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Stylish Nero

We Dem Boys!!
The other day....well last night I was practicing with DMC4 using Dante, trying to pull off the Full House cancels such as pulling off Inertia by JCing Full House into a Guard as well as JCing Full House into a moving Rainstorm and I pulled off both.


Granted I practiced on the Mega Scarecrows due to their large bodies grants easier JC and I only pulled it off like once or twice but none the less a noob player (with Dante) like me feel so accomplished.

Now all I need to do is keep practicing til I get it right. I can JC Full House pretty easy since I mastered JCing Killer Bee/Star Fall in DMC3.

So any more tips to help master these 2 moves as well as any other useful tricks and maneuvers for me to pull off?

I know Inertia can be pulled off in other ways....so what are those other ways?


This partys getting crazy
Well done man :)

Another common way is after a Sky Star, that and Full House are the main ways to force inertia but you can also get it by chaining certain stuff together without JCs (like Air Rave > Yamato loop or E+I Raves)

Unfortunately I don't really know of any "tricks" to make it easier, just good old fashioned timing. But I suppose the best advice is not to rush, I've found that even stuff where you have to move really fast is a lot easier when you just slow down and concentrate.
I'd try and work out where it is exactly you're going wrong and work from there. Keep at it though, it's not too easy at first but when you get the hang of it it's very consistent.

I made a video tutorial a while back so hopefully that may come in handy :)

Stylish Nero

We Dem Boys!!
Well done man :)

Another common way is after a Sky Star, that and Full House are the main ways to force inertia but you can also get it by chaining certain stuff together without JCs (like Air Rave > Yamato loop or E+I Raves)

Unfortunately I don't really know of any "tricks" to make it easier, just good old fashioned timing. But I suppose the best advice is not to rush, I've found that even stuff where you have to move really fast is a lot easier when you just slow down and concentrate.
I'd try and work out where it is exactly you're going wrong and work from there. Keep at it though, it's not too easy at first but when you get the hang of it it's very consistent.

I made a video tutorial a while back so hopefully that may come in handy :)

Thanks man. I noticed that if I just focused and went slowly I was pulling it off a bit better now. Well thanks to my constant practicing with perfecting Nero's Ex/Max-Act system (I'mMax-Acting like a pro now and to my shock I'm getting quite good at it) I'm learning how to properly time my attacks however with Dante it requires much more reaction and constant action and I feel rush so I rush it so I need to improve on it...funny I barely practice as much as I would like to (like 2 hours a week sometimes no hours a week) but I can see steady progress if I practice more than usual like 1 hour everyday (7-10 hours a week) I can see better growth.

Yeah I saw that video like a hour ago.

Also, do you need to perform Full House in order to pull off Inertia with Royal Guard or a simple JC Royal Guard is enough for I was executing it by Full House > JC > Guard (Royal Guard)?


Also, I can gain Inertia by JC a SKy Star?


This partys getting crazy
I know what you mean, I'd love to practice more but I often don't play for weeks on end. I also found the same thing with Dante, he just has so much and trying to think about it all on the fly is certainly difficult but then something just kinda clicked and it became much easier.

Full House > JC > Guard is completely right and it works the same way with Sky Star (though with Sky Star it's a bit harder to aim as you have to switch to RG and then pick a direction before the JC has come out)

You can also do Inertia tricks with the Trickster teleport and Mustang (where you run up and off an enemy in Trickster) but they aren't as effective and with the teleport it's quite situational (the direction/angle of the teleport plays a part and you just Guard, no JC)
But I wouldn't worry too much about those two.

Stylish Nero

We Dem Boys!!
I know what you mean, I'd love to practice more but I often don't play for weeks on end. I also found the same thing with Dante, he just has so much and trying to think about it all on the fly is certainly difficult but then something just kinda clicked and it became much easier.

Full House > JC > Guard is completely right and it works the same way with Sky Star (though with Sky Star it's a bit harder to aim as you have to switch to RG and then pick a direction before the JC has come out)

You can also do Inertia tricks with the Trickster teleport and Mustang (where you run up and off an enemy in Trickster) but they aren't as effective and with the teleport it's quite situational (the direction/angle of the teleport plays a part and you just Guard, no JC)
But I wouldn't worry too much about those two.

Okay so

Full House > JC > Guard

Full House > JC > Rainstorm

Are 2 ways to pull off Inertia as well as

Sky Star > Switch to RG style > JC > Guard are another way

So with the Trickster teleport/Mustand trick how do you pull it off?


This partys getting crazy
Okay so

Full House > JC > Guard

Full House > JC > Rainstorm

Are 2 ways to pull off Inertia as well as

Sky Star > Switch to RG style > JC > Guard are another way

So with the Trickster teleport/Mustand trick how do you pull it off?

Perfect, you can obviously also do Rainstorm after Sky Star for the same effect as Full House > Rainstorm

Another common thing to do is

Full House/Sky Star > switch to Swordmaster > JC > hold away from enemy while attacking

That will make you drift away from the enemy, after about two/three aerial raves you'll be too far to hit them so you can use Sky Star to close the distance and do some other Inertia gimmicks.

The teleport only really works with Rainstorm and the "angle" you teleported is important you also don't JC, just do the move immediately after the teleport and it will work. Basically the angle you teleport will be the angle your Rainstorm continues and goes, if they are straight up you'll just go up and if they are ahead you'll just go ahead so you want the enemy above you to an angle to get it perfect. It's a bit odd and fairly situational, the only way I can think to show you is try and hit an enemy with the Rose launcher from far away then teleport and hold Rainstorm, if the angle is right you'll teleport above them and go over with your Rainstorm similar to when doing it with Full House/Sky Star.

With Mustang just switch styles and hold b/o as you are running up them, I've found it to be a bit temperamental and sometimes you Guard Fly from the style switch alone.
Also like I mentioned with the teleport make sure you DON'T JC else these two won't work.

Hope that made sense, I suck at explaining things through text! XD

Stylish Nero

We Dem Boys!!
Perfect, you can obviously also do Rainstorm after Sky Star for the same effect as Full House > Rainstorm

Another common thing to do is

Full House/Sky Star > switch to Swordmaster > JC > hold away from enemy while attacking

That will make you drift away from the enemy, after about two/three aerial raves you'll be too far to hit them so you can use Sky Star to close the distance and do some other Inertia gimmicks.

The teleport only really works with Rainstorm and the "angle" you teleported is important you also don't JC, just do the move immediately after the teleport and it will work. Basically the angle you teleport will be the angle your Rainstorm continues and goes, if they are straight up you'll just go up and if they are ahead you'll just go ahead so you want the enemy above you to an angle to get it perfect. It's a bit odd and fairly situational, the only way I can think to show you is try and hit an enemy with the Rose launcher from far away then teleport and hold Rainstorm, if the angle is right you'll teleport above them and go over with your Rainstorm similar to when doing it with Full House/Sky Star.

With Mustang just switch styles and hold b/o as you are running up them, I've found it to be a bit temperamental and sometimes you Guard Fly from the style switch alone.
Also like I mentioned with the teleport make sure you DON'T JC else these two won't work.

Hope that made sense, I suck at explaining things through text! XD

Wow thanks. Thank goodness that JC isn't always needed for the advanced mechanics and some the more advanced tricks seems quite easy to do?

So if I hold the style button while performing an action specific to that style and change styles in the middle of performing the style Dante will change his action to the style you just changed to?

eg. So in Trickster, hold B/O to Dash then switch to Royal Guard while holding B/O and it will result in an automatic switch from dashing to Guard or do the same but with SwordMaster and Dante cancels into Prop?


This partys getting crazy
eg. So in Trickster, hold B/O to Dash then switch to Royal Guard while holding B/O and it will result in an automatic switch from dashing to Guard or do the same but with SwordMaster and Dante cancels into Prop?

Bingo, it's by far the easiest way to do Guard cancels.

Stylish Nero

We Dem Boys!!
Bingo, it's by far the easiest way to do Guard cancels.

Oh wow....I had a lot of trouble trying to cancel my Sky Star's.

This should prove beneficial....does this method work with other style switches such as Trickster (Trick) to Gunslinger (Rainstorm) or Trickster (Dash) to Gunslinger (Fireworks) or Darkslayer to Swordmaster (Lucifer)?


Good to see you're enjoying the game and mastering the techs!

I'm going back to DMC4 as soon as i get a decent PC to play the PC version with Turbo Mode, i really miss it on the console versions. Right now i'm playing Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 and the game is just one amazing hack'n'slash, incredible combat system and very engaging enemies. I'm not too much on the combo system of the game, more about experimenting the feel of using different weapons, i'm getting really good with the Tonfas, Lunar and Kusari-Gama (it is just too badass to grab the enemies mid-combo and pull-off their limbs with no mercy).


Well-known Member
Good to see you're enjoying the game and mastering the techs!

I'm going back to DMC4 as soon as i get a decent PC to play the PC version with Turbo Mode, i really miss it on the console versions. Right now i'm playing Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 and the game is just one amazing hack'n'slash, incredible combat system and very engaging enemies. I'm not too much on the combo system of the game, more about experimenting the feel of using different weapons, i'm getting really good with the Tonfas, Lunar and Kusari-Gama (it is just too badass to grab the enemies mid-combo and pull-off their limbs with no mercy).
I don't get it, what is there to miss on console?

PC + Gamepad = Better experience :blink:?
This is with a 2011 card:

You can pay for a newer cards, and you will do even better.
Here is a cheaper build:

Pretty good fps there too.

Yes, a good PC build costs money compared to a console. But it also gives you benefits over the console. It's more flexible.


I don't get it, what is there to miss on console?

PC + Gamepad = Better experience :blink:?
This is with a 2011 card:

You can pay for a newer cards, and you will do even better.
Here is a cheaper build:

Pretty good fps there too.

Yes, a good PC build costs money compared to a console. But it also gives you benefits over the console. It's more flexible.

Mainly Turbo and LDK Mode, and mods like Debug Mode. And there is the plus that you get no frame drops whatsoever if you have a good hardware, on the consoles you get some slowdowns in Echidna's forest.


Well-known Member
I'd rather enjoy mixing ecstasy in my air combos then following it with trickster trick up and see how higher i can get.I can do it consistently now, jus some tweaks and i should be able to do it until the enemy dies. Also, (currently) I don't use guns except for mephistos and chimera-ed assaults. Jus stun them with shot gun and don't switch guns at all. May be in the future, once i am very comfortable with dante's system, i might add switching gun attacks in my combos.Also, adding royal guard, now and then, against angelos, mephistos and cutlasses is pretty sweet.


This partys getting crazy
This should prove beneficial....does this method work with other style switches such as Trickster (Trick) to Gunslinger (Rainstorm) or Trickster (Dash) to Gunslinger (Fireworks) or Darkslayer to Swordmaster (Lucifer)?

Unfortunatly not, it will only work with Guard Cancels. All the other moves you'll need to re-press the button.
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