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I wish for a writing partner.


Super Penguin Number 2
As many of my forum-friends on here are probably well aware of, I have a very weak will when it comes to writing complete and fleshed out stories. Almost everything I've posted on this forum is unfinished, and unfortunately will probably remain that way forever.

I know that my activity on here is severely minimal as well, so I'm hoping that this idea will help get me through both of these issues.

I have no doubt in my ability to decently type, but my main problem is sticking with it. I get too many ideas, or my moods flop and I'm flapping my wings toward something completely different which derails me.

So I'm asking for some help. I want a writing partner. I'm not a mean guy, I promise, so if you're worried about my personality totally sucking, don't. My main thing is that I want someone who is as good at typing as me, or better. Either will do, but if you're better, don't get mad at my typing for being worse than yours. You've been warned.

I'd prefer to type back and forth via email. If you don't like that idea, stray away. I say that for two reasons. One...I have the power to delete an email. I don't have the power to delete an unfinished thread from this forum. Two...it's easier to communicate and come up with good material without having to worry about someone else until it's completely ready to be put into public.

It seems like this will be a good help for me, and plus, typing with a partner is new to me. I've been offered to before, but iunno. Guess it wasn't the time for me then.

Anyway, you can respond in here if you like. I don't know how I'll pick a specific person or anything like that, but if you're not chosen, don't take it personally please. Once it's all settled, I'll give you my email. Hell, I don't even know how many of you would be interested in this.

Who knows, there might be no replies! (bad day for me)

-hugs and nutpunches

Hope to see something from you guys soon.


Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
Nutpunches? XD
I have the same problem, it's become a bad habit of mine to rarely complete what I started.
I'm not 100% sure what you're looking for? A writing buddy to bounce ideas off and to have as a motivational force? Or are you looking for someone to collaborate with? If it's the first, I'm willing to help.
Mind, I am pretty backed up at the moment so you might end up waiting x amount of time for me to reply to your emails. And I doubt my typing skills exceed yours so... Offer is there, but I'm sure there's someone better on the forum that will come by.


Nein, not ze puppies!
I have the same problem, most of my work is unfinished and it applies to a lot else other than writing. My Spanish is hurting because I haven't exactly been practicing a bit everyday. ;_;

Don't worry BD, I'm sure you will have the power to overcome this hill! If you need ideas to be tossed back and forth I can do that with ya! Just send me a PM, the offer will always be here.


The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
A partner in crime you say? This could be interesting, very interesting *Places fingers together menacingly*

Well, I'm up for it if you need anyone to help you out. I can help out anyone here, if they so wish =P
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