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Hypocrisy: Anti-Gun CA Senator Yee Arrested For Selling Autos in Foreign Nation

Still Want to Outlaw Guns?

  • Yes, I am a Liberal Hack who loves Big Brother and 1984.

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State Sen. Leland Yee who should be the poster boy for a campaign – “If you outlaw guns, only the outlaws will have guns.”


Do as I say, not as I do.


"Yee wants to make it illegal for the average person to buy guns but he will gladly sell anyone guns from terrorists so anyone can sell them to other terrorists."



"It what would surely place his likeness prominently on the Mt. Rushmore of hypocrisy if the allegations are proven in a court of law, famously anti-gun California state Senator Leland Yee has been charged with, in addition to bribery and public corruption…yes…gun running. Specifically, he allegedly conspired with known organized crime lord Kwok Cheung “Shrimp Boy” Chow to illegally import firearms into the U.S. and sell them without a license . . ."




Source: above link

Tweets from Yee:

Once again @NRA uses lies & distortion to try stopping commonsense #GunControl bill #CA.
— Leland Yee (@LelandYee) August 3, 2012

Thank you @PiersMorgan for your commitment and passion to ending gun violence. We must never forget Sandy Hook.
— Leland Yee (@LelandYee) December 21, 2012

4 weeks after Newtown I’m still shocked & prepared to take steps to stop gun violence, close assault weapon loopholes. January 14, 2013
Of course you're prepared Mr. Yee. But I guess you ended up... jumping the gun. :cool:



Oh, and just in case you forgot -- he wants to outlaw violent games too.


"In a turn of events that sound an awful lot like something out of grand Theft Auto, a prominent politician has been arrested on corruption, gun-running and money laundering charges. The irony here is that it's California Democratic Senator Leland Yee, who was a vocal supporter of gun regulation and also authored AB-1179, the (defeated) bill that would outlaw the sale of violent video games to the Golden State's minors.

As the San Francisco Chronicle reports, the arrest was part of a lengthy sting that brought in some 26 other perps and even involved Yee taking campaign donations from an FBI agent posing as a mafioso. Yee's out on a $500,000 bond according to SF Weekly, but he's due back in court next week and is facing 16 years in prison."


Good thing there's armed people like us who are ready to stand up for your freedom... even when leftist gamers are ready to give up everyone else's.

Molon labe.


From the comment section:

"Don't just love hypocrisy? Sadly, it's not uncommon in these anti-gun politicos. While they're stripping you of your right to own a firearm, they're surrounded by armed bodyguards, and have armed bodyguards for their children, because of course, they're more important than the rest of us in the peanut gallery.

'Gotta say, though, this really takes hypocrisy to a new level, no?"

"If it was just him, I'd agree with you. However, the anti-gun crowd is overloaded with hypocrites. Rosie O'Donnell? Diane Feinstein? Michael Bloomberg?I (sadly) live in Illinois, one of the most anti-gun states in the U.S. By law, every member of the Chicago City Council is considered a "deputy", and allowed to carry concealed. Many high ranking council members have 24 hour armed bodyguards. Our "beloved" ex-mayor Daley has round the clock armed bodyguards."

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