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if u could level up dp qs

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God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
I always thought about this.

level 2
Down + S: Time Bullet: Slows down a single target along with any enemies around them.
R1 + S: Time Lag lvl 2: Makes the world around you slower.

level 3
Up + S: Warp: Makes you twice as fast in all attacks and movements.
R1 + S: Time Lag lvl 3: Enemies stop, but DT consumption occurs even in Super Legendary Dark Knight mode.

level 2
Up + S: Shadow Flyer: The shadow turns into an energy ball and is fired. It causes the enemies to be sucked into oblivion if they're weak enough.

level 3
Down + S: Phase Shift: Teleport randomly around the enemy, releasing timed slashes along with your shadow. Very flashy.

The crazy demon

Metal Gear Vindicare.

Level 2:
Quicky Quicky: Dante becomes even quicker that in DT, allowing him to do some pretty damage.

Level 3:
Destruction Of Time:Dante freezes the world time and he slashes all enemies, and autokills them.


Enma Katana no Kami
i have versions of both styles in my dmc5 idea. and they have three levels each.

my quicksilver idea: ( used by vergil)
lvl 1 time moves at 75% speed ( hold for 50)
lvl2 time moves at 50 % speed ( hold for 25)
lvl3 time moves at 25% speed ( hold for 0)

and here is my version of doppelganger ( used by a charicter i made named ziz)

lvl1 after image-S- creates a replica of the user its attacks cause 50% the damage of the real attack
lvl2 shadow claw- up+ S - creates a shadow arm that attacks the enemy
after image lvl 2 - 75 %
lvl3- shadow wave- damages nearby enemys
2nd Self - S- replaces after image its attacks are the same as the real one

The crazy demon

Metal Gear Vindicare.

Level 2:
Shadow: Dante mix with the enemy shadow and destroys their body from other plane of existence

Level 3:
The End: Dante becomes a shadow demon that can pass inside enemies when he does he destroys them, twisting their body from inside


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Am I the only one who didn't especially over power his move set? Jeez... one hit KO's FTL...


Red Queen and Blue Rose


Now you can devil trigger while Time Lag(not sure,maybe it's possible already)


This makes you faster than trickster has ever been.You move at incredible speeds,that replaces slow enemies.Devil Trigger is also available.



2 shadows


Really strong shadow.

Laurence Barnes

Still not dead. Just not really here any more.
good ideas how bout theese

lv2 even slower u even faster-always
lv3 a white demon appears while everyone is frozen damadges all the enemies-hold circle

lv2 shadow does his own combos-always
lv3 shadow can change his own weapons with the equiped ones-always


Red Queen and Blue Rose
The crazy demon;217751 said:
In Special Edition i think they should allowed us to level up these styles

Now you can't,I have Special Edition and I can't lvl up them.
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