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I need a long break


Well-known Member
The reason why I originally signed up here was so I could discuss my favorite game series. It was also a way to connect with people because I didn't really have any friends at the time. Well, I've long since made good friends, but I stayed because I like discussing DMC. But that has been getting harder and harder for months.

It isn't fun anymore. It's just annoying. (Not naming names.) Lately, whenever I try to have a discussion about DMC, I feel like I'm talking to a brick wall. Thread after thread. I don't see the point in that. So I'm taking a break for however long I need.

I'm out.


^ Ladies and gentlemen, THAT is how you exit a forum. :w00t:


Supporter 2014
I uh... just read your response. I didn't read it earlier because... I thought it was just going to get me riled up and decided to ignore it.

Look, I admit that I'm the one at fault here, ok? I'm sorry, and hope that if you come back, we'll be on better terms.


Well-known Member
The reason why I originally signed up here was so I could discuss my favorite game series. It was also a way to connect with people because I didn't really have any friends at the time. Well, I've long since made good friends, but I stayed because I like discussing DMC. But that has been getting harder and harder for months.

It isn't fun anymore. It's just annoying. (Not naming names.) Lately, whenever I try to have a discussion about DMC, I feel like I'm talking to a brick wall. Thread after thread. I don't see the point in that. So I'm taking a break for however long I need.

I'm out.


^ Ladies and gentlemen, THAT is how you exit a forum. :w00t:

Damn I hope that stupid little "shut up meg" family guy thing I posted didn't have anything to do with this, if it did than I am sincerely sorry. I was just messing around.


Well-known Member
I uh... just read your response. I didn't read it earlier because... I thought it was just going to get me riled up and decided to ignore it.

Look, I admit that I'm the one at fault here, ok? I'm sorry, and hope that if you come back, we'll be on better terms.
Hey Unknown, I popped back on because I realized you might get the wrong idea. You didn't do anything wrong. You're not why I want a break, so don't worry about it.
Damn I hope that stupid little "shut up meg" family guy thing I posted didn't have anything to do with this, if it did than I am sincerely sorry. I was just messing around.
............? What's this now? *searches forum* ................you mean the Ask the Staff thread? Nah, it's all good. I made this thread before your post anyway.

I want everyone to know it was not any one particular person's fault, okay? Okay. *disappears* :steve:


Well-known Member
Hey Unknown, I popped back on because I realized you might get the wrong idea. You didn't do anything wrong. You're not why I want a break, so don't worry about it.

............? What's this now? *searches forum* ................you mean the Ask the Staff thread? Nah, it's all good. I made this thread before your post anyway.

I want everyone to know it was not any one particular person's fault, okay? Okay. *disappears* :steve:

Lmao whoops I didn't realize that, and alright I just wanted to make sure you know I was just messing around, I would have felt like **** if I had been part of the reason you are leaving.


SSStylish Swordsman
The reason why I originally signed up here was so I could discuss my favorite game series. It was also a way to connect with people because I didn't really have any friends at the time. Well, I've long since made good friends, but I stayed because I like discussing DMC. But that has been getting harder and harder for months.

It isn't fun anymore. It's just annoying. (Not naming names.) Lately, whenever I try to have a discussion about DMC, I feel like I'm talking to a brick wall. Thread after thread. I don't see the point in that. So I'm taking a break for however long I need.

I'm out.


^ Ladies and gentlemen, THAT is how you exit a forum. :w00t:

take care hopefully well hear from you again


Gabriel Reyes needs to eat me.
Aww, come back soon. I too feel your pain when you want to talk about something you enjoy and certain people make it out to be a bad thing. Don't be a goner forever :D


Smile it confuses people
I know we haven't been BFF's or anything like that, but I'll miss ya Meg :( I hope someday you can come back. But it is like Dante's Stalker said, ever since I started using the ignore function myself I've been feeling a lot more relaxed. It's better to enjoy something than keep bonking heads with people.

But I understand how you feel, I've been put off DMC in the recent months as well. If you feel like you need a break I understand, but know you're always be welcomed back here by me...>_< well, as long as I remember to look on this part of the forum more often.

Take care Meggy.


^ Ladies and gentlemen, THAT is how you exit a forum. :w00t:
Don't forget the theme song! I love that track :3


Solid Ocelot
Oh, I'm kind of late to this, but I'm sorry to see you go. I get what you mean, though; I've gotten the sense that the forum's gone downhill, and that's due to many seemingly insignificant things. The background image isn't even of both DmC and DMC; it's only of DmC. That gives off the wrong message; it might seem like this forum is biased toward DmC (which it is NOT, in my opinion). Anyway, ignoring people just isn't the answer, because the people who deserve to be ignored are usually also the most vocal. To start ignoring them would make you miss large parts of debates, which isn't good at all. Those people should be banned if they keep making a fuss, but that doesn't always happen. Furthermore, the ignore function still lets you know ignored people have replied to you, which is annoying enough. If they don't work well with you and vice versa, it's time to go. That's not the way it should be, because that's how forums start devolving into closed clubs, but it can't be helped.

It'd be great if you'd pop by sometimes, but either way, it was awesome reading what you said, and you really contributed to this forum. Keep up contributing in other fields! I know you can :)
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