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I need a quick paraphrase on what GamerGate is/was.


Same as it ever was
There's probably a rule against mentioning it, but just in case there isn't, what is a GamerGate, and why do I have to always hear about it?

V's patron

be loyal to what matters
It seems like the game industry's equivalent of the Occupy movement in America (Occupy Wall Street etc)

The Good Gentleman

S'all Part of a Miracle Masterpiece
Gamer gate used to be an initiative meant to diversify gaming culture, but it's literally been completely overtaken by a parasite called misogyny, racisms, and others. Just like how social classes exist, most members of GamerGate believe sexes and ethnics have specific roles to play in video games, aka, women should be damsels in distress instead of strong heroines, black characters should be portrayed in specific stereotypical ways - you get the gist. And anyone who disagrees or criticizes them publicly is subject to harassments of all varieties, including personal attacks, swatting, false threats, emails and other accounts getting hacked

Not an awesome group, to be sure. They're really kind of like Nazis - they were originally created to make the world a better place, but ended up being the blight. Though their methods are more scientology instead of, well.....holocaust and world domination. Though who knows! Those could certainly be in the books down the road...

Director Bison

King of Games
Premium Elite
now i know there allot of trolls and harassers but many in GamerGate activity work against these things from being done
when they see a harasser using the hashtag they research the hell out of them and most of the time its a troll or someone who has only every used the hashtag just to harass and done nothing

but i'm not the best to ask about this i'm just an observer
i really just watch allot of Sargon of Akkad and other gamergate videos on youtube

the know your meme page actually has allot of info about gamergate just about all of it by people in support of it so if your interested take a look

The Good Gentleman

S'all Part of a Miracle Masterpiece
I'm obviously not a part of the group, nor do I ever on god's green earth plan to, but I read about their outside-of-the-internet activities all the time. If a tiny minority denounces their actions, it doesn't amount to much if the majority is onboard - at that point, the latter is the representation of the group.

It's kind of like with the Devil May Cry fanbase! We here, we are the few - we're all relatively civil, open minded, and largely accepting (unless Tetsuya Nomura or Motomu Toriyama is involved! ZING! - but...that has nothing to do with DMC). Unfortunately, we're the minority; most of the fanbase, the people who represent us, are completely retarded and downright hateful.

Which brings me to my next point....I know there are jackasses from Gamefaqs and Neogaf lurking and reading our posts - I've already found three of my own posts quoted elsewhere. So I know you're reading this: Go **** yourselves. You're an embarrassment to us all. :)

Now, back on topic! GamerGate. They're very bad people, most of them. It's an unfortunate situation where the trolls and the hateful have taken over what was supposed to be a good, innocuous idea.


I'll just get right to the ass kicking.
Supporter 2014
Here is all you need to know.

GamerGate. They're very bad people, most of them. It's an unfortunate situation where the trolls and the hateful have taken over what was supposed to be a good, innocuous idea.
I think you mean the Anti-Gamergate are bad people, I'm a Gamergate supporter and I've been checking up on Gamergate on Twitter every single day and they aren't bad people at all, yeah there's the common trolls making the movement look bad but you should see what the Anti-Gamergate people do.
Did you hear about the friendly Gamergate meetup getting a bomb threat in DC?

The Good Gentleman

S'all Part of a Miracle Masterpiece
I did. Quite a few of the people at that pub were the trolls you mentioned.

See? The entire movement has been infected, that you can't tell the good from the bad - just that the movement in general has been corrupted.

The Good Gentleman

S'all Part of a Miracle Masterpiece
How do you know? Which of the people were the trolls?
Also you kinda avoided the fact that it was them who were threatened, and they're the trolls?
*sigh* Since you really are a supporter, I guess I'll gear up. I was honestly planning to go to sleep, so you owe me one.

Let's start with the obvious criminal elements, Christina Hoff Summers and Milo Yiannopoulos. The former I shouldn't even have to discuss - this is the woman that ****ed off feminists throughout the globe, but the latter? Good ol' Milo from Breitbart? This was the genius responsible for driving the initiative on reddit to re-up archives of existing websites with ad revenue removed so people wouldn't visit the sites (and thus give them money) they ****ed off. I don't even know where to begin on how blatantly illegal this was, and how much of a brazen violation of copyright it was. But there we have it - Gamergate at large supports his actions, and harassment letters get sent out as soon as someone disagrees with that.

Now, the whole harassment thing is where it gets fuzzy - Gamergate is a largely anonymous congregation, so unless someone comes out as a member, you can't tell who's who. And when you can't tell who's who, it's easy for extremists to take advantage of it. And it's those extremists who represent it at large.

Now, this doesn't include the bomb threat party, but there is a particular little incident that I'm reminded of precisely why Gamergate is such an embarrassment: Vox Day and Larry Correia hijacking the 2015 Hugo Award ballots in an attempt to drive their personal politics. Imagine if Donald Trump paid off every member of the Academy to only put his personal favorites on the ballot. You'd want to utterly kill him, and what Day did in the name of Gamergate was completely butcher nom chances of a number of upcoming writers.

Imagine if you wrote a book that was a contender for the Hugo Award, but your nomination was scrapped because of somebody's vendetta with an online game blog. Now, are you really gonna support a group like that? Because that's precisely what your group is, and what they do. It's disgusting, and it's horrible. And that's WITHOUT the anonymous trolls factored into it.

I'm sorry, but conservative ideals are already a plague in this world. I'd much appreciate it if they be kept out of game culture.
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I'll just get right to the ass kicking.
Supporter 2014
I should add that while I support Gamergate, I'm not a hardcore Gamergater, more of an observer, I check up on the hashtag every day to see how things are going, my main reason for following Gamergate is in order to get scum like Sarkeesian, Wu and such from infecting gaming with their bulls**t since that also appears to be a goal of Gamergate, but if that means getting rid of awful sites like Kotaku in the process then why not?
I know who Christina Hoff Summers is but I don't know much about Milo Yiannopoulos, the Hugo Awards or any of that other stuff since I haven't looked into it enough so discussing that with me isn't going to go anywhere yet, I need to look more into that.

What I know for certain is in the time I've spent following Gamergate is that I haven't seen the troll filled embarrassment you claim Gamergate is, but I've seen A LOT of the bad and downright stupid stuff that Anti Gamergaters have done, are still doing and posting.
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The Good Gentleman

S'all Part of a Miracle Masterpiece
The problem is, the corruption holds extra strong when the "faces" of Gamergate - that is, people who don't hide their identities - are such unscrupulous individuals. These are the people who facilitate the paranoia that drives the Gamergate message - the rest of them simply choose methods of response.

The Good Gentleman

S'all Part of a Miracle Masterpiece
I do, but it's got nothing to do with sexism conspiracy theories - that's already been debunked as bullshit time and again. The corruption lies in the usual place - money. Money money money. From ad revenue, to suspiciously heavy duffel bags showing up at the office, everything in game journalism these days is controlled by the publishing companies - what gets exposed the most, and what gets the A+ reviews.

That's the real corruption in game journalism, not a congregation of paranoid nuts. Though as I've said, that's pretty bad too. They're certainly not making gaming culture any better.

Now, Kotaku - and the Gawker Network at large - is a different story. They're not journalists, they're bloggers. More specifically, they're very opinionated bloggers who feel their personal views are the be-all-end-all - though just as vulnerable to corporate duffel bags as any professional venue. I honestly don't see why Gamergate uses Stephen Totilo's past relationships as "proof" as a leftist conspiracy and lack of ethnics in journalism. Again, he's not a journalist! But, it's not like they've ever had much - or ANY - real evidence to go on.


Monsuuuta moonssuta mo mo mo mo monsuuta
someone who took part in Gamergate since it was #fiveguys here
To put it bluntly Zoe Quinn was little more than a key to a floodgate most off us were waiting to open, we all suspected a lot of those sites of corruption. Zoe was the first direct piece of proof we had, the whole "misogyny" angles started ecause /v/ was already trolling tumblr at that point. Basically, Zoe that as a scapegoat, then there were 2 reasons to get involved, to expose corruption, and to **** with Tumblr like we always did. Needless to say, now the movement is confusing as ****. Most of the original revolters just stopped caring, especially after we ditched Halfchan and sicked the FTC on Gawker.

The Good Gentleman

S'all Part of a Miracle Masterpiece
Stuff like that is also largely why Adam Sessler lost his job at G4, since he absolutely refused to compromise his reviews under any circumstances. I would say that's admirable, but he did some stuff that really ****ed me off as well, that is name-shaming any people who upset him. I remember a rather infamous video - almost 10 minutes long, that he put up at G4 doing just that. Obviously, it's since been deleted (along with G4....well, you know, being dead). Sticking to your integrity is well and all, but it's worth ****all if you're going to abandon it entirely just to mouth off to some random people.

No matter how you slice it, game journalism is ****ed. Articles and reports are nothing but PR, and reviews are paid scores - again, PR. Which is why I'm still utterly confounded why Gamergate have so much beef with Gawker, and Kotaku in particular. No one pays them. No one comprises them for anything. They're just bloggers.


Monsuuuta moonssuta mo mo mo mo monsuuta
@The Good Gentleman
That's cool he didn't want to compromise his reviews but truthfully i don't really care for Adam Sessler much.
To me he seems like he's trying to hard to matter or be relevant at times.
He was my least favorite on G4.

2. I think it's because of who Gawker, and Kotaku supports i suppose ?

I don't know who Gawker is but I myself don't like a particular journalist that works for Kotaku & the criticism of George Kamitani & his work of Dragon'sCrown & even Hideki Kamiya had issue with Kotaku.
From what i get Kotaku is very opinionated loud mouths (which is fine because everyone has a right to their opinions) who think very low of gamers or anyone who doesn't share their ideals & think they're all the rage.

Apparently ubisoft doesn't consider Kotaku journalists either.

Gawker is Kotaku's parent company.

The Good Gentleman

S'all Part of a Miracle Masterpiece

Ooohh! Ooohh! Z-Snap!


The Good Gentleman

S'all Part of a Miracle Masterpiece
Reading a few comments on them & seeing a few videos there's a shared negative opinion about Kotaku.

Pretty much. GamerGate's hard-on for Kotaku is irrational and ultimately pointless, but Kotaku is also largely a congregation of morons. I suppose in that respect....let them just duke it out? Way I figure, that way GG will at least be too busy to harass legitimate journalists.

Director Bison

King of Games
Premium Elite
Pretty much. GamerGate's hard-on for Kotaku is irrational and ultimately pointless, but Kotaku is also largely a congregation of morons. I suppose in that respect....let them just duke it out? Way I figure, that way GG will at least be too busy to harass legitimate journalists.
Legitimate journalist shouldn't get gamer gates attention
but yeah i could't give less of a crap about Kotaku if i tried
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