1-7 Nero (Nero goes to discover the truth about his arm and heritage, where he finds Dante in hell)
Missions 8-10 Dante (These missions will explain what Dante has been doing in hell since DMC2)
Missions 11-20 Player choice

In the second half of the game Nero will discover the truth about his arm. I'm thinking he was orphaned when he was young and Sanctus got a hold of him. He had begun experimenting with demonic powers and Nero, a kid with no family, was perfect for testing. He infused Nero with Sparda's blood, turning his hair white. This eventually led into his arm getting all messed up.

I also think that Vergil's spirit, who had been asleep inside Yamato all this time finally awoke when Nero got hands on it, reacting to Sparda's blood in Nero. Vergil somehow gets released from the sword (haven't worked that out yet) and as a spirit there's some epic boss battle.

Not sure where to go from there though. XD


So that's my idea. What are yours? :)

Sparda's rejected son

For Edenoi!
Supporter 2014
If I made a DMC game it would be similar to Meg's. The playable characters would be Dante, Vergil, and Nero. With secret extra palyable characters being Sparda, Trish, and Lucia. Lady, Kyrie, and Patty Lowell will make cameo appearances. The story goes as follows. Dante is still in Hell, defeating demons and heading to the deepest part of Hell to defeat Mundus. Mundus has healed himself and is opening portals to Hell everywhere. Demons attack Fortuna city thus Nero has to defend it, this causes him to get caught within the events of the story. Nero with Kyrie travel to Dante's office to seek his help, there they find out that he is in Hell. Trish, Lady and Lucia decide to fight together against the demon attacks while Nero goes to Hell to look for Dante. Nero finds Dante and they are attacked by Mundus and his army. During the fight Mundus opens a final, huge portal to the human world and Mundus and all demons escape Hell, including Dante and Nero. Since everyone in Hell, demons and bad humans alike come back, Vergil returns as well. Vergil takes back Yamato. In the end a final battle between Mundus and the decsendents of Sparda begins. Nero, Dante, and Vergil are the winners. With Mundus dead and the demon portals firmly closed Dante continues his DMC business.
So it would something like
mission 1-6 Dante Missions,
missions 7-13 Nero Missions,
missions 14-19 Vergil Missions,
and mission 20 you play as all three characters in the final fight. Dante, Nero and Vergil will have many different unlockable costumes including Super costumes and Sparda costume for Dante, Nelo Angelo costume for Vergil and a special costume for Nero. (What it will be I haven't figured out yet). After finishing certain game modes you'll gain mini extra missions in which you play as Trish and Lucia. Game levels would be:
Very Hard
Dante/Vergil/Nero must die mode
Legendary Dark Knight Mode
Heaven or Hell Mode
Hell and Hell mode
Bloody Palace mode.
This game will include other goodies as well. (I wish I knew how to create video games because I'd make this game for myself lol) But That's my DMC game in a nutshell. P.S. As stated by DMC4 the video game Nero has "inheirted Sparda's power" and is a "decsendent of Sparda." That doesn't mean he is Vergil's son but comes from Sparda's family some how. My story will be based thusly. :lol:


The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
My Game Idea

^ That's it basically. Shame it died out though. Got to get back to that some day, it had so many ideas =/


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
LoD, if you hadn't have gotten rid of Lucia, I'd like it a lot more. I prefer her fighting style overall.

Bitching aside, this is my idea.

Sanctus is gone and Nero has become the ruler of Fortuna and the founder of the Order of the Arm. He has allowed Fortuna to be filled with demon-human hybrids as a refuge. Recently, hybrids have been disappearing and he wonders why. He calls Dante, who comes later in the game. Vergil appears later as well, revealing himself as the one who is taking the hybrids to fuel his lust for power. That Vergil turns out to be a clone when the real Vergil cuts him in two, prompting the real leader, Mundus, to reveal himself. Later, Nero becomes a full demon during a crisis (haven't figured out what yet) and stays that way permanently. Mission structure is as follows.

Disc 1: Nero. 20 missions. Nero finds out his origins and fights off demon attacks in the mean time. Nero can use Yamato as a normal weapon now.
Final boss: Vergil Clone

Disc 2: Dante. 15 missions. Dante plays as he did in 3, with no style switching. This ensures that they aren't watered down. Dante follows in Nero's footsteps with other new locations.
Final boss: Imperfect Mundus

Disc 3: Vergil. 15 missions. Vergil plays as he did in 3, and still has Beowulf and a new weapon, Echo. It's a bluish version of Beowulf that increases the wearer's speed dramatically at the cost of attack power. Vergil attempts to find out who the mysterious clone of him is and what his motives are.
Final boss: Nelo Angelo Vergil Clone

Disk 4: Final Story and Bonuses. 10 missions. Choice of any character. A journey into hell ten missions long to kill Mundus once and for all!
Final boss: Mundus Incarnate

Bloody Palace: Self explanatory. DMC3 style. Time limit optional.

Bloody Valley: Shorter but harder than BP. A long valley that gets progressively hellish as you go on. Character switches are allowed every five gates (fights are separated by gates) and there is an option for a ten, fifty, one hundred, one thousand, or five thousand gate challenge. You go one at a time. No skips.

Mission Creator: Across the game you gain mission packs, including environments, enemies from this game and older ones, and bosses. You can create your own missions and share them with friends for fun.

Versus: Self explanatory. Duke it out in the best boss battles imaginable... Battles against another player!

Training: Also self explanatory. Pick an enemy or a set of enemies and fight them. Enemy invincibilty, Easy Auto, and player invincibility can be toggled.

Sparda's rejected son

For Edenoi!
Supporter 2014
Nice idea. =) If you think about everyone who has posted so far has the same idea but with minor differences. We should all ban together and make our own DMC game based on our ideas. =)


The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
Sparda's rejected son;296690 said:
Nice idea. =) If you think about everyone who has posted so far has the same idea but with minor differences. We should all ban together and make our own DMC game based on our ideas. =)

I tried to do that a while ago, but I don't know what happened =/ But yeah, we all totally should create something here. Lots of great ideas.


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
I'm great for a bonus idea kind of guy. I don't think my story would fly well with Capcom fans... But I have tons of enemy ideas, and I'm great with putting missions together. It's just the story that I can't do right.

Darth Angelo

Tuck-yet-chi-say-denie trieve trick-dis-nie
Without a doubt a bloody palace spinoff.

5 seperate palace's all with 100 levels based on the 4 games (and one mixed/new one) all with appropriate ressurections of the games bosses throughout and can be played through by any of the following playable/unlockable characters all with their own unique weapons, moves and styles.
LDK Dante (stupidly overpowered Dante with Sparda and Yamato obtained by special means)

And to flesh it out I would also have some kind of co-op and/or online battle thing going on.

Sparda's rejected son

For Edenoi!
Supporter 2014
Darth Angelo;296704 said:
Without a doubt a bloody palace spinoff.

5 seperate palace's all with 100 levels based on the 4 games (and one mixed/new one) all with appropriate ressurections of the games bosses throughout and can be played through by any of the following playable/unlockable characters all with their own unique weapons, moves and styles.
LDK Dante (stupidly overpowered Dante with Sparda and Yamato obtained by special means)

And to flesh it out I would also have some kind of co-op and/or online battle thing going on.

Ifk if Storm Silves wants me to promote the thread he just put up but if so, please check it out. This thread was started by Meg and I feel bad because I feel like we left her out. I'm sure she is ok with reading every ones ideas but still.


The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
Sparda's rejected son;296711 said:
Idk if Storm Silves wants me to promote the thread he just put up but if so, please check it out. This thread was started by Meg and I feel bad because I feel like we left her out. I'm sure she is ok with reading every ones ideas but still.

Don't feel bad mate, Meg can join in with our ideas just like anyone else can. But considering we're the main ones with the Concepts and such, we're just taking these ideas and adding them into our own little detailed story idea to get a final result. So everyone gets to help really, we're just organising it. Nobody is left out ^_^

Sparda's rejected son

For Edenoi!
Supporter 2014
LordOfDarkness;296718 said:
Don't feel bad mate, Meg can join in with our ideas just like anyone else can. But considering we're the main ones with the Concepts and such, we're just taking these ideas and adding them into our own little detailed story idea to get a final result. So everyone gets to help really, we're just organising it. Nobody is left out ^_^

If you put that way than alright. I just didn't want to leave her out since its her thread you know.


The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
Sparda's rejected son;296720 said:
If you put that way than alright. I just didn't want to leave her out since its her thread you know.

Yeah I know mate, totally respect that also. Hopefully everyone is cool about this. Sorry to go a little off-topic in your Thread Meg, I'll say no more since I made clear my post earlier with my idea ^_^


Enma Katana no Kami
if i could make my own devil may cry game...

well i've come up with 3 different prequel ideas and posted parts of two of them ( with alot of help from storm silves) but it's been i while.. i recently came up with an idea for a sequel to Devil May Cry2

the game would have three independent storylines. each story would be devided into chapters ( five missions per chapter)
Hell story: ten chapters ( 50 missions )Dante escapes from hell. this storyline will fill in more details about Dante's past and set up Vergils return: Playable charicter: Dante ( all chapters)
Earth story: five chapters ( 25 missions) shows how various Devil Hunters deal with Dante's absence. would also introduce one of my original charicters and include a cameo appearence by another one: Playable charicters: Lucia, Beryl ( from the Devil May Cry2 novel), Selene( one of my orginal charicters),Lady, Trish. ( one chapter per charicter)
Heaven story: ten chapters ( 50 missions total) most of it takes place in fortuna. it would explain Nero's backstory and involve two of my original charicters: playable charicters: Nero ( 7 chapters) Ziz ( my first orginal charicter) ( 3 chapters)
number of playable charicters: 8
total number of chapters 25
total number of missons : 125
+ an expanded version of bloody palace with
a 9999 stage survival mode ( like the orginal bloody palace)
a 101 stage time attack mode ( like the Devil May Cry 4 version of bloody palace)
an mode with stages based on the various puzzles, secret missions etc. from the story mode. ( with time limit)
and a mode that allows you to play through the missions without cutscenes and lets you pick any charicter.

and i might as well throw in mission creator and training modes just to have everything.

if i had more time i would make a thread to post this idea in detail ( which would probably take a few years) like i started to do with my prequel ideas ( and storm silves would probably end up doing 60% of the work just like my prequel ideas:))
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