What if Nelo Angelo was a name Virgil adopts? And he wears his blue "order" mask to conceal his identity? I originally thought the Drekavac could have been Virgil in disguise as this series' Nelo Angelo (because of the similarity of the masks) but it wasn't......great looking villain though!
I don't think people should hype this DLC that much. Sure, new playable character and stuff looks cool, but those kinds of dlc are usually not very strong in the story bits. I mean, is just an add to the game, not a straight out new game, you know?
I don't want him to be like a puppet either. Besides, with Mundus gone, how would he become Nelo Angelo? Unless it would have something to do with the devil trigger. Like it consumes him and that is when he becomes Nelo Angelo. At least then he would be acting on his own goals instead of working for another demon.I don't think so. And, personally, I wouldn't like it if he turned out to be Nelo Angelo again. Just make him straight out devilish evil, not some big bad puppet.
I don't want him to be like a puppet either. Besides, with Mundus gone, how would he become Nelo Angelo? Unless it would have something to do with the devil trigger. Like it consumes him and that is when he becomes Nelo Angelo. At least then he would be acting on his own goals instead of working for another demon.