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I promised Ebony I would


Well-known Member
A little while ago Eb posted a pic of her new Dante figure to show us. She then said she she felt like a saddo. I promised her once I got my Lighning figure I'd post a pic, so we can be saddo's together!

Well here it is. After being stuck in the box for a week (I had her shipped to my house and I live on campus) I came home on Friday and took her out of the box. She immediately tried to kill me and I spent hours running away from her. Apparently Lightning has a short fuse. Imagine that.

Anyway, so eventually I got her to calm down enough. I tried to take her picture like I promised to Eb, but she immediately tried to kill me again. I have a feeling she doesn't like me much. ;_;


Lightning: What the? What the hell are you doing talking about me behind my back?!
Meg: AH! UH! Um...sorry Ligh-
Lightning: That's SERGEANT Lightning to you, B*tch!
Meg: But, I was just-
Lightning: Shut up! I know what you were doing. I can read!
Meg: But you're made out of plas-
Lightning: SHUT UP! *starts shooting*
Meg: AHHHH!!!!!! *runs away*


Was that good, Eb? :lol:


Dante enthusiast!

Brilliant. She's reallllly pretty and I'm not just saying that because she might read this and kill you. o_O She really is a nice figure. I'm pleased you got her and that you are both still in one peice!


Edit - just relised my name is in a thread title *feels special!* ^_^ (yeah, I'm that sad!)


Dante enthusiast!
Lol, what a random video Spawnshooter.

And Meg, Special as in a 26 year old who gives the action figure cups of tea? In that case I'm very special! :wacko:


Oldschool DMC fan
Oh well, here's one corner of my living room - as you can see the toys have pride of place, they are in front of my books and even my candelabra got dumped on the DVDs so the toys could have their glory on the top shelf. Dante's up there too, in the middle.


Who's the saddo now?


Oldschool DMC fan
That's one corner only. Lol. Plenty of other corners and shelves, and boxes of more toy stuff under my bed. This place is only a studio flat so there isn't much choice about putting it all somewhere. I might as well put them on every available surface.


Well-known Member
Sheesh and I feel silly about only having one. That's a really nice collection from the look of it, Lexy. :)


Oldschool DMC fan
Disorganised mess more like :p

I will say though, that the expensive ones are all mine. I don't have that many... maybe nine or ten of them, not counting the FF plushies I've got. I don't collect that many unless they really grab me. The rest are all my boyfriend's. The mess is his in my mind, haha.


Dante enthusiast!
Lexy thats sooooo cool!
I wish I had more time and money to buy stuff like that. All the things I do have are in a cupboard. I had them out when I was a student, but then they get forgotten about after moving house 3 times.


I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
Okay, Here's mine...

This pic is pretty easy.
(left to right) Top: Marionette, Trish, Marionette, Dante
Bottom: Star Trek Mirror Universe Spock , Battle Ravaged Kirk , and Sephiroth's

Cloud, Kain (Legacy of Kain... I think the emblem on his flag was painted upside-down), Shadow, Revoltech Dante. Sonic the Hedgehog and Captain Kirk (Star Trek Movie)
Resi4 Leon, Red Dwarf collectors models, Thunderbirds Virgil Tracy statue and Resi 4 Chainsaw controller.

Finally... The best thing in the whole room.:lol:

Sorry about the quality of the pics light and my camera phone don't mix :lol:
The rest of my room is pics. (Framed Star Trek signatures mostly)
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